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    sell eur/jpy 138.45 s/l 138.85
    buy usd/chf 1.1622 s/l 1.1592
    sell usd/cad 1.2440 s/l 1.2485
    sell eur/gbp 0.6927 s/l 0.6940


    • ВАРНА2

      Варна имаш каса бира от мен, касирах 200д от 50к а на вторите 50к сложих пстоп на плюс2п ама ми е разгонило фамилията със суап 75д ми е взело мамка му а дано падне до долният канал че да удължа отново


      • GBP/CAD

        Мне потребовалось примерно пять лет, чтобы научиться играть достаточно разумно, чтобы делать большие деньги в случаях, когда я оказывался прав.
        "Воспоминания биржевого спекулянта",
        Эдвин Лефевр


        • GBP/CAD

          Аз съм къс от 2.34 надявам се вече да се обърне.


          • EU

            FT reported that pressure on French Finance Minister Herve Gaymard to resign increased yesterday amid fresh wave of revelation about his extravagant living arrangements in a government-funded EUR14,000 a month luxury apartment. Weekly newspaper Le Canard Enchaine shocked the govt by publishing a second series of embarrassing details about Mr Gaymard's apartment for the second consecutive week. French Government ministers appeared concerns that the scandal could undermine Gaymard efforts to emphasis the needs for rigourous budgetary discipline to rein in France's huge debts and reduce its public deficit. Market will monitor any Gaymard news.


            • GBP/CAD

              toq canadec se e srinal malkol kato gledam sreshtu paunda 5 figuri i polovina za edin den sell 15 k za sporta ako ste hodi do 2.4 ste go chakam da se vyrne ;-))) pyk moga da dobavqm


              • Идейки

                Utre ima UK auction debt na 4 3/4 % Japancite nema li da pazaruvat ve4e?


                • Идейки

                  Къс съм USD/CAD ср.цена 1,2193 . Смятам да продам още на 1,2525 , на 1,2550 и на 1,2582 да му слагам стоп. Днес много ми дойде от него !


                  • Идейки

                    Затворих канадеца на +6 пипса. Сигурно ще съжалявам, но днес нещо ме притеснява тази двойка.
                    Дълъг съм във $/Франк от вчера от 1.1633
                    In the state of nature profit is the measure of right.


                    • Идейки

                      Благодаря !


                      • Идейки

                        Канадците досега позволяваха на пенсионните фондове да влагат само 30% в чуждестранни акции. Днес премахнаха ограничението, което може да означава, че някои от фондовете ще изкарат милиарди долари от канадската икономика и ще ги вложат в някоя по-доходна. Всичко това е хипотетично, но перспективата я има.
                        In the state of nature profit is the measure of right.


                        • Идейки

                          Canada Raises Spending, Forecasts Ninth Surplus (Update2)
                          Feb. 23 (Bloomberg) -- Canada's budget surplus will be close to a seven-year low in fiscal 2005-06 as the minority government cuts corporate taxes and raises spending on health care and the environment to win support from opposition parties.

                          Finance Minister Ralph Goodale proposed a C$196.4 billion ($159 billion) budget today that projects a surplus of C$4 billion in the fiscal year ending March 2006, the ninth straight year that revenue tops spending. The government cut its projected surplus for the current year to C$3 billion from C$8.9 billion, to reflect rising health and childcare outlays.

                          Prime Minister Paul Martin is raising spending to improve government services, win support of opposition parties and offset an economic slowdown sparked by a stronger Canadian dollar. The government expects the world's eighth-largest economy to expand 2.9 percent this year, down from 3.3 percent forecast a year ago.

                          ``There is a little bit in there for everyone, keeping with a minority government serving various'' interests, said Reid Farrill, executive director of foreign exchange at CIBC World Markets in Toronto. ``Tax cuts will be received well by Canadians of all incomes.''

                          The federal government has been boosting spending since November, leading to a 2005 fiscal budget surplus that will be two- thirds less than projected three months ago. Goodale's budget anticipates C$7 billion in new spending between November and March 31. The fiscal 2005 budget will close next month with a 12 percent increase in spending, the largest since 1983.


                          The Canadian dollar extended a decline against the U.S. currency after the budget was released, on concern the scrapping of a 30 percent foreign investment limit for pension plans will reduce demand for the dollar. The Canadian dollar traded at 80.26 U.S. cents at 5:11 p.m. trading, from 81.63 cents yesterday.

                          The budget raises spending by 2 percent in the year ending March 2006. Revenue is projected to rise 2.3 percent to C$200.4 billion, down from a 5.2 percent increase in the current fiscal year. Canada, the lone country among the Group of Seven industrialized nations with a balanced budget, hasn't had a surplus of less than C$7 billion since 1999.

                          The spending programs, which include more money for hospitals, cities, the military and day care, are needed to ensure opposition support for the budget. Under Canada's parliamentary tradition, Martin must quit or call an election if he loses the budget vote next month. Martin's Liberal Party is 22 seats short of a majority in the 308-seat House of Commons.

                          ``I'm a lot happier than I thought I would be,'' Conservative Leader Stephen Harper, who controls 99 seats in the House of Commons, said in an interview with CTV News. ``We're not going to cause an unnecessary election. The government is moving in our direction.''


                          Since last year's budget statement, Canada has committed C$11.4 billion in additional health care and funding for the provinces in the two years ending March 2006, plus C$700 million for a new national childcare program. These plans are aimed at appeasing the separatist Bloc Quebecois and the socialist New Democratic Party. Bloc Leader Gilles Duceppe said his party, with 54 seats, will vote against the budget because it doesn't offer enough social spending.

                          The military will receive an additional C$12 billion over five years, including C$2.5 billion for new helicopters and trucks and increased funding to expand the armed forces by 5,000 troops. Another C$600 million in federal gas tax revenue will go to cities for road and infrastructure upgrades. The government will spend an additional C$3.2 billion over five years to help companies reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

                          The budget also includes C$13.4 billion in new tax cuts for businesses and low-income earners by 2010 to help the government win support from the Conservative Party, parliament's second- biggest bloc with 99 seats.

                          Corporate Taxes

                          Goodale will cut the corporate income tax rate by 2 percentage points to 19 percent by 2010 and raise the basic tax exemption level by 25 percent to C$10,000, removing 860,000 workers from the tax rolls. It will reduce taxes it charges air travelers by as much as 17 percent, and remove limits on foreign investments in registered pension plans. The annual limit on tax- sheltered pension contributions will rise to C$22,000 by 2010.

                          The tax cuts may help revive consumer spending, said Annette Verschuren, President of Home Depot Canada, and chairwoman of the Retail Council of Canada. Retail sales fell 1.4 percent in December, their biggest decline since 1998.

                          The 23 percent gain in the Canadian dollar against the U.S. currency over the past 24 months has curbed exports, which account for 40 percent of the C$1.1 trillion economy.

                          ``In an environment like this, with pressure on exporters, (tax cuts) would be a real sign of confidence in our economy,'' Verschuren said. ``That would release money out there to spend and to stimulate the economy.''


                          With the Liberals ahead in the polls, the spending and tax measures should be enough to win opposition backing, said John Braive of TAL Global Asset Management in Toronto, who helps manage the equivalent of $28.5 billion of bonds.

                          ``Our view is the government won't fall on the budget and it shouldn't be anything more than a short-term concern,'' he said.

                          The budget anticipates debt will decline by C$6 billion to C$496 billion in 2005 and 2006, compared C$10 billion for fiscal 2004 alone. The country has cut its debt by more than C$60 billion since 1997.

                          Goodale promised he will continue to make debt reduction a linchpin of his fiscal policy in coming years. The 55-year-old finance minister has pledged to keep the country in the black for at least another five years and set out a 10-year strategy to cut federal debt to 25 percent of gross domestic product, less than half the goal set by the European Union.


                          Canada began to rein in spending in 1994, when the federal government posted a record budget shortfall of C$42 billion and the nation's debt rating was cut one notch to Aa1 by Moody's Investors Service. The government has since cut its debt to 39 percent of output from 68 percent a decade ago.

                          To ensure funds are available for budgeted spending, the fiscal 2006 budget will include a reserve of C$3 billion in case revenue falls short. If the reserve isn't spent, it will be used to buy back debt.

                          The government needs such contingencies to keep the budget from falling into deficit, Goodale said in the budget plan. For every 1 percentage point that growth misses Goodale's targets, the surplus will shrink by C$2.5 billion, the budget predicted.

                          Such precautions may mean the government will end the fiscal year with more unspent revenue than he planned.

                          ``The reality is they've usually paid down more debt at the end of the day than they indicate would occur when they make their budget statement,'' TAL's Braive said.

                          To contact the reporters on this story: Theophilos Argitis at (1) Kevin Carmichael in
                          Ottawa at

                          To contact the editor responsible for this story: David Scanlan at
                          Last Updated: February 23, 2005 17:31 EST

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                          • Идейки

                            PPP Какво точно изкараха можеш ли да споделиш , че здраво съм го скъсил и се чуде каде да слагам стопове ? Това за пенсионните фондове какво е ? Благодаря !


                            • Идейки

                              Ste vidim!!!


                              • Идейки

                                Това ми и на мен идеята. Ако не прескочи 1.2455 ще има здраво спускане, въпреки че северните ми съседи изкараха доста гнусни данни преди малко.
                                In the state of nature profit is the measure of right.

