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Валутна търговия - FOREX - АРХИВ

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  • Грийнспан

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan Wednesday urged Congress to curb the rapid growth of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, saying this was vital to cut the risks the mortgage finance giants pose to the nation's financial system.

    In testimony prepared for delivery to the Senate Banking Committee, Greenspan said stiffer regulation alone was not enough to ease, and could actually worsen, the risks the two government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) pose.

    "World-class regulation, by itself, may not be sufficient and, indeed, might even worsen the potential for systemic risk if market participants inferred from such regulation that the government would be more likely to back GSE debt in the event of financial stress," Greenspan said.

    "This is the heart of a dilemma in designing regulation for GSEs."

    But he proposed a solution.

    "We at the Federal Reserve believe this dilemma would be resolved by placing limits on the GSEs' portfolios of assets, perhaps as a share of single-family home mortgages outstanding or some other variation of such a ratio," the Fed chief said.

    Together, the portfolios of both companies amount to some $1.5 trillion. Greenspan previously has proposed that those portfolios be cut to $200 billion for each company.

    Shares of Fannie Mae (up $0.70 to $52.98, Research) and Freddie Mac (up $0.74 to $62.50, Research) both rose in morning New York Stock trading


    • Грийнспан

      Някой вчера му беше откраднал доклада и го публикуваха на няколко места. Няма да говори за Форекс. Основно ще е за проблемите във Фени Мей и Фреди Мей и че е нужна повече "дисциплина на пазара".
      In the state of nature profit is the measure of right.


      • айде може и след малко

        Canada dollar eases, bonds edge up, eyes on jobs
        Wed Apr 6, 2005 09:56 AM ET
        TORONTO, April 6 (Reuters) - The Canadian dollar slipped versus a generally stronger U.S. currency on Wednesday and against a backdrop of softer commodity prices.
        Bonds nudged higher, but were in search of more data to firm up interest rate expectations.

        At 9:40 a.m. the Canadian dollar was at C$1.2205 to the U.S. dollar, or 81.93 U.S. cents, down modestly from Tuesday's close at C$1.2178 to the U.S. dollar, or 82.11 U.S. cents.

        "The Canadian dollar is trading on the back of commodity prices and the relative strength of the U.S. dollar," said Jack Spitz, director of foreign exchange at National Bank of Canada. "Commodities, notably crude oil, is marginally lower based on Greenspan's comments yesterday."

        U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan offered no hints about monetary policy or the threat of inflation in a speech on energy on Tuesday.

        He spoke again on Wednesday, this time before the Senate Banking Committee about regulatory reform on government- sponsored enterprises.

        In Canada, a pair of domestic low-tier economic releases this morning was unlikely to sway the Canadian currency, but a lack of any other news may prove otherwise throughout the session, analysts said.

        The currency was little moved when Statistics Canada said the value of Canadian building permits issued in February jumped by 13.5 percent, rebounding from January's loss, and at a much greater rate than the 3.5 percent rise analysts had expected.

        The Ivey Purchasing Managers Index, due at 10 a.m., is expected to show purchasing activity in the Canadian economy expanded in March.

        Market sources estimate the index to come in between 60 and 66 last month, compared with February's reading of 63.4. However, since the index is not seasonally adjusted, it is prone to sharp moves and often discounted by economists.

        The Canadian currency has continued to stick close to the C$1.20-C$1.22 trading range of recent weeks as investors try to gauge the fate of U.S. and Canadian interest rates.

        Analysts were also keeping an eye on Ottawa and whether the minority Liberals can appease opposition parties and prevent a defeat of the federal budget which would trigger a snap election and unsettle the market.
        Това не е предпоставка за търговия!!


        • айде може и след малко

          сега не е момента


          • Грийнспан

            By Justyna Pawlak
            LONDON (Reuters) - The dollar fell more than a cent from the previous session's two-month high against the euro on Wednesday as traders locked in profits.

            With little news hitting the screens, investors booked trading gains amid concerns the rally might have gone too far.

            Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan stoked such concerns on Tuesday when he failed to mention the threat of inflation while he talked about soaring oil prices.

            "Greenspan did not sound the inflation warning alarms on account of oil so maybe some profit-taking evolved from there," said Peter Fontaine, currency strategist at KBC in Brussels.

            "Some people in the market are looking at what has been done and thinking that a bit of profit-taking wouldn't hurt," he said.

            By 0600 EDT, the euro fetched around $1.2889, up a quarter percent from late New York trade. It hit a two-month low just below a key support level of $1.2800 on Tuesday.

            The dollar bought around 108.35 yen, 0.2 percent less than late in New York and compared with 5-month highs near 109 set on Tuesday.

            Greenspan speaks for a second time this week at 0930 EDT when he testifies on regulatory reform of government-sponsored enterprises before the Senate Banking Committee.

            "I think the dollar's still in a strengthening period. We've seen quite a bit of profit-taking in the past 24 hours, particularly against the yen but I think it will be short-lived," said Adam Myers, foreign exchange strategist at Societe Generale in London.

            "The reforms will encourage more foreign investment into (U.S.) agency debt we think, so you could get a positive run on the dollar following his comments," Myers said
            Това не е предпоставка за търговия!!


            • висока лихва

              Може ли някой без много да го затруднявам да рови по историята, да ми каже колко дава неговия брокер за високолихвените двойки - NZD, AUD, GBP от една страна и JPY, CHF, EUR от другата. Става въпрос за един ден примерно за 100000 за положителната посока? Знам че се променя с промяната на курса, но примерно за снощи ако е държал някой такава двойка. Искам да съпоставя пък не ми се отварят демо акаунти само затова.
              На трейдъра са:
              17,50 лв / 100000 NZD/JPY
              16.70 лв / -100000 CHF/NZD
              15.00 лв / -100000 EUR/AUD


              • Грийнспан

                Алън май след 5 мин ще приказва.аде ако някой разбере да ко е казал да пише


                • Позиции-Mizuho

                  Виждал ли е някой анализ на Мizuho oт последните дни ?


                  • Позиции PPP

                    и аз шортнах отново паундйена


                    • Позиции PPP

                      Fed adds reserves via overnight system repos
                      Wed Apr 6, 2005 09:36 AM ET
                      NEW YORK, April 6 (Reuters) - The Federal Reserve said on Wednesday it added temporary reserves to the banking system through overnight system repurchase agreements.
                      Fed funds last traded at 2.75 percent, the Fed's target for the rate on overnight loans between banks.

                      Further details of the operations are available at:

                      © Reuters 2005. All Rights Reserved.
                      Това не е предпоставка за търговия!!


                      • Позиции PPP

                        аз все още се въздържам от добавяне GBP/JPY че и при мен ресурса е по ограничен,пък и гледам в други двойки то ще слезе ама колко ще качи преди това, техника вече не важи много. 1о за AUD го купувам защото според мен ще поскъпва може би ще направи двойно дъно и ще тръгва нагоре и там съм предпазлив че да не станат някой сакатлък, респективано $ си мисля че скоро ще поефтинява и той петрола дядо Ал каза няма страшно .... има за всички има и доста данни за щатите който малко или много ще убият ентусиазма на мечките (EUR/USD) ще се почне старата песен на нов глас за япония ще излязат и добри новини колкото да ни напомнят че не е затворила кепенци което ще даде импулс и на йената че не е хубаво много да се застоява там. успех на всички!!!!


                        • Позиции PPP

                          И аз држа ,както знаеш,къс швейцарец,а и на П/Й см вътре от отдавна,та все се каня да удвоявам и все нещо ми връща рката от мишката


                          • Позиции PPP

                            Поздавления PPP

                            BROKE-спирам да търся крак-предавам се.
                            Казаха ми,че няма да стане.
                            Поздрави и успех
                            Това не е предпоставка за търговия!!


                            • Позиции PPP

                              Юлиане, имам да избивам от къс Швейцарец и дълго Евро (и двете все още отворени) така че - или всичко, или нищо Тази двойка по принцип не я търгувам понеже е много волатилна, но сега го правя именно по тази причина.
                              In the state of nature profit is the measure of right.


                              • usd/jpy

                                Продажба 30к от 108,75. Обща позиция 80к , ср. цена 107,80. Приготвил да скъся още 70к , но дебна удобни нива (ако ги видим).
                                Пожелавам лек и профитен ден на всички !

