Despite fears of contagion, analysts said Asia was generally well-placed to cope. Trinh Nguyen, a senior economist for emerging Asia at asset manager Natixis, said emerging Asian economies had “ample foreign exchange reserves” relative to short-term debt, while many had current account surpluses that would support their currencies.
No announcement yet.
Will Turkey drag emerging markets down?
“Investor sentiment towards EM more widely can temporarily weaken, which is normal in periods of risk aversion, but such price action is not justified,” said Jan Dehn, head of research at specialist EM investor Ashmore Group.
“If asset prices decline in other emerging markets just because Turkey does not have its house in order this should be viewed as a buying opportunity and exploited ruthlessly.”
Първоначално изпратено от kubrat Разгледай мнение
Гледам архибомбаджията го няма, та го замествам за малко
Ако ги игнорираш от сметката ще видиш че нивата не са чак толкова в космоса.
Ма няма съ плашиш, докато се балоня се надува и музиката свири силно и правилно - хорото се играе.
Виж ако почне да дразне повечко слуха...друга работа.
Tesla going private? We have questions...
We have many questions. for instance:
1. How does the debt of a buyout provide less pressure than the stock market?
There is quarterly reporting and an incentive for short sellers to trash talk the company on Twitter, but that surely pales in comparison to the pressure to maintain bank/ bond covenants and make interest payments.
3. How do you finance $50bn(?) of new debt on a company with negative cash flow, big expansion plans and where analysts forecast a need for further equity raises?
6. How can public shareholders remain investors in a “private” company?
Musk said in his letter that shareholders “can stay investors in a private Tesla or they can be bought out at $420 per share, which is a 20 per cent premium over the stock price following our Q2 earnings call (which had already increased by 16 per cent)”. He also seemed to suggest a fund structure similar to that at his rocket company, SpaceX.
However, the problem is an SEC rule that a private company cannot have more than 500 shareholders of record. The Securities and Exchange Commission would surely look straight through the pretence of a private company structure, wouldn't it?
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Първоначално изпратено от pipbel Разгледай мнениеЕ айде де, айде де, някакъв пиклив половин % само имаме за покоряване.
Де го архито да хвърли майката на всички бомби...
Гледам архибомбаджията го няма, та го замествам за малко
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Натам отиват нещата...
Tesla likely to face SEC investigation following Musk tweets amid debate of market manipulation
Първоначално изпратено от pipbel Разгледай мнение
Тоя циркаджия няма ли кой да му свие солено сърмите за пазарна манипулация...
- 2 Харесвания
Ха-ха... Тъск... DJ Tusk...
"Those FT commenters who conflate Musk with Trump ('Tusk') make a telling point... for both men when challenged immediately turn to Twitter to vent, attempting to belittle and abuse their opponents."
Първоначално изпратено от Money Разгледай мнениеМъск и той като DJ Trump, много е силен на туитъра
С един туит дига акциите с 6.6%
Освен това както има много скъсяващи, така има и акционери с големи дялове, които смятат, че $420 e прекалено ниска цена и няма да искат да продават
Ross Gerber, founder and chief executive of wealth manager Gerber Kawasaki and another prolific defender of the business against its critics, told the FT he would not sell his stake, since he estimates Tesla is worth $95bn, or $571 a share, rather than the $420 a share proposed by Mr Musk.
The Tesla boss claimed he had “financing secured” for his buyout, but also tweeted that he wanted many existing shareholders to stick with the company after it goes private. How much money he has secured, in what form and from where, was a mystery — one which plaintiffs’ lawyers and potentially regulators will want to examine if he does not declare his hand soon.
Първоначално изпратено от dex Разгледай мнение
Пуснаха ги...382
Луда работа..Още не казва от къде ще намери парите.
Парите се говори че са от шейха гледай каква игра става по света а при нас скука
Първоначално изпратено от dex Разгледай мнениеДо кога ще е халт-а на Тесла?
Луда работа..Още не казва от къде ще намери парите.
Първоначално изпратено от Money Разгледай мнениеВиж го какъв идиот е тоя Мъск...
Това му е втория туит за деня...
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