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А ето и как би трябвало да е:

As the three PV cells are connected in series, the generated output current (I) will be the same (assuming the cells are evenly matched). The total output voltage, VT will be the sum of all the individual cell voltages added together (V1 + V2 + V3 = 0.5V + 0.5V + 0.5V = 1.5V), so the I–V characteristic curves of the three cells are simply added along the voltage (horizontal) axis as the current is common and constant. Using our 2 watt cell example from above, the maximum power point for this series string would therefore be: 6 watts, (1.5V x 4A = 6W)...

As the shaded cell causes a drop in its generated current. The unshaded good cells adjust to this current drop by increasing the open-circuit voltage along their I-V characteristics curves resulting in the shaded cell becoming reversed biased, that is a negative voltage now appears across its terminals in the opposite direction....
This reverse voltage causes current to now flow in the opposite direction through the shaded cell resulting in it consuming power at a rate depending on ISC and operating current, I. Thus a fully shaded cell will experience a reverse voltage drop under any current conditions and therefore dissipate or consume electrical power rather than generate it...
А ето как би трябвало:
Shaded PV Cell with Bypass Diode Protection

...Then although one cell is shaded (cell 2 in this example) the other two cells, 1 and 3 continue to generate energy but at reduced power. Therefore as seen in our previous example above, the output would be using our 2 watt cell example from above and assuming no losses through the bypass diode, 4 watts (1.0V x 4A).
Така че не би трябвало да пада в пъти.
Предполагам че в старите централи не са използвали никакви защити и за това казваш че пада в пъти.
То и още може да се направи, но то е предимно за батериите... А за батериите никой не може да каже по-добре от из...
