Новият Lehman Brothers?
Rout wipes out more than half the value of Adani firms after Hindenburg rpt
More than $118 billion was erased from the market capitalization of his 10 stocks since US-based Hindenburg claimed last week that offshore shell entities were used to inflate revenues
Total Says Exposure to Adani Is $3.1 Billion of Capital Employed
Загубата на пазарната стойност на Adani Group от 120 милиарда долара, след като Hindenburg Research я обвини в измама, приблизително се равнява на годишния инфраструктурен бюджет на Индия.
Rout wipes out more than half the value of Adani firms after Hindenburg rpt
More than $118 billion was erased from the market capitalization of his 10 stocks since US-based Hindenburg claimed last week that offshore shell entities were used to inflate revenues
Total Says Exposure to Adani Is $3.1 Billion of Capital Employed
Загубата на пазарната стойност на Adani Group от 120 милиарда долара, след като Hindenburg Research я обвини в измама, приблизително се равнява на годишния инфраструктурен бюджет на Индия.