Първоначално изпратено от hazard
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Иначе съм точно 120% на борсата и ката ден продавам путове. Алтернативата е шумата да гори. Явно съм внимавал по история и виждам доста сходни моменти с периода след ПСВ и невъзможните за обслужване дългове.
Нещо такова. Но то по интернет мога да намеря мнение в подкрепа на всякакви тези.
Billionaire investor Ray Dalio warned investors about the “flood of money and credit” and argued that asset prices will hold up against devaluing money. He wrote:
“Assets will not decline when measured in the depreciating value of money… I believe that with the enormous amounts of debt and money that has been created and will be created in the future, the most important thing to pay attention to is the value of debt and money relative to the value of assets and other currencies.”
For this reason, the legendary hedge fund manager sees no reason why stocks couldn’t trade at higher valuations.
“Assets will not decline when measured in the depreciating value of money… I believe that with the enormous amounts of debt and money that has been created and will be created in the future, the most important thing to pay attention to is the value of debt and money relative to the value of assets and other currencies.”
For this reason, the legendary hedge fund manager sees no reason why stocks couldn’t trade at higher valuations.