Какви са тия телефони от гугъл,сега да не вземе да фалира епъл...?
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Първоначално изпратено от absd Разгледай мнениеЗлатцето се засили надолу ....а индексите го следват-кой ли сбърка посоката?
Когато видиш че живееш в свят
Първоначално изпратено от Black and white cat-foot Разгледай мнениеCentral bankers have fostered a casino like atmosphere where savers/investors are presented with a Hobson's Choice, or perhaps a more damaging Sophie's Choice of participating (or not) in markets previously beyond prior imagination. Investors/savers are now scrappin' like mongrel dogs for tidbits of return at the zero bound. This cannot end well.
- Bill Gross
Един бонд се купува за да носи доходност а една акция за да правиш инвестиция.
Нито едното - нито другото е актуално в момента.
Когато си наясно че се налага централна банка да подкрепя някой пазар за да не падне...значи с тоя пазар нещо не е наред и ако знаеш само това и нищо друго естествения извод е че участваш в казино .Last edited by Iv_max; 04.10.2016, 18:38.
Първоначално изпратено от Pronto Разгледай мнениеIf you have common stock?
Central bankers have fostered a casino like atmosphere where savers/investors are presented with a Hobson's Choice, or perhaps a more damaging Sophie's Choice of participating (or not) in markets previously beyond prior imagination. Investors/savers are now scrappin' like mongrel dogs for tidbits of return at the zero bound. This cannot end well.
- Bill Grossdestroy racism, be like a panda – he’s black, he’s white, he’s asian and he’s chubby
Първоначално изпратено от Misho ILIEV Разгледай мнениеДойче...
“If you have a repo line with Deutsche, you don’t feel like you’ll lose money.”
Despite all the talk in recent years about ensuring big banks can collapse without state assistance, many on Wall Street see it differently. If push really comes to shove, they say, the German government will stand behind Deutsche. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has judged Deutsche the third most systemically important bank on Earth, they note — level with Barclays, BNP Paribas and Citigroup. Would Berlin really walk away?
“They will blink at the eleventh hour, so if you’re Goldman, say, dealing with Deutsche, why would you stop?” says one London-based analyst. “If you have a repo line with Deutsche, you don’t feel like you’ll lose money.”
Първоначално изпратено от Pronto Разгледай мнениеСпасяването на Дойче Банк е умряла работа и Меркел с право няма се хване на това хоро. Но няма и да се стигне дотам. Най-малкото на Обама му трябва една измислена криза баш преди изборите и при растящ рейтинг на Тръмп. Ще се сетълнат за 3-4 милиарда и всички ще са щастливи
Главният икономист на ЕЦБ:
But Mr Praet acknowledged that the longer the low rate environment persisted, “the greater the challenges for bank profitability will be”, adding:
"This is because many of the benefits of monetary accommodation for bank balance sheets, such as the concomitant capital gains, are unlikely to occur on a continuous basis, whereas the drawbacks are likely to remain in place – for instance due to the downward stickiness of interest rates on retail deposits, which implies a squeeze in net interest margins if lending rates and yields were to remain at their current low levels for long.
And the underperformance of bank equities may actually be testament to such concerns."
Despite these concerns, the central bank would not be forced to reverse on its accommodative policy stance until inflation has reached its near but below 2 per cent target, said the chief economist. Consumer prices inflation is currently at just 0.5 per cent.
A combination of weak growth, low productivity and falling levels of potential growth in the eurozone economy means “the constellation of very low interest rates will probably prevail for an extended period of time”, he said.
Първоначално изпратено от Jay Gould Разгледай мнениеБях писал още преди година-две, скоро преди няколко месеца пак и отговора е свързан с подобни исторически моменти като сегашния и с Третия свят.http://investments.dir.bg Глупавият проумява само онова, което вече е станало! - Омир