I’m stating the obvious here, but you are not Stanley Druckenmiller. You are not George Soros. You don’t run a hedge fund that makes macro bets and you aren’t a billionaire. You likely don’t have the temperament or the skill set to pull this off. This is not how regular investors manage their money.
And while they Druckenmiller is brilliant and has an amazing track record, occasionally he is wildly wrong about the markets. It’s just that he can afford to be wrong because he has billions of dollars at his disposal.
Don’t try to emulate someone like Stanley Druckenmiller. When he makes these types of calls you have no idea what’s really going on in his head or when he’ll decide to change his mind again in the future.
Bold macro calls are exciting but the majority of investors are better off ignoring them.
And while they Druckenmiller is brilliant and has an amazing track record, occasionally he is wildly wrong about the markets. It’s just that he can afford to be wrong because he has billions of dollars at his disposal.
Don’t try to emulate someone like Stanley Druckenmiller. When he makes these types of calls you have no idea what’s really going on in his head or when he’ll decide to change his mind again in the future.
Bold macro calls are exciting but the majority of investors are better off ignoring them.