е щом можеш да обясняваш на сламка пак е нещо Пепи и с боб действаше по едно време, нема лошо, кой-как може така ама некак не е много равновесно да исфучкаш непроверена техническата теза
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Прогнози и развитие през 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
Първоначално изпратено от bigswingingdickMore and more strategists are coming around to the idea that the economy is going to suffer a recession in 2008. One of those is Byron Wien of Pequot Capital Management
11. SOFIX & BG40 crashing more than 20% in H1 and rebound slightly H2.
Byron Wien -- dulgogodishen priatel na G. Soros..
Soros mu kazva slednoto vednuj:
'The trouble with you Byron is that you go to work every day and you think that because you go to work everyday you should do something. I don't go to work every day. I only go to work on the days that make sense to go to work... And I really do something on that day. But you go to work every day and you don't realize when it's a special day.'
Първоначално изпратено от съни(тя)The strategic investment case for Europe’s emerging markets remains solid in spite of the deterioration of the global picture, says Martin Majdaniuk, manager of the Baring Emerging Europe trust.
He believes the region has enough internal momentum to generate credible economic performance even if the US economy slows.
“The main investment themes in Eastern Europe currently relate to domestic demand and regional infrastructure, as most countries have plentiful funding and infrastructure is in need of some development.”
http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/8693187a-b...0779fd2ac.htmlМнението е лично - не препоръчвам нищо.
Първоначално изпратено от съни(тя)...таз година на мишката, дано разумът надделее)http://investments.dir.bg Глупавият проумява само онова, което вече е станало! - Омир
sunny -- jay gould,
pozdrasviavam vi za adekvatnite vkluchvania i osobeno za charts..
--- na BSE shte se useti shok ot padaneto na US, EU no 'internal momentum' bi triabvalo da ni zadurji nad vodata.. i suotvetno teoriata mi e che shte ima igrachi koito shte pochant da gledat novite EU chlenki kato idealni mesta za returns -- Romania, Turkey - vse potencialni mesta za razvivitie vupreki US recession..
... бих искал да видя прогноза от "незаитересован" person ...
...дали след голямо "ИХУ" - следва малко тиху
...или "всяка почивка за черния дроб го вади от форма"?
... аз залагам на второто... ... ще има големи вълни ...
Re: Прогнози и развитие през 2008-ма година
Дати: 09.01 - 14.01 24.01 - 18-20.02 - 03.03 - 14.03 - 23.04 - 23.05.2008http://investments.dir.bg Глупавият проумява само онова, което вече е станало! - Омир
The strategic investment case for Europe’s emerging markets remains solid in spite of the deterioration of the global picture, says Martin Majdaniuk, manager of the Baring Emerging Europe trust.
He believes the region has enough internal momentum to generate credible economic performance even if the US economy slows.
“The main investment themes in Eastern Europe currently relate to domestic demand and regional infrastructure, as most countries have plentiful funding and infrastructure is in need of some development.”