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Първоначално изпратено от ravnovesie Разгледай мнениеВсъщност вероятен кофти номер е да се окаже че цената е доста под настоящата цена и след това да направят увеличение отново доста под настоящата цена. Тогава тези 8 лева може да се окажат недостижими дълго време
Естествено, че е под пазарната в момента. Все пак беше публична информация каква е офертата на ЦКБ и на ПИБ.
Цветелина Бориславова не е тъпа, че да дава 4х повече от най-високата оферта. Според мен е дала не повече от 2.50лв на акция. Сега ще увеличат капитала, за да не трябва да се занимават с Грамърси. Заради тях май не приеха другите оферти и за това сега не се продаде цялата банка, а под 50%. Сега просто ще ги изолират.
Иначе банката си има доста проблеми с кредитите (главно малки фирми и строителни такива) и има бая неща за оправяне преди да я вдигнат на крака и препродадат.
Вместо да плюете по мажоритаря и да се облизвате пийте по едно за изпроводяк на песимистите. Ще ви дам причина:
- тази покупка е индикативен пример за инвеститорите (спекулантите) какво да правят
...Да си прибират версиите от другите борси - понеже и там печалбата не е гарантирана.
....и вместо да питат откъде са парите да се научат да печелят
Не искам да ви агитирам за каквото и да било - аз не притежавам (засега) от тия хартийки, макар да съм обсебен от банковия секторЗа спекуланта е вредно да чете новини и още повече анализи .
[QUOTE=Phoenixheart;1059091426]Шегуваш се, нали? Ето няколко примера колко надеждна и почтена е AIB:
Абе то и за Цветито бая неща могат да се напишат ама хайде... Убеди ме - ще си купя две акции и ще хапна един Събуей за 3 кинта че да не утрепам бюджета... И утре ако не са се дигнали акциите с един обед - ти ще ме черпиш.... (Майтап разбира се).
Първоначално изпратено от Пухче Разгледай мнениеПрекалено е мъгливо все още,затова и селнах вчерашните си покупки...Страх лозе пази
Първоначално изпратено от Phoenixheart Разгледай мнениеЦената ще се види след одобрението на БНБ, увеличение на капитала трудно може да се прокара без Грамърси, трябват 2/3 гласове. Иначе на какво се базират прогнозите на всички за цената на сделаката? Интересно ми е.
Първоначално изпратено от Phoenixheart Разгледай мнениеСпоред одитирания отчет за 2010 само малко над два милиона от кредитите са необезпечени.
Ама колко може да се вземе реално на обезпечението .....по текущи пазарни цени
Първоначално изпратено от Kosmonavta Разгледай мнениеМного странно - инвеститорите оценяват г-жа Бориславова, като по-надежден партньор от сериозна европейска Банка. Ще взема и аз да купя една - две акцийки...
Не е препоръка.
Insurance Corporation of IrelandThe Can of Worms at ICI was the headline in Business & Finance magazine on 8 November 1984.[8] Insurance Corporation of Ireland (ICI) was a wholly owned subsidiary of AIB when it collapsed in 1985 with losses of over £200 million that had arisen due to severe under-reserving and poor underwriting performance, particularly in its London office. Reinsurance business accounted for nearly half the company's income. ICI management were at fault for failing to closely monitor the activities of its London office, to find out what business was being written, whether adequate reserves were being maintained and to monitor the true profitability of the business. When it was discovered in November 1984 that ICI was operating below the statutory reserve ratio, a request for further capital was made to AIB - ICI had returned a profit of £80 million the previous year.
This collapse occurred at a time of deep economic recession in Ireland. The level of Government debt at that time was 116% of GDP. But the Irish taxpayer bailed ICI out of its difficulties. The Irish Government did so to ensure a continuation of the insurance business and to protect policyholders. AIB claimed that it could not resolve the problems of ICI without putting its core banking business in jeopardy. The investment of £85 million by AIB in ICI was written off and the cost to the Irish taxpayer was £400 million.[9]
John Rusnak, a "lone wolf" currency trader at Allfirst, racked up losses of almost $700 million during Michael Buckley's tenure as group chief executive. It was Ireland's biggest banking scandal and the fourth-biggest banking scandal in the world when it came to light on 4 February 2002.
The €90 million settlement that AIB reached with the Revenue Commissioners in respect of Deposit Interest Retention Tax evasion in 2000 was the highest tax settlement in the history of Ireland. The bank's internal auditor, Tony Spollen,[12] highlighted a potential deposit interest retention tax (D.I.R.T.) liability of £100 million for the period 1986 - 1991,[13][14] but Gerry Scanlon, the group chief executive at that time rubbished this estimate, describing it as "infantile". The Oireachtas Sub-Committee Inquiry into DIRT hearing on 27 September 1999 concluded that it was "extraordinary" when Scanlon told the Inquiry that he was unaware of the scale of the DIRT issue.
The Revenue Commissioners on 28 March 2006 imposed a tax settlement plus penalties on four former senior executives for their interest, while employed by AIB, arising from investments they maintained in Faldor Limited.[15] Faldor was an investment company set up in the British Virgin Islands that between 1989 and 1996 hold funds on behalf of these senior AIB executives as well as people connected to them. Allied Irish Banks Investment Managers then managed the funds in the company on their behalf; at the time Mr Gerry Scanlan was CEO of the bank.[16] Faldor subsequently benefited from inappropriate deal allocations, and artificial deals that amounted to €48,000 out of AIB Investment Managers' own funds.
Those cited include[17]:
Gerry Scanlon, chief executive AIB Group when this arrangement was in place, of Glenageary, County Dublin; tax and penalties amounted to €206,010.
Diarmuid Moore, former director of corporate strategy at AIB, Malahide, County Dublin; tax and penalties amounted to €51,044.
Roy Douglas, chairman, Irish Life & Permanent Plc and formerly of AIB, Howth, County Dublin; tax and penalties amounted to €53,245.43. was secured
Patrick Dowling, former deputy chief executive, late of Delgany, County Wicklow; the estate paid tax and penalties of €13,000.
In 2004 it was revealed that the bank had been overcharging on foreign exchange transactions for up to ten years. The overcharging affected 3 million purchase transactions of foreign drafts. Initially the projected amount of overcharging was €14m. However the bank has set aside €50m to cover the cost of refunds.
The Central Bank of Ireland published a report into an investigation of AIB Group concerning overcharging its own customers for FX transactions and deal allocation and other associated issues.[18] This revealed excess charges of €34.2 million, including interest. AIB failed to comply with the law for a period of almost 8 years and that certain staff and management were fully aware of this at the time.
The Central Bank of Ireland knew that Allied Irish Banks were overcharging consumers in FX fees but failed to act for a number of years. [19][20] They gave a parliamentary inquiry the "false impression" that they were unaware of it.[21][22] The whistleblower who gave the CBOI the information was requested to come to a meeting with them but was only invited to withdraw the allegations of wrongdoing and at the same time found himself removed from his position at Allied Irish Banks without any reason given. After his case was highlighted in the media, the CBOI officially apologised on how the authorities treated him, eight years after alerting them of overcharging.[23]
AIB announced on 27 September 2006 that the final outlay in respect of restitution and interest arising from overcharging amounted to €65 million and that this included a donation of €20.6 million on behalf of its customers to an unspecified charity that it was unable to identify. No employee or officer of the banks was disciplined.
Apart from FX, the Central Bank of Ireland discovered, following an anonymous tip-off, that AIB overcharged customers €8.6 million.[25] The account categories involved were:
Surplus Builder, variable rate mortgage product with savings: 4,200 customers impacted; financial impact €3.6 million
Student and Graduate facilities: 34,000 customers impacted; financial impact €1.4 million
Overdraft limit amendments, fees incorrectly applied: 24,000 customers impacted; financial impact €600,000
Financial & Leasing, early termination of consumer leases: 950 customers impacted; financial impact €230,000
Personal Savings Plans Products, loan discounts: 2,436 customers impacted; financial impact €196,000
Overdraft interest in Foreign Currency Hold Accounts, incorrect reference rate applied: 200 customers impacted
Merchant Terminal rental charges: 155 customers impacted
PPI Mortgage top ups: 573 customers impacted
Trust Funds' fees charged at double the rate for withdrawals, management fees and other charges: number of customers impacted not disclosed; period of overcharges 1972-1986, and into the 90s.
No regulatory action was taken.
Between 1989 and 1996, funds of certain senior executives of AIB at the time and/or related parties were managed by Allied Irish Investment Managers Limited (now AIBIM) through a British Virgin Islands investment company, Faldor Ltd.[26]
Faldor benefited from inappropriate favourable deal allocations, by way of artificial deals, amounting to approximately €48,000 out of AIBIM's own funds. We have no evidence to indicate that the beneficiaries of Faldor influenced or were aware of these allocations. AIBIM's own trading funds were also used to boost, through the unacceptable practice of artificial deals, the performance of certain clients' portfolios, other than those of Faldor.
Further inappropriate deal allocation practices relating to eight transactions in the period 1991 to 1993 were identified which adversely affected the performance of two specialist unit trusts, amounting to a total of €174,000, to the advantage of other clients. These were unrelated to Faldor. While the Internal Audit function of AIB did identify some inappropriate dealing practices in 1991 and 1993, there is no evidence that the Faldor account was identified in these audits.
No disciplinary action was taken against individuals involved in these practices at the time and compensation was not paid to the unit trusts affected. When this episode of law breaking was exposed a disciplinary process was put in place within AIB and compensation has been paid to those who were disadvantaged.
Tom Mulcahy, group chief executive of AIB from 1994 to June 2001, resigned the chairmanship of the board of Aer Lingus on 28 May 2004 following the disclosure of this matter.
In 2006, the Moriarty Tribunal published its report into the financial affairs of former Taoiseach Charles Haughey. Mr. Justice Moriarty found that AIB had settled a million-pound overdraft with Haughey on favourable terms for the politician shortly after he became Taoiseach in 1979; the tribunal found that the leniency shown by the bank in this case amounted to a benefit from the bank to Haughey. According to the report, the bank showed an extraordinary degree of deference to Mr. Haughey despite his financial excesses.[27]
Първоначално изпратено от BOBAN1 Разгледай мнениеЗдравейте
Според мен за цената на сделката най-много е повлияло колко и какви са несъбираемите кредити и какво и колко може да се вземе от тяхното обезпечение.Ако се знае това може грубо да се сметне цената на придобиване.
Това което се случва днес за мен е меко казано хазарт
Не е препоръка за покупко-продажба на акции
Първоначално изпратено от ravnovesie Разгледай мнениеВсъщност вероятен кофти номер е да се окаже че цената е доста под настоящата цена и след това да направят увеличение отново доста под настоящата цена. Тогава тези 8 лева може да се окажат недостижими дълго време
Според мен за цената на сделката най-много е повлияло колко и какви са несъбираемите кредити и какво и колко може да се вземе от тяхното обезпечение.Ако се знае това може грубо да се сметне цената на придобиване.
Това което се случва днес за мен е меко казано хазарт
Не е препоръка за покупко-продажба на акции
Първоначално изпратено от Пухче Разгледай мнениеПрекалено е мъгливо все още,затова и селнах вчерашните си покупки...Страх лозе пази