UK Landlords Are Paying 40% More Mortgage Interest Than Year Ago
Landlords paid 40% more mortgage interest in August than the same month a year ago, equating to an extra £4.3 billion ($5.3 billion), according to a report from broker Hamptons International. Mortgaged landlords handed over an average of 37% of their rental income to pay interest in August, up from 28% a year earlier.
- Higher payments are likely to keep rents higher, Hamptons says
- Landlords under pressure from BOE hikes and tougher regulation
Landlords paid 40% more mortgage interest in August than the same month a year ago, equating to an extra £4.3 billion ($5.3 billion), according to a report from broker Hamptons International. Mortgaged landlords handed over an average of 37% of their rental income to pay interest in August, up from 28% a year earlier.