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Софарма АД (SFA / SFARM)

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  • Донев на форум - Силата на инвестициите:
    "Основното нещо в момента е остарялото портфолио. През последните години, се опитваме да инвестираме в неща, които ни позволяват да разширим нашето портфолио, а не толкова в покупки на фирми. Имаме успехи в съседна Сърбия. Най-добри резултати имаме на полския пазар, където добихме два продукта, които много добре се развиват.

    Тези които са акционери и следят процеса знаят, че чакаме нещо голямо да се случи."

    - Явно не се е разпаднала работата. Аз лично предполагам, че покупката ще е някакво продуктово портфолио.


    • SEATTLE and VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Oct. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Achieve Life Sciences, Inc. (Nasdaq: ACHV), a late-stage pharmaceutical company dedicated to the global development and commercialization of cytisinicline for smoking cessation and nicotine dependence, is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Mark L. Rubinstein as its new Head of Medical Affairs. Dr. Rubinstein brings more than two decades of experience in clinical medicine, scientific research, and medical affairs leadership, with a strong focus on preventative medicine and nicotine cessation.

      As a seasoned medical executive and physician, Dr. Rubinstein’s expertise aligns with Achieve Life Sciences’ mission to provide innovative solutions for those struggling with nicotine dependence. His extensive career spans both academic and corporate settings, positioning him as a leading voice in nicotine addiction research and intervention.

      “We are thrilled to welcome Mark to our team at this pivotal time,” said Rick Stewart, CEO of Achieve Life Sciences. “His vast experience in smoking and vaping cessation, combined with his leadership in medical affairs, will play an instrumental role in shaping the future of our initiatives aimed at reducing nicotine dependence and improving public health outcomes.”

      Prior to joining Achieve, Dr. Rubinstein served as the Head of Medical Affairs at Blip, where he spearheaded the company’s strategy to help smokers and vapers quit through FDA-approved medications and digital support tools. He was also Vice President of Global Scientific Affairs at Juul Labs, where he led efforts to prevent youth usage of nicotine products.

      “I am honored to join Achieve at such an exciting time as we move closer to anticipated FDA approval and commercialization,” said Dr. Rubinstein. “Cytisinicline has the potential to be the first new treatment for nicotine dependence in nearly 20 years, marking a major milestone in the field. I am eager to contribute to the development of this breakthrough therapy, which could provide a crucial, long-awaited solution for those striving to quit nicotine and improve their health.”

      Dr. Rubinstein is Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), where he served on the faculty for nearly 20 years. His research, funded by the NIH and other prestigious organizations, focused on nicotine addiction in adolescents and smoking cessation interventions, resulting in numerous high-profile studies published in leading scientific journals.


      • Първоначално изпратено от dido_yord Разгледай мнение
        Share Price vs. Fair Value

        Below are the data sources, inputs and calculation used to determine the intrinsic value for Sopharma AD.
        Valuation Model 2 Stage Free Cash Flow to Equity
        Levered Free Cash Flow Extrapolated from most recent financials. See below
        Discount Rate (Cost of Equity) See below 7.9%
        Perpetual Growth Rate 5-Year Average of BG Long-Term Govt Bond Rate 3.0%
        An important part of a discounted cash flow is the discount rate, below we explain how it has been calculated.
        Risk-Free Rate 5-Year Average of BG Long-Term Govt Bond Rate 3.0%
        Equity Risk Premium S&P Global 6.1%
        Pharmaceuticals Unlevered Beta Simply Wall St/ S&P Global 0.46
        Re-levered Beta = 0.33 + [(0.66 * Unlevered beta) * (1 + (1 - tax rate) (Debt/Market Equity))]
        = 0.33 + [(0.66 * 0.460) * (1 + (1 - 10.0%) (36.30%))]
        Levered Beta Levered Beta limited to 0.8 to 2.0
        (practical range for a stable firm)
        Discount Rate/ Cost of Equity = Cost of Equity = Risk Free Rate + (Levered Beta * Equity Risk Premium)
        = 3.01% + (0.800 * 6.07%)
        Discounted Cash Flow Calculation for BUL:SFA using 2 Stage Free Cash Flow to Equity

        The calculations below outline how an intrinsic value for Sopharma AD is arrived at by discounting future cash flows to their present value using the 2 stage method. We use analyst's estimates of cash flows going forward 10 years for the 1st stage, the 2nd stage assumes the company grows at a stable rate into perpetuity.
        2025 3,52 Est @ -71.96% 3,26
        2026 1,78 Est @ -49.47% 1,53
        2027 1,18 Est @ -33.72% 0,94
        2028 0,91 Est @ -22.70% 0,67
        2029 0,77 Est @ -14.99% 0,53
        2030 0,7 Est @ -9.59% 0,44
        2031 0,66 Est @ -5.81% 0,39
        2032 0,64 Est @ -3.16% 0,35
        2033 0,63 Est @ -1.31% 0,32
        2034 0,63 Est @ -0.02% 0,3
        Present value of next 10 years cash flows BGN8,73
        Terminal Value FCF2034 × (1 + g) ÷ (Discount Rate – g)
        = BGN0,63 x (1 + 3.01%) ÷ (7.87% - 3.01% )
        Present Value of Terminal Value = Terminal Value ÷ (1 + r)10
        BGN13 ÷ (1 + 7.87%)10
        Total Equity Value = Present value of next 10 years cash flows + Terminal Value
        = BGN9 + BGN6
        Equity Value per Share
        = Total value / Shares Outstanding
        = BGN15 / 166
        Value per share (BGN) From above. BGN0.090
        Current discount Discount to share price of BGN6.02
        = (BGN0.090 - BGN6.02) / BGN0.090
        Learn more about our DCF calculations in Simply Wall St’s analysis model

        Много интересна оценка ;-)
        Не се излагай бе, човек, какви са тези небивалици. Не се ли извади заякът от ръкава с ачийв ...прошчай грегорий


        • Гледам, че Донев утре ще е на този форум:


          • Share Price vs. Fair Value

            Below are the data sources, inputs and calculation used to determine the intrinsic value for Sopharma AD.
            Valuation Model 2 Stage Free Cash Flow to Equity
            Levered Free Cash Flow Extrapolated from most recent financials. See below
            Discount Rate (Cost of Equity) See below 7.9%
            Perpetual Growth Rate 5-Year Average of BG Long-Term Govt Bond Rate 3.0%
            An important part of a discounted cash flow is the discount rate, below we explain how it has been calculated.
            Risk-Free Rate 5-Year Average of BG Long-Term Govt Bond Rate 3.0%
            Equity Risk Premium S&P Global 6.1%
            Pharmaceuticals Unlevered Beta Simply Wall St/ S&P Global 0.46
            Re-levered Beta = 0.33 + [(0.66 * Unlevered beta) * (1 + (1 - tax rate) (Debt/Market Equity))]
            = 0.33 + [(0.66 * 0.460) * (1 + (1 - 10.0%) (36.30%))]
            Levered Beta Levered Beta limited to 0.8 to 2.0
            (practical range for a stable firm)
            Discount Rate/ Cost of Equity = Cost of Equity = Risk Free Rate + (Levered Beta * Equity Risk Premium)
            = 3.01% + (0.800 * 6.07%)

            Discounted Cash Flow Calculation for BUL:SFA using 2 Stage Free Cash Flow to Equity

            The calculations below outline how an intrinsic value for Sopharma AD is arrived at by discounting future cash flows to their present value using the 2 stage method. We use analyst's estimates of cash flows going forward 10 years for the 1st stage, the 2nd stage assumes the company grows at a stable rate into perpetuity.
            2025 3,52 Est @ -71.96% 3,26
            2026 1,78 Est @ -49.47% 1,53
            2027 1,18 Est @ -33.72% 0,94
            2028 0,91 Est @ -22.70% 0,67
            2029 0,77 Est @ -14.99% 0,53
            2030 0,7 Est @ -9.59% 0,44
            2031 0,66 Est @ -5.81% 0,39
            2032 0,64 Est @ -3.16% 0,35
            2033 0,63 Est @ -1.31% 0,32
            2034 0,63 Est @ -0.02% 0,3
            Present value of next 10 years cash flows BGN8,73
            Terminal Value FCF2034 × (1 + g) ÷ (Discount Rate – g)
            = BGN0,63 x (1 + 3.01%) ÷ (7.87% - 3.01% )
            Present Value of Terminal Value = Terminal Value ÷ (1 + r)10
            BGN13 ÷ (1 + 7.87%)10
            Total Equity Value = Present value of next 10 years cash flows + Terminal Value
            = BGN9 + BGN6
            Equity Value per Share
            = Total value / Shares Outstanding
            = BGN15 / 166
            Value per share (BGN) From above. BGN0.090
            Current discount Discount to share price of BGN6.02
            = (BGN0.090 - BGN6.02) / BGN0.090
            Learn more about our DCF calculations in Simply Wall St’s analysis model

            Много интересна оценка ;-)


            • Първоначално изпратено от angelgarba Разгледай мнение
              Нещо се пече тука
              Пече се г-н Донев по екзотичните острови ,докато матряла лапа мухи както винаги

              Дивидента трапна бая масовик тук.Няма излизане 5г сега


              • Нещо се пече тука , Г- н Донев всеки ден пълни с акцийки за разлика от Доверие където тръгна и спря ...


                • За мен този символичен дивидент означава, че по-скоро ще има сделка. Ако нямаше да има трябваше да е в пъти по-голям. Само от Доверие Софарма получи 50М погасявания на заеми.


                  • Първоначално изпратено от tony1975 Разгледай мнение
                    дали не са се отказали от сделката, щом предлагат дивидент?
                    Така изглежда. Което може и да е по-добрата новина.


                    • дали не са се отказали от сделката, щом предлагат дивидент?
                      Sopharma proposed BGN 0.075 gross DPS for H1’24; shareholders to vote on new buyback procedure (POSITIVE)
                      Sopharma’s Board of Directors filed a GSM invitation for 25 October 2024, where shareholders will vote on distributing BGN 0.075 gross DPS from the H1’24 financial result. The total amount to be distributed should be c. BGN 12.4m (165.7m outstanding shares). The payout ratio stands at 55.8% while the annual dividend yield when accounting for the BGN 0.09 dividend voted in June comes to 2.8%.

                      The shareholders would also vote on new buyback procedure under the following conditions: not more than 3% of the capital per calendar year at a minimum price per share of BGN 1 and a maximum price per share of BGN 7.00 with 18 months term of the procedure. Note that the current buyback procedure has an upper price limit of BGN 6.50 while Sopharma has treasury stock of 7.46% of the capital.
                      Source: Sopharma; Commercial Registry; FFBH


                      • Първоначално изпратено от inta53 Разгледай мнение
                        Чичо ви е пуснал стотинките...
                        мдам, получих…
                        Мнението ми не представлява съвет за покупко-продажба на акции, облигации и други видове ценни книжа


                        • Чичо ви е пуснал стотинките...


                          • Achieve Life Sciences, Inc

                            Recent Highlights
                            • The FDA granted Breakthrough Therapy designation for cytisinicline treatment of nicotine e-cigarette, or vaping, cessation
                            • Completed refinancing and extended the maturity date of outstanding term loans with Silicon Valley Bank (SVB)
                            • Joined the U.S. Russell 3000® and Russell Microcap® Indexes
                            • Initiated ORCA-OL clinical trial evaluating long-term exposure of cytisinicline in people who smoke or use nicotine e-cigarettes
                            • Presented data from cytisinicline ORCA-V1 program at Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM) Annual Meeting

                            “We are extremely proud of the significant milestones we have accomplished over the last few months, including the granting of Breakthrough Therapy designation for cytisinicline for vaping cessation, which highlights the urgent need for an effective treatment to help the millions of people who are battling nicotine vape addiction,” stated John Bencich, Chief Executive Officer of Achieve. “Additionally, we initiated and are making great progress in the ORCA-OL trial evaluating long-term cytisinicline exposure moving us closer to our expected NDA filing in the first half of 2025.”


                            • Още малко ако падне и може да видим сериозно изсипване.


                              • Първоначално изпратено от Дядо Коледа Разгледай мнение

                                Телекомплект е синджир марка на Софарма, но косвено
                                Много синджири има мажовеца. Затова всички играчи притаени чакат и хранят
                                надежда някъде нещо да поскъпне от синджирите, да го махнат и да идат на друг който не е поскъпнал. Нещо като "тука има, тука нема"

