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A second fascinating implication is that today’s ultra-low interest rate world only looks bizarre if you take an edited vision of history. Yes, real rates are very low today compared with the peacetime years in the 20th century. But real returns on bonds and bills were much lower during the first and second world wars, tumbling to about minus 4 per cent (compared with 3 per cent for bonds in 2015, and zero for bills).
Returns on safe assets were also low in the aftermath of the two world wars, and they fell in the late 19th century, too. So, the authors suggest, instead of simply asking why real rates are so low today, maybe we need to ask “why the safe rate [was] so high in the mid-1980s”. The late 20th century might have been more of an aberration than today.
A second fascinating implication is that today’s ultra-low interest rate world only looks bizarre if you take an edited vision of history. Yes, real rates are very low today compared with the peacetime years in the 20th century. But real returns on bonds and bills were much lower during the first and second world wars, tumbling to about minus 4 per cent (compared with 3 per cent for bonds in 2015, and zero for bills).
Returns on safe assets were also low in the aftermath of the two world wars, and they fell in the late 19th century, too. So, the authors suggest, instead of simply asking why real rates are so low today, maybe we need to ask “why the safe rate [was] so high in the mid-1980s”. The late 20th century might have been more of an aberration than today.