Чак да е спаднал, не мисля. Ако вземем median household income, като по-добра метрика от средния доход (който в щатите си расте почти постоянно), излиза, че положението на средностатистическия американец не е мръдално от 1999г. насам
Median household income rose to $61,400 in 2017, up 1.8% from a year earlier, according to data released by the US Census Bureau on Wednesday.
Median income is now statistically tied with where it was in 2007 and in 1999, according to Census officials. (The agency changed its methodology so dollar figures prior to 2013 aren't comparable to current numbers.)
Median household income rose to $61,400 in 2017, up 1.8% from a year earlier, according to data released by the US Census Bureau on Wednesday.
Median income is now statistically tied with where it was in 2007 and in 1999, according to Census officials. (The agency changed its methodology so dollar figures prior to 2013 aren't comparable to current numbers.)
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