Някой се интересуваше за алтернативни криптовалути? Ето, благодарение на xorxor от биткойнтолк форума, кратко резюме на съществувашите към момента.
-BTC Bitcoin - first, strongest, most accepted, most mined, high volume market, stable value, a true currency
-LTC Litecoin - second only to BTC , faster than BTC, Small efficiency gap between GPUs and CPUs , ASIC - proof
-NMC Namecoin merged mined with BTC, used for alternative p2p domain system
-PPC PPcoin Proof Of Stake [very innovative, low energy ] , compatibile with BTC miners
-TRC Terracoin based on BTC, fast difficulty adjustment - miner-jump resonance resistant
-DVC Devcoin merged mined with BTC, 90% of generation goes to foundation, 10% to miners
-IXC IxCoin merged mined with BTC, premined 580k coins but still alive
-RUC Rucoin - reborn, both scrypt[like LTC] and sha256d , !warning! not opensource !
-NovaCoin - scrypt hashing[like LTC] , proof of stake [like PPC]
-FRC Freicoin still kicking, might be back. 4.89% anual demurrage. for the first 3 years 80% block subsidy goes to foundation, 20% to miners
-Qubic - coins are produced at the rate determined by quorum of miners, not set by developers.
-LQC Liquidcoin made to be very fast at constant difficulty, dead [pool closed, exchange closed]
-SC Solidcoin - dying (10-20% fee), designed to improove IxCoin, hard to be neutral on this one, 1.0 was a premine scam, 2.0 says BTC is pyramid scheme, correct me if I'm wrong
-GG Geist Geld experiment on BTC algorithm, how fast can it go? just for sience.
-TBX Tenebrix great idea of cpu-friendly mining with scrypt, but premined with 7.7milion coins - alive but little support due to premining
-FBX Fairbrix - Tenebrix without the premine, bad launch, alive but little support.
-I0C I0coin - ixcoin without the premine. Dead
-CLC Coiledcoin - some nice ideas, but killed in 51% attack
-RUC Rucoin - copy of bitcoin, only difference is that is developed in russian not english. now reborn much different
-TimeKoin - historical coin used to trade dialup time from ISP
-Beertokens -abitious [impossible?] try to stabilize price against commodity.
-BBQ BBQCoin - killed in 51% attack on launch, coin was a joke?
-MMM MMMcoin - Dead coin by notorious scamer SPMavrodi, named "yes we can" "my mozem mnogoye"
-DigiCash - historical try for digital curency by David Chaum, failed. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DigiCash
e-cash and e-money are part of / continuation of digicash . Possibly where Bitcoin came from.
Ripples (XRP) - ripple.com , no mining - all coins available at start 80% foundation and 20% develeopers , beta phase.
Amazon Coin - centralized private scrip launched by Amazon and pegged to USD, not cryptographic at all, just a name.
WEEDS never realy active and now dead - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?to...0830#msg300830
Groupcoin - still alive but never realy active https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=24813.0
More information :
BTC Bitcoin - http://bitcoin.org/
blocks every 10 min, 21 million coins will be available, difficulty adjustment 2016 blocks, hashing algorithm double-SHA-256 Reward 50 coins per block
LTC Litecoin - http://litecoin.org/ ; https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=47417.0
blocks every 2.5 min, 82 million coins will be available, difficulty adjustment 2016 blocks, hashing algorithm scrypt Reward 50coins per block
NMC Namecoin - http://namecoin.info/ ; https://github.com/vinced/namecoin
hashing algorithm double-SHA-256 Reward 50 coins per block
PPC PPcoin - http://ppcoin.org/ ; https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=101820.0
blocks every 10 min, non-deterministic coin supply, difficulty adjustment each block, hashing algorithm SHA-256 Reward varies on difficultycoins per block
DVC Devcoin - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=34586.0
blocks every 10 min, constant generation coins will be available, difficulty adjustment 2016 blocks, hashing algorithm double-SHA-256 Reward 50,000 coins per block,
TRC Terracoin - http://terracoin.org/
blocks every 2 minutes, 42 million coins will be available, difficulty adjustment 30 blocks, hashing algorithm SHA-256 Reward 20 coins per block
NovaCoin - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=143221.0
difficulty adjustment each block, hashing algorithm scrypt
RUC Rucoin - https://www.rucoin.org/ ; rucoin.us [unofficial], https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=48582.0
difficulty adjustment 72 blocks, hashing algorithm SHA-256d and scrypt, Reward 50 coins per block
FRC Freicoin - http://www.freicoin.org/ ; https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=89843.0
10 minutes block, difficulty retargeting every 2016 blocks,
IXC Ixcoin - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=36218.0
blocks every 10 min, 21 million coins will be available, difficulty adjustment 2016 blocks, Reward 96 coins per block
LQC Liquidcoin - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=60026.0
blocks every 10 minutes, no cap on coin supply, Constant difficulty of 0.5, Coin reward drops over time to a minimum of 1 coin
Qubic - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=112676.0
SC Solidcoin - https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/SolidCoin ; http://solidcoin.info/
GG Geist Geld - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=42417.0 ; https://github.com/Lolcust/GeistGeld
TBX Tenebrix - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=45667.0 ; https://github.com/Lolcust/Tenebrix
FBX Fairbrix - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=46528.0 ; https://github.com/coblee/Fairbrix
I0C I0coin - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=36425.0 ; https://github.com/kr105rlz/i0coin
CLC Coiledcoin - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=56675.0
TimeKoin - http://timekoin.org/ - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=88467.0
-Beertokens - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=9493.0
BBQ BBQCoin - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=93437.0
MMM MMMcoin - site is dead ; 30s between blocks, retarget every 1440 blocks. 0.01 coin block reward, fees "shredder" feature, 51% protection. Abandoned by developers
-BTC Bitcoin - first, strongest, most accepted, most mined, high volume market, stable value, a true currency
-LTC Litecoin - second only to BTC , faster than BTC, Small efficiency gap between GPUs and CPUs , ASIC - proof
-NMC Namecoin merged mined with BTC, used for alternative p2p domain system
-PPC PPcoin Proof Of Stake [very innovative, low energy ] , compatibile with BTC miners
-TRC Terracoin based on BTC, fast difficulty adjustment - miner-jump resonance resistant
-DVC Devcoin merged mined with BTC, 90% of generation goes to foundation, 10% to miners
-IXC IxCoin merged mined with BTC, premined 580k coins but still alive
-RUC Rucoin - reborn, both scrypt[like LTC] and sha256d , !warning! not opensource !
-NovaCoin - scrypt hashing[like LTC] , proof of stake [like PPC]
-FRC Freicoin still kicking, might be back. 4.89% anual demurrage. for the first 3 years 80% block subsidy goes to foundation, 20% to miners
-Qubic - coins are produced at the rate determined by quorum of miners, not set by developers.
-LQC Liquidcoin made to be very fast at constant difficulty, dead [pool closed, exchange closed]
-SC Solidcoin - dying (10-20% fee), designed to improove IxCoin, hard to be neutral on this one, 1.0 was a premine scam, 2.0 says BTC is pyramid scheme, correct me if I'm wrong
-GG Geist Geld experiment on BTC algorithm, how fast can it go? just for sience.
-TBX Tenebrix great idea of cpu-friendly mining with scrypt, but premined with 7.7milion coins - alive but little support due to premining
-FBX Fairbrix - Tenebrix without the premine, bad launch, alive but little support.
-I0C I0coin - ixcoin without the premine. Dead
-CLC Coiledcoin - some nice ideas, but killed in 51% attack
-RUC Rucoin - copy of bitcoin, only difference is that is developed in russian not english. now reborn much different
-TimeKoin - historical coin used to trade dialup time from ISP
-Beertokens -abitious [impossible?] try to stabilize price against commodity.
-BBQ BBQCoin - killed in 51% attack on launch, coin was a joke?
-MMM MMMcoin - Dead coin by notorious scamer SPMavrodi, named "yes we can" "my mozem mnogoye"
-DigiCash - historical try for digital curency by David Chaum, failed. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DigiCash
e-cash and e-money are part of / continuation of digicash . Possibly where Bitcoin came from.
Ripples (XRP) - ripple.com , no mining - all coins available at start 80% foundation and 20% develeopers , beta phase.
Amazon Coin - centralized private scrip launched by Amazon and pegged to USD, not cryptographic at all, just a name.
WEEDS never realy active and now dead - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?to...0830#msg300830
Groupcoin - still alive but never realy active https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=24813.0
More information :
BTC Bitcoin - http://bitcoin.org/
blocks every 10 min, 21 million coins will be available, difficulty adjustment 2016 blocks, hashing algorithm double-SHA-256 Reward 50 coins per block
LTC Litecoin - http://litecoin.org/ ; https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=47417.0
blocks every 2.5 min, 82 million coins will be available, difficulty adjustment 2016 blocks, hashing algorithm scrypt Reward 50coins per block
NMC Namecoin - http://namecoin.info/ ; https://github.com/vinced/namecoin
hashing algorithm double-SHA-256 Reward 50 coins per block
PPC PPcoin - http://ppcoin.org/ ; https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=101820.0
blocks every 10 min, non-deterministic coin supply, difficulty adjustment each block, hashing algorithm SHA-256 Reward varies on difficultycoins per block
DVC Devcoin - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=34586.0
blocks every 10 min, constant generation coins will be available, difficulty adjustment 2016 blocks, hashing algorithm double-SHA-256 Reward 50,000 coins per block,
TRC Terracoin - http://terracoin.org/
blocks every 2 minutes, 42 million coins will be available, difficulty adjustment 30 blocks, hashing algorithm SHA-256 Reward 20 coins per block
NovaCoin - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=143221.0
difficulty adjustment each block, hashing algorithm scrypt
RUC Rucoin - https://www.rucoin.org/ ; rucoin.us [unofficial], https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=48582.0
difficulty adjustment 72 blocks, hashing algorithm SHA-256d and scrypt, Reward 50 coins per block
FRC Freicoin - http://www.freicoin.org/ ; https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=89843.0
10 minutes block, difficulty retargeting every 2016 blocks,
IXC Ixcoin - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=36218.0
blocks every 10 min, 21 million coins will be available, difficulty adjustment 2016 blocks, Reward 96 coins per block
LQC Liquidcoin - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=60026.0
blocks every 10 minutes, no cap on coin supply, Constant difficulty of 0.5, Coin reward drops over time to a minimum of 1 coin
Qubic - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=112676.0
SC Solidcoin - https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/SolidCoin ; http://solidcoin.info/
GG Geist Geld - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=42417.0 ; https://github.com/Lolcust/GeistGeld
TBX Tenebrix - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=45667.0 ; https://github.com/Lolcust/Tenebrix
FBX Fairbrix - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=46528.0 ; https://github.com/coblee/Fairbrix
I0C I0coin - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=36425.0 ; https://github.com/kr105rlz/i0coin
CLC Coiledcoin - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=56675.0
TimeKoin - http://timekoin.org/ - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=88467.0
-Beertokens - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=9493.0
BBQ BBQCoin - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=93437.0
MMM MMMcoin - site is dead ; 30s between blocks, retarget every 1440 blocks. 0.01 coin block reward, fees "shredder" feature, 51% protection. Abandoned by developers