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What Is a Government Security?
In the investing world, "government security" applies to a range of investment products offered by a governmental body. For most readers, the most common types of government securities are those items issued by the U.S. Treasury in the form of Treasury bonds, bills, and notes. However, the governments of many nations will issue these debt instruments to fund necessary ongoing operations.
Government securities come with a promise of the full repayment of invested principal at maturity of the security. Some government securities may also pay periodic coupon or interest payments. These securities are considered conservative investments with low risk since they have the backing of the government that issued them.
Government securities are highly liquid instruments available both in the primary and secondary market. In the primary market, Government securities are issued through auctions (yield based or price based auctions) conducted by RBI.
Secondary markets are markets where government securities are traded after they have been issued or sold on primary markets. A liquid secondary market is an important source of price signals and is therefore essential for the orderly funding of government financing requirements.
Do US government securities trade in the secondary market?
Unlike Savings Bonds, Treasury Bills, Notes, Bonds, TIPS, and FRNs are transferable, so you can buy or sell them in the secondary market.