Гробищните паркове допринасят много за стабилния ръст на икономиката в Кочината. Изкопаването на гроб е вече 8 пъти по-скъпо. А нашите русофили още се чудят дали да заминават там, мислят си че няма да намерят доходоносна работа.
"In many regions of the rf, coffins have doubled in price, and in some even more. In particular, in ishim, tuapse, and pyatigorsk – three times, in sasovo, riazan region – four times, to 7,500 rubles instead of the pre-war 1,700 rubles, in bratsk, irkutsk region – to 14,500 rubles instead of 3,400 rubles. The cost of digging graves in yeysk and tuapse rose eightfold. Cremation in moscow has doubled in price: from 16,600 rubles to 37,700 rubles."
"In many regions of the rf, coffins have doubled in price, and in some even more. In particular, in ishim, tuapse, and pyatigorsk – three times, in sasovo, riazan region – four times, to 7,500 rubles instead of the pre-war 1,700 rubles, in bratsk, irkutsk region – to 14,500 rubles instead of 3,400 rubles. The cost of digging graves in yeysk and tuapse rose eightfold. Cremation in moscow has doubled in price: from 16,600 rubles to 37,700 rubles."