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Biden makes gains as Trump loses grip on traditionally ‘red’ Arizona
Arizona has long been a solidly “red” state. Two of its most famous senators, Barry Goldwater and John McCain, were Republican nominees for president, and in more than seven decades, just one Democratic candidate for the White House has won the south-western state.
But Democrats are increasingly confident that a coalition of moderate suburban voters and young, progressive Latinos will help Joe Biden become the first Democrat to carry Arizona since Bill Clinton eked out a narrow victory there in 1996.

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Biden makes gains as Trump loses grip on traditionally ‘red’ Arizona
Arizona has long been a solidly “red” state. Two of its most famous senators, Barry Goldwater and John McCain, were Republican nominees for president, and in more than seven decades, just one Democratic candidate for the White House has won the south-western state.
But Democrats are increasingly confident that a coalition of moderate suburban voters and young, progressive Latinos will help Joe Biden become the first Democrat to carry Arizona since Bill Clinton eked out a narrow victory there in 1996.