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След почти седем часови дебати #SOPA заседанието в Конгреса ще продължи и днес.
Утре, 15.12, ще е интересен и показателен ден - за тогава е предвидено в Палатата на представителите да се състои първо четне и гласуване на SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act). Ако мине следващата стъпка е гласуване от пълния състав на Конгреса. Въпреки че са направени множество поправки до момента, компании като Google, Twitter, Mozilla, Facebook, YouTube и т.н. са против SOPA
Поредната порция "сензационни разкрития"
и втория Lulz за деня
We are 99%. We are the working class that makes society function. We are not
intimidated by the States attempts to disrupt our resistance through unprovoked
arrests and harassments. As the violence of the cops, the courts, the FBI, La
Migra, and Homeland Security intensifies, so must our resistance: we will
continue to bring the ruckus on the streets and on the internet. We are
believers and practitioners of direct action against all governments,
militaries, banks, corporations, and police working towards our revolutionary
goal: the immediate dissolution of capitalism and the state.
Hackers, join us to make 2011 the year of leaks and revolutions!
"We will destroy laughing, we will set fires laughing, we will kill laughing...
and society will fall!!" - Renzo Novatore
и още едно за размисъл
“Bank Transfer Day” began about a month ago, an idea by a California woman who chose Nov. 5 as a target date for frustrated bank customers to switch their money to credit unions.
The Los Angeles art gallery owner posted the initiative on Facebook, urging friends to support not-for-profit credit unions in switching over. The movement went viral, and thousands of people are on board.
Last month 650,000 Americans joined a credit union, more than the number who joined in all of 2010.
Gregg Housh and Barrett Brown’s book about Anonymous, the online activism collective known for digital protests and acts of civil disobedience, has been sold to Amazon Publishing editorial director Julia Cheiffetz.
Преди 11 месеца атакуваха PayPal, MasterCard & AMAZON заради отказа да обслужват WikiLeaks. Призоваваха за бойкот миналия декември, никой потребител да не използва услугите на Amazon за коледните подаръци...след няма и година продадоха правата за книга на същия Amazon
Remember, remember the fifth of November...
Emails Expose the True Nature of the #Occupy Movement
My history with many of the key organizers of the “Global Movement for Peace and Justice” has allowed me to see right through the Mainstream Media and Democratic Party’s attempts to promote and build the #Occupy Movement as a “grassroots effort” which “spontaneously” arose.
I’ve known that the #Occupy Movement is nothing less than a current manifestation of an international revolutionary push in which I myself used to play a significant role. This “movement” holds at its core that America is the largest enemy to world peace and freedom. As many know, my views began to change in our movements’ efforts to help the residents of the devastated New Orleans 9th Ward. My experiences in leadership allowed me to meet and interact with many “relief” and “protest” groups from around the world. I ultimately came to the conclusion that many of these organizations and individuals were intent on destroying our country – I decided to expose them through working undercover with The FBI.
This movement has once again reared its ugly head and done just what it always does – convincing moderate Democrats to inadvertently provide cover, both physically and in the media, for radical efforts to damage our system and our nation. As can be expected, I’m part of a citizen-led effort to expose them for what they are.
The information we are releasing is a window into the core of what and who are behind the “Occupy Movement.” We will be going through this with a fine toothed comb and exposing each and every detail my experiences enables me to comprehend.
In this you will see the notorious global organizer against capitalism, Lisa Fithian, discussing doors and exits to “targets.” Like a radical Mullah, she has historically developed plans and strategies to illegally enter and shut down buildings and meetings – and found young idealistic youths to get arrested and gain criminal records that stay with them for life. And like a radical Mullah, she never is the one to carry out her plans.
Another email shows a key organizer and his aversion to working with “Jews.” As can be expected from the far Left, he refers to them as “Zionists.”
We will continue to sift through this information and much more and alert the public to who and what is attempting to destroy our nation.
We ask all concerned Americans to please sift through this data, just as the Washington Post asked concerned Americans to sift through Sarah Palin’s emails, so we might all better see what threats our nation faces.
Brandon Michael Darby is an activist who rose to international recognition for his role in co-founding and directing the Common Ground Relief organization in New Orleans’ 9th Ward in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Though once a prominent radical who worked with former Black Panther Party members, Palestinian and various other radical groups, his experiences led him to have a deep love for his country and to feel an obligation to support and protect its system. He once again gained international recognition for his role as an undercover operative in the FBI's Informant/Human Source Program, working with the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force and having directly participated in stopping violence against U.S. and Israeli citizens. Furthermore, his public stance of being proud to have served with the FBI and his refusal to be silent and enter the Witness Protection Program has been a source of controversy and outrage amongst radical Leftist groups
"Lisa Fithian is a legendary organizer who operates in the world of anti-globalism anarchists, antiwar protesters, and union activists; an advocate of aggressive “direct action” demonstrations, she protested the first Gulf war, played an important role in the violent shutdown of Seattle during the 1999 World Trade Organization meeting, was a key planner in protests at the Republican and Democratic national conventions in 2000 and 2004, and organized demonstrations at trade meetings in Washington, D.C., Prague, and Genoa."
След всичко, което натвориха Lulz/Anon само въпрос на време кога ще се случи обратното...е случи се
Now a computer expert has leaked thousands of emails from Occupy Wall Street organizers and told us he's identified members of the hacktivist collective Anonymous involved in the protest...
In a phone interview, Ryan sounded similar notes of conspiracy. He claimed that members of the hacktivist collective Anonymous are secretly calling the shots in the Occupy Wall Street movement, provoking police violence and waging a concentrated effort to spread misinformation. He said that the supposedly peaceful organizers were secretly violent. And, because no right-wing smear is complete without a terrorism connection, Ryan adds in a blog post that he had seen Occupy Wall Street posts on the Al Qaeda recruitment forum Shamuk and Al-Jahad.
Инвеститорите и политиците се отнесоха доволно посредствено към киберзаплахите, докато действията на разните Anonymous/Lulz/WikiLeaks не засеганаха такива компании като Google, Lockheed Martin, Citigroup и др. Преди време американски сенатори бяха искали Комисията по ценни книжа да се произнесе и да включи съответсващ пункт, тъй щото компаниите задължително да включват в отчетите си данни за проведени по отношение на тях кибератаки.
В обновените правила за разкриване на информация на публичните компании SEC казва, че компаниите трябва да разкриват случаите на атаки, които могат да доведат до финансови загуби.
The nominees for the Pwnie Awards 2011 are finally selected today.
Pwnie for Epic 0wnage
0wnage, measured in owws, can be delivered in mass quantities to a single organization or distributed across the wider Internet population. The Epic 0wnage award goes to the hackers responsible for delivering the most damaging, widely publicized, or hilarious 0wnage. This award can also be awarded to the researcher responsible for disclosing the vulnerability or exploit that resulted in delivering the most owws across the Internet.
Anonymous for hacking HBGary
If you have a externally-facing crappy custom CMS where you use the same password as your Google Apps administrator account, you probably don't want to go picking fights with any one hacker, let alone an angry swarm of them. As it turns out, HBGary did just that, and Anonymous delivered exactly 1.21 giga-owws to them.
LulzSec for hacking everyone
LulzSec provided many Lulz for all the hackers and security professionals around the world. They have attacked Fox News, PBS, Nintendo, pron.com, the NHS, Infraguard, the US senate, Bethesda, Minecraft, League of Legends, The Escapist magazine, EVE online, the CIA, The Times, The Sun; all the while generating a media fiasco and evading law enforcement.
Bradley Manning and Wikileaks
Bradley Manning (allegedly) and Wikileaks were instrumental in an international incident of massive proportions, embarassing governments around the world. And all this was caused by a Lady Gaga CD.
How many centrifuges did your rootkit destroy? How many national nuclear programs did your worm disrupt? How many 0day exploits and rootkits for equipment that no one you has ever heard of have you written? Exactly.
Гледам, обсъжда се тук и червея Stuxnet.
има 8 страници увлекателна история по разкриването на кода и целта му, която напълно заслужава да бъде претворена в книга и филм. За сужуление е на английски.
@ мейси/коки/clearly чак сега видях, че въпроса ти не е риторичен, а е поставен към мен. от очевидно зоркия ти поглед убягват други по-фундаментални въпроси: ако ген. Колев е агент на американците, то на кого е агент Гоце и коя служба е вндрила единия като началник на кабинет на другия? Другаря генерал, бидейки тогава началник на Генералния щаб на армията имал ли е на подчинение разузнавателна служба? Другаря генерал е предавал секретна информация, важна за нционалната сигурност или това е "разборка по понятиям" както казват савеЦките другаривсъщност няма никакво значение, защото нищо няма да се случи от тази пунта мара с "наш'то ФБР" - нито ще арестуват ген. Колев, нито той ще се застреля в кабинета си...за друго щях да пиша
"тяхното" ФБР задържа 16 човека, от които 14 са повдигнати обвинения за атаката срещу PayPal от декември миналата година
VIOLATIONS:18 U.S.C.§§1030(b),
(c)(4)(A)(i)(I)- Conspiracy,; 18 U.S.C. §§
I 030(a)(S)(A), (c)(4)(A)(i)(l), (c)(4)(B)(i)Intentional
Damage to a Protected
Computer; 18 U.S.C. § 2 - Aiding and
по обвинението за умишлено увреждане на защитен компютър максималното наказание, което ги грози е 10 години затвор и $250 000 глоба. За престъпен сговор - 5 години и $250 000. За подстрекателство и помагачество...
всъщност спомня ли си някой, че това тръгна като акция в защита на "мъченика" Асандж от лошата и несправедлива Система. защита на свободата на словото, срещу цензурата, срещу "лошите" компании и "корумпираните" правителства...Fox, X-Factor, Sony Pictures, Sony Music, FBI affiliates, CIA, PBS, Senate, UK Bank Machines, Bethesda, Sun, News of the World; let it flow.Pron.com, Unveillance, Arizona Police Department, AOL, AT&T, Battlefield Heroes, HackForums, Nato, US Navy, your mother. Who's next?