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  • Първоначално изпратено от B.Graham
    Пичове видяхте ли го това
    Бих казал, че карикатурата е проява по-скоро на лош вкус, от колкото на оригиналничене. Ама -както се казва- въпрос на вкус, на възпитание итн.


    • Първоначално изпратено от Peter(Petar)
      Първоначално изпратено от ST
      оттука нататък дано Весо недвусмислено да покаже кой е по-добрият
      Бих казал, че е по-коректно да се каже:
      "Нека двамата си играят играта, а пък нека спечели по-добрият".

      Иначе звучи някакси "фенски"
      И двете имат един и същ смисъл.Защото е ясно кой е по-добър
      Life won't wait for you.


      • Пичове видяхте ли го това
        Life won't wait for you.


        • Първоначално изпратено от ST
          оттука нататък дано Весо недвусмислено да покаже кой е по-добрият
          Бих казал, че е по-коректно да се каже:
          "Нека двамата си играят играта, а пък нека спечели по-добрият".

          Иначе звучи някакси "фенски"


          • Today there were two separate press conferences instead of a joint one. When Kramnik was al-ready sitting in the press conference hall, Topalov suddenly refused leaving the stage: «I will not go; I'll give a separate press conference!» Vladimir sighed with relief and said: «Okay, this is even easier for me», and spent half of the twenty prescribed minutes in lively chatter.

            – Thanks to Silvio Danailov, today we found out that you are a strong player! We were given the paper listing frequencies of your moves coinciding with Fritz9 main lines. It revealed that 78% of your moves were also suggested by Fritz. In the second game this number equaled 87%! How high this frequency was in today’s game in your opinion?
            – An exhaustive analysis, bearing in mind that in the second game we both blundered a mate in three! First of all, this 87% is total nonsense – everything depends on the time allotted to the en-gine for analyzing a given position. Secondly, Topalov’s percentages in San Luis, for example, were even higher. And, thirdly, it is clear already that the opponent’s team uses the dirtiest tricks to drive me out of my wits. I do not want to blame them; I just feel sorry for them. All these scandals can only harm chess.

            Everything that already happened and will surely happen later in the match must become known to the chess community, and Danailov’s conduct must be investigated by the Ethics Committee. I have never faced more unethical conduct with respect to organizers and me. I feel sorry for this.

            – Vladimir, the last week was indeed black for you: playing three Blacks in a row is a unique case in the WCC matches. Are you satisfied with sporting result of these games, and how do you assess their content?
            – I cannot say I experienced any serious problems in the first two games. However, today’s game was rather difficult; at some point my position was dangerous, and I was short on time, but then I simply outplayed the opponent. Maybe Black had some winning chances after the first time con-trol, but Veselin defended very accurately, and they evaporated…

            Three draws as Black is acceptable result. Everything goes according to the plan. Tomorrow I’ll finally have White – I almost forgot the feeling…

            – How could you explain your lengthy thought in today’s game?
            – Obviously, I ran into Topalov’s preparation. Veselin played his opening moves at machine gun speed. The value of moves in the position that occurred after the opening was high, so I took my time. If you haven’t studied certain position at home, you need a lot of time to grasp the essence of it at the board. Maybe I played too slowly, but I succeeded.

            – Technology is becoming dominant in our world, and chess is no longer the issue between one man and another man. What do you think about it?
            – Of course, chess has been changed much since the computers appeared; we even started to un-derstand it differently. I am convinced that all major events like world championship, etc., must be played under total control aimed against using external assistance. The earlier it happens, the better it is. This is like doping control in other sports. Here in Elista the players do not have even theo-retical chance to use external help. One requires very strong imagination for inventing stories like Mr. Danailov does. If the measures taken here are taken in other major tournaments, computer technologies will not pose a threat to chess. Otherwise anything can happen. I think it is time for FIDE to include such rules into their regulations. This does not require much investments; certainly not thousands dollars. Most major tournaments have sufficient funds.

            – You mentioned that you expect more dirty tricks from the Bulgarian side. Do you have any idea what to expect?
            – I guess you should ask this question on the next press conference. To be honest, I cannot think of anything my opponents can complain about.

            Immediately after Kramnik left the room, Topalov and Danailov came in. Silvio warned the journalists as if trying to leave out forbidden grounds: «Veselin will only answer the questions about today's game!» (see these questions and answers in the game notes – ed.)


            • Нашия просто го направи смешен.


              • оттука нататък дано Весо недвусмислено да покаже кой е по-добрият


                • Мале, мале, така се заплеснах в партиятя, че забравих да гледам форекса! Ама там нищо интересно не се е случило
                  He was born poor, died rich, and never hurt anyone along the way.


                  • Бляскава победа !!!!!!!!!! БРАВОООООООООООООООО


                    • Ave ostavi go Silvio - toi se nadiavashe kramnik da mu pusne - ama toi se okaza v kenzis - i Silvio pobesnia


                      • Наистина Веско игра страхотно. Усложни майсторски играта и се възползва майсторски от неточностите на Крамник. Крамник всъщност сам си усложни живота.

                        Ето това е истински шах, а не провокациите на Силвио.


                        • Aide pochvame go - topalka sled topalka za Kramnik - shampion shte mi stava
                          Caessar, Himkoto zagiva na toia Kramnik i Himko ne moje da mu udarji na oborotite tioa shitva kato na svetovno


                          • Наистина ли? Вече са равни в резултата така ли?


                            • Първоначално изпратено от Nikola
                              Уникално! Шапки долу! Ето в такива моменти се гордея, че съм българин!
                              Ти се гордееш, ама има маса боклуци, "българи", които яко го плюеха поне до сега. Дано да им се затворят устите поне за малко.


                              • Направо го разнищи нашия.Ако утре нямаше почивка повеждахме.
                                Life won't wait for you.

