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Предишният рекорд за най-студена зима на Южния полюс е бил -60.6°C през 1976 г. 1
Важно е да се отбележи, че въпреки този рекорд за студена зима, дългосрочната тенденция за Антарктида, както и за останалата част от света, е към затопляне 1. Учените подчертават, че една студена зима е интересно явление, но не променя цялостната тенденция на глобално затопляне 1. Citations:
- https://nauka.bg/yujniyat-polyus-sko...rirana-dosega/
- https://megavselena.bg/tazi-godina-e...-v-antarktika/
- https://bg.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%AE...BB%D1%8E%D1%81
- https://blitz.bg/lyubopitno/izumitel...ews993386.html
- https://trud.bg/%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%BD%D...8%D0%BC%D0%B0/
- https://www.peika.bg/statia/30_inter...zhniya_za.html
- https://megavselena.bg/stava-vse-po-...zhniya-poljus/
- https://www.360mag.bg/posts/116416
The coldest winter on record at the South Pole occurred in 2021. Between April and September 2021, the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station registered an average temperature of -78 degrees Fahrenheit (-61 degrees Celsius) 1. This was the coldest temperature recorded since record-keeping began in 1957, and about 4.5°F (2.5°C) lower than the most recent 30-year average 1.
- The average temperature from April to September 2021 was -60.9°C (-77.6°F), a record for those months 5.
- For the entire Antarctic continent, the winter of 2021 was the second-coldest on record 6.
- The lowest minimum temperature recorded during this period was -110.9°F (-79.4°C) at Russia's Vostok Station on September 30, 2021 3.
- https://www.livescience.com/south-po...-winter-record
- https://www.weatherandradar.co.uk/we...4-b488a1f9567a
- https://www.accuweather.com/en/weath...before/1028237
- https://www.earth.com/news/antarctic...bal-heat-wave/
- https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.9Q68LD
- https://edition.cnn.com/2021/10/09/w...nge/index.html
- https://www.washingtonpost.com/weath...winter-record/
- https://www.reuters.com/article/fact...idUSL1N2RZ1X4/