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  • GBPUSD M30

    По теория с по голямя вероятност движението трябва да продължи надолу.


    • KOKO

      Blagodarq ti mnogo!
      Naistina mnogo ne6ta ne sa mi qsni o6te, no 6te prou4a ne6tata i 6te opitam.


      • EUR/USD

        Оня ден постнах една идея която може да експерементирате ако нямате опит, на демо разбира се, ето я пак

        NFP trading made easy… Hopefully……

        3 things you can do when trading NFP (along with other data's associated with it)
        1--> don’t trade at all that day.
        2--> If you have a live trade on for some certain time and its giving you at least above 80 pips in gains... place a breakeven s/l and let it run...worst come to worst it'll be a breakeven, otherwise you can easily add 150-200 pips to it, or even better you can hold the pair for longer term, as the real directional move after heavy consolidation (which is mostly seems to be the case prior to the NFP data). So now you can be sitting in the trend and enjoying awesomely.
        3--> This is what I do. Since NFP is the not the only data on board (there are others as well), so they could be mixed out (good and bad), and hence the scenario could be ugly.
        So we have the good, the bad and eventually the ugly side of it as well. Add Green Span Speech and you have perfect recipe for a disaster. Now watch the charts for some NFP data, as soon as it comes out… the first move that u c on the 5 mins graphs is usually the fake one. The real story kicks in the nxt 5 mins charts…. If the high of previous 5 mins is not taken out in the 2nd 5 mins graph, it usually means the top has been formed… I sell with my s/l above the high of previous 5 mins graphs. And my limit usually runs for 140-180 pips from there… risk/reward is beautiful…
        However safer is still to watch the whole first 15 mins candle and then sell if the high doesn’t seems to be taken out… you probably won’t get a much better price, but still a good trade can be formed out. Vice versa if it’s shooting down initially.
        A plus point being Green Span speech, where he needed to back bush upbeat comments about the dollar and the twin deficit and you can form a clue where it’ll eventually head…
        The loss factor is still there. But if you compare R/R it’s worth a try to me…. And I do that almost every time. Sure I learned through bitter experience not to trade NFP, but this to me is much safer… and if it clicks, I just end up taking positions on other pairs as well w/o any prejudice. Off course when I’m in a very comfortable position in my original first pair and after a break of any major supp/resis on other pairs…. will i take positions.... at times ranging from 20-70+pips...

        AN EXAMPLE from February

        when watching teh 5 mins or the 15 mins candles. Keep in mind the close of the first initial candle needs to be way off from the high... since its NFP and we are considering 5 mins candles we cannot have a close to low below...3027 is a good enough close... for 15 mins candle the close is at 3019, which is a good close... remember we are talking about NFP....
        eg... High on first 5 mins candle of euro was around 3040, the close was at 3027, however i think it dipped till 3015 on the first 5 mins on the first initial 5 min candles.... so a good sense that there is quite heavy selling interest that lies there...
        now the close was at around 3027...on the first 5 mins candle. Since I was out and didn’t trade, I would have waited to short from around 3030/35 with s/l above 3058, since i was having first resistance showing at 3054... my limits would have been initially around 2850/80 region. s/l could still be 1 pip above the high of the first 5 mins candle... but to my mental satisfaction, it would have been above 3054 resistance.


        • EUR/USD

          Неселскопанската винаги генерира много движение но и изисква доста опит за отиграване, имам познати които са се специализирали и играят само на нея. Ужасната трагедия в Лондон, облагодетелства доста спекуланти като основните движения бяха в паундшвейцарец 400п надолу и 200 нагоре


          • EUR/USD

            Tolkova mnogo li?
            A Londonskata slu4ka nqma li da povliqe negativno na evroto spored tebe?


            • EliotWaves:

              Добро утро на всички !
              Би трябвало ти да кажеш.

              Успешен ден!


              • EUR/USD

                Работни места в неселскостопанският сектор, генератор на над 100п движения
                Евро долар 1.1920, според мен от тук ще гони 1.1960-80


                • EUR/USD

                  Dobro utro!
                  Kakvo 6te stava v 15:30?


                  • EUR/USD

                    Сашко, че ти какво интересно искаш да стане бе шемет? Я по-добре върви да нанкаш, да събереш сили за интересното в 15:30 ч.


                    • gbp/cad

                      za MIK gbp/usd pada glavolomno za6toto paunda zagubi ot stoinosta si ,a cad povi6i stoinosta si kam usd a pri krosovete zavisimosta e pravo proporcionalna


                      • EUR/USD

                        ziala ve4er ni6to interesno.


                        • EUR/USD

                          Abe,drug lud osven mene ima li?


                          • EUR/USD

                            niakoi moje li da mi kaje kak 6te se otrazi potrebitelskia kredit na USD,ako narasne ot +1.3 na +4.0 i viarno li e 4e prognozata za zaeti v neselskostopanskata sfera e da se uveli4at ot +78K na +178K?


                            • gbp/usd

                              buy 1.7425 stop 1.7395


                              • usd/cad

                                След такъв тежък ден, една бедна на сигнали нощ.
                                За мен - просто за протокола - usd/cad - sell сигнал на дневна:

