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Financial writer Bill Holter says there is a good reason some are pushing the idea of doing away with cash. Holter contends, “It’s not about the drug trade. It’s not about tax evasion. It’s really about capital controls. It’s about corralling the public’s funds into the banks. Then you go one step further, and they already put bail-in legislation into effect pretty much throughout the West. So, what they are doing is ring fencing your capital. If they really do away with all cash and all your funds have to be in the banking system, then basically you are completely controlled. . . . Individuals can be shut off because the state doesn’t like them.”
So, when will the powers try and go cashless? Holter thinks, “I don’t think the public would accept it if all of a sudden ‘boom’ they flip the light switch and say that’s the end of cash. . . . I think the public would revolt, and it’s not doable. I also don’t think there is enough time left in the markets to get it done. The cashless society will result from either a war or a collapse in the system. It will be part of the new system. That’s how they will implement it. It will be after something big happens.”
Holter says that “something” is going to be a global financial calamity worse that the Depression. Holter explains, “The whole system is going to collapse. We are going to have a bank/financial system holiday where institutions are outright closed. You are going to see bankruptcies and bonds going poof—just going away. This is what 2008 would have been had the Fed not spread $16 trillion all over the globe and probably much more than that. Now there is no central bank on earth that can ride in and save the system like they did in 2008. They have already shot all their ammunition. . . . When this collapse comes, there is nothing there to reflate the system. This is the greatest fear of central bankers since the 1930’s, and that is to have a deflation they can’t reflate.”
It gets worse because cashless will also mean negative interest rates. Holter says, “If we are in a cashless society, where are you going to go. You won’t be able to get your money out. . . .Banks will recapitalize themselves with bail-ins. If they would go to negative interest rates with a society that still has cash, then you would have people pulling cash out of their bank and putting it under their mattress. These central banks that are talking about negative rates are telling you they want to, and have to, debase the currency.”
On more rate hikes from the Fed, Holter says, “That’s true rocket science, no more rate hikes. Look what happened with just one rate hike. The wheels are coming off the car with just a quarter of a point hike.”
On gold, Holter says, “If you go back and look at it on a chart, gold and silver began their upward movement right about the time Japan started negative interest rates. The big scare was the Fed is going to tighten. The Fed is going to tighten, which is ridiculous. Even if they tighten 3% or 4%, which they can’t do because they would kill the economy, it’s still not competition for real money. You are looking at a currency that is debasing by that amount per year. Negative interest rates are telling you, you’ve got to get your money out of the banks because it’s a guaranteed loss.” Some of that money is finding its way into precious metals.
Гут поинт. Интересно, ако финансовата и банкова системи затворят за ваканция какво се случва с Златарските компании?!? Ясно е че без кеш флоу нема бизнес, ама все си мисля че при покачване на метала и златодобивите ще са в стратосферата (mid/long term)
Deutsche announced it is buying $5.4 billion of its own debt. Deutsche Bank has $70 trillion in derivatives (debt bets) while the German GDP is only $3.8 trillion annually. That’s leverage at one bank that’s nearly 20 times the economy of Germany. What could go wrong? Why are the banks trying to paint a positive picture about their banks? Could the banking sector be in trouble around the world? The simple answer is YES. Look out for negative rates and bail-ins coming to a bank near you in the not-too-distant future.
Deutsche announced it is buying $5.4 billion of its own debt. Deutsche Bank has $70 trillion in derivatives (debt bets) while the German GDP is only $3.8 trillion annually. That’s leverage at one bank that’s nearly 20 times the economy of Germany. What could go wrong? Why are the banks trying to paint a positive picture about their banks? Could the banking sector be in trouble around the world? The simple answer is YES. Look out for negative rates and bail-ins coming to a bank near you in the not-too-distant future.
Financial writer Bill Holter says there is a good reason some are pushing the idea of doing away with cash. Holter contends, “It’s not about the drug trade. It’s not about tax evasion. It’s really about capital controls. It’s about corralling the public’s funds into the banks. Then you go one step further, and they already put bail-in legislation into effect pretty much throughout the West. So, what they are doing is ring fencing your capital. If they really do away with all cash and all your funds have to be in the banking system, then basically you are completely controlled. . . . Individuals can be shut off because the state doesn’t like them.”
So, when will the powers try and go cashless? Holter thinks, “I don’t think the public would accept it if all of a sudden ‘boom’ they flip the light switch and say that’s the end of cash. . . . I think the public would revolt, and it’s not doable. I also don’t think there is enough time left in the markets to get it done. The cashless society will result from either a war or a collapse in the system. It will be part of the new system. That’s how they will implement it. It will be after something big happens.”
Holter says that “something” is going to be a global financial calamity worse that the Depression. Holter explains, “The whole system is going to collapse. We are going to have a bank/financial system holiday where institutions are outright closed. You are going to see bankruptcies and bonds going poof—just going away. This is what 2008 would have been had the Fed not spread $16 trillion all over the globe and probably much more than that. Now there is no central bank on earth that can ride in and save the system like they did in 2008. They have already shot all their ammunition. . . . When this collapse comes, there is nothing there to reflate the system. This is the greatest fear of central bankers since the 1930’s, and that is to have a deflation they can’t reflate.”
It gets worse because cashless will also mean negative interest rates. Holter says, “If we are in a cashless society, where are you going to go. You won’t be able to get your money out. . . .Banks will recapitalize themselves with bail-ins. If they would go to negative interest rates with a society that still has cash, then you would have people pulling cash out of their bank and putting it under their mattress. These central banks that are talking about negative rates are telling you they want to, and have to, debase the currency.”
On more rate hikes from the Fed, Holter says, “That’s true rocket science, no more rate hikes. Look what happened with just one rate hike. The wheels are coming off the car with just a quarter of a point hike.”
On gold, Holter says, “If you go back and look at it on a chart, gold and silver began their upward movement right about the time Japan started negative interest rates. The big scare was the Fed is going to tighten. The Fed is going to tighten, which is ridiculous. Even if they tighten 3% or 4%, which they can’t do because they would kill the economy, it’s still not competition for real money. You are looking at a currency that is debasing by that amount per year. Negative interest rates are telling you, you’ve got to get your money out of the banks because it’s a guaranteed loss.” Some of that money is finding its way into precious metals.
Майкъле,картинката е добра!Покрай нея научих много нови факти,но това по никакъв начин не променя мнението ми,че при предстоящите събития оцелели няма да има...
На мястото на Римската можеш да сложиш всяка една след нея и да видиш,че "Аналогията е пълна!" както току-що цитирах и отговорих на Макс в "Политика"...
Доказателство за доверие дава първо оня, който го търси!
Всички кризи идват от деструктуриране на производството и търговията. У нас сме от четвърт век в такава, макар да имаше временно просветление. Доколко световната икономика се деструктурира от натиска на щатския долар, от давлението на щатската твърда и мека сила и от деструкцията на глобална североатлантическата интеграция и доминация, тепърва ще се изяснява. Напускането преди половин век на златото като стабилизиращ фактор осигури бърз катастрофичен растеж, който временно укрепи интернационалното сътрудничество. Но взривното нарастване на икономиката предполага особено дълбоко гмуркане в застой и дори упадък на международната взаимообвързаност поради разкъсването на връзките на каскаден принцип между производствените, търговските и финансовите центрове при достигането на предела на растежа. Вероятно голямото отръскване от илюзиите ще започне в Източна Азия и оттам отрезвяването ще обиколи света. Горко му на долара. А златото отново ще царува. Но всеки цар може да бъде пленен. Следва революция.
Сашово в момента са точно на този хал..... не остана много време, когато жълтите ще продадат резервите си от $, а от там ще тръгне поголомно да се обезценява зелената шума и много народи ще глътнат вода.
Само за миг си представете, че $ не е вече световна резервна валута..... това до какви поледствия би довело.... и най-лошото е че САЩ няма да бъдат засегнати толкова, колкото други страни, които съхраняват толкова "безценно" тези хартийки.
Ако така стане САЩа са на чисто и са супер ама всички останали ше лапнат кожената тояга. Затова тези с доларите поддържат Сшовците (ЕС в туй число кинезите и джапанките тоже), защото те ше са най-губещи с в случая. Всички тези имат по над 1 трилион долареси в резерви. От друга страна пък една валута сама по себе си е куха тя няма стойност освен ако не е вързана с нещо, да но и това си има свойте консеквенции. Сега в света на вятърните пари валутите се мерят спрямо една друга и се налага да имаш резерви, няма как инак ако някой каже не не ти ща твойта повече тогава кво прайм В момента всичко е на "довериe" в нещо си, че тоя дет го е издал ти е обещал, че ше ти даде реален актив за това обещание
Да ти кажа само незнам колко време ше се поддържа тоя цирк, но един/една валута от резервните изгърми ли останалите са след нея ...
Сашово в момента са точно на този хал..... не остана много време, когато жълтите ще продадат резервите си от $, а от там ще тръгне поголомно да се обезценява зелената шума и много народи ще глътнат вода.
Само за миг си представете, че $ не е вече световна резервна валута..... това до какви поледствия би довело.... и най-лошото е че САЩ няма да бъдат засегнати толкова, колкото други страни, които съхраняват толкова "безценно" тези хартийки.
И още нещо за размисъл,Германия и други страни си поискаха от Кравария златото,в момента още си го чакат,ФЕД за 1 минута може да създаде необходимите долари и с тях да купи злато и да го върне ,защо това не става???
Става ама, тайно, щото ако е явно всички ще се усетят.
Златото няма да го забранят, но на границите ще го конфискуват. Цената ще расте пропорцоинално на кризата в доверието към правителствата. Но може и да има спадове, канадската банка щяла да продава резерви.
Ще продава ако има какво. Я виж тая графика на макс от 2000г.
Това е проблеам - че някоя оборигенска държава може да има планина от злато и никаква икономика. - Няма да я бъде спрямо държава която няма грам злато (като ресурс), но е много по-силна икономика. Извод - златото опорочава икономиките, не може да ги оценява !!! Още по-голям извод - не става за пари (дори и хартиени)
Ти пък от къде се появи умнико?
Sapienti sat - На разбиращия (и малко) му е достатъчно.
Златото няма да го забранят, но на границите ще го конфискуват. Цената ще расте пропорцоинално на кризата в доверието към правителствата. Но може и да има спадове, канадската банка щяла да продава резерви.