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  • психо съпротива

    те па зеха че пробиха


    • психо съпротива

      КОКО смяташ,че няма да пробият съпротивата при 1,317 така ли ??


      • E/D

        Хайде сега къси Е/д 1,3164 открита позиция 3к все пак може да има движение и нагоре още


        • Петър

          А късите паундйени от 200.4 какво ги правиш


          • КОКО ППП

            Прав си за Клинтън, но тоя поне е "оптимист"
            А иначе не е зле
            February saw stronger payroll growth than expected. Nonfarm payroll
            employment climbed by 262K in February following a downwardly revised gain of
            132k in January (prev 146k). It was the strongest payroll gain in four months
            and above expectations for a 218k gain, but only slightly above whisper numbers
            around 250k. Treasuries are higher following the news, mostly likely on the
            flat reading on earnings and the up tick in the unemployment rate. The
            unemployment rate ticked up to 5.4% from 5.2% while the workweek was steady at
            33.7 hrs.
            Nonfarm Payrolls 262k vs. 132k (prev 146k, est 218k)
            Unemployment Rate 5.4% vs. 5.2%
            Avg Hrly Earnings +0.0% vs. +0.3% (prev +0.2%)
            Work Week 33.7h vs. 33.7h
            Goods producing employment rose by 55k versus expectations for a rise of
            about half that. It fell by 17k in January. There was a 20k rise in
            manufacturing jobs after a 20k loss in January. Construction employment jumped
            by 30k after a flat reading in January.
            On the service side, payrolls expanded by 207k following a 149k gain in
            January. This was better than expected. 174k of those new service sector jobs
            came in the private sector. Retail jobs jumped by 30k while professional and
            business service jobs were up 81k, following a 24k gain in January. Government
            payrolls expanded by 33K following a 22k rise in January.
            Average hourly earnings were steady at $15.90 in February. From a year ago
            wages were up 2.5%, down from the 2.7% rise noted in January.
            The unemployment rate posted at 5.4%, up 0.2 pp from January. This is in
            line with its average in the second half of last year. The labor force grew by
            153k last month while the number of unemployed rose by 251k. This is curious
            given the drop in continuing claims. The participation rate was steady at
            Aside from the unemployment rate the report was very healthy. There were
            strong gains in several key categories within the service sector including a 30k
            rise in temporary help. The February increase in non-farm payrolls was well
            above the 12-month average rise of 184k, while wage pressures seem to be few.
            The steady reading on the workweek also leaves it in its recent range of 33.6 to
            33.8 hrs.
            Some Fed officials have cited nonfarm estimates of 150k to 200k per month in
            2005. While the February figure was above that, the January/February average
            puts it in the range at 197k. Overall there is nothing in the data to prompt
            the Fed to change course though it should minimize calls for a pause in the
            tightening cycle. Fed fund futures are little changed following the release,
            pricing in full odds of another 25 bps hike at the March 22 meeting
            with further 25 bps hikes at the May and June meetings bringing the funds rate
            to 3.25% by the end of the first half of the year. --


            • $$$$$

              na tiq 262 k da im se chudish sto ne iskat dollari stranna ptica e pazara


              • novini

                Добре, че случи на пътнически, Петре, че да не скачаш в движение :-)


                • novini

                  Имам и едни къси паунд/суиси но тях ще си ги пазя до 2.2280 1/2 и до 2.2140 втората 1/2
                  Успех на всички Спекуланти


                  • КОКО

                    КОКО, данните са "горе-долу"добри сравнени с плачевните данни от Европа, иначе са си гола вода. Добри бяха данните по времето на Клинтън, когато за 8 години се създадоха 26 милиона работни места. Припомням ти, че сегашният президент едва днес излиза на плюс, след повече от 4 години. До края на мандата ще е максимум на плюс 5-6 милиона, което е плачевно.
                    Но пък като погледна Германия с 12% безработица, и Франция с 10%, не знам какво да мисля. Ако не бяха дефицитите Е/$ щеше да е 1:1
                    In the state of nature profit is the measure of right.


                    • eur/usd

                      Командосите - на 3190.
                      Ще видим кой къде ще спи тази вечер...
                      ... И кой ще скача в движение...


                      • novini

                        КОКО - бях къс от 1.3118 със С/Р на 1.3127 и току що затворих дългите на 70
                        А в кабела съм дълъг от вчера ср.цена 1.9088 - Стоп/профита вече ми е на 1.9115
                        Успех на всички Спекуланти


                        • maiko,a?

                          niakoi spomena za stop na 1.3170 ...


                          • novini

                            po dobre ne


                            • novini

                              nzd/usd e 0.7305 prodava da si zema li ??


                              • novini

                                И аз мисля че ще ходим доста надолу, но първо ще ни "поразходят" до 1.9155 а след това надолу поне до 1.8880 -1.8790

