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    Само че сега аз се чудя къде да ги затворя че стана днеска една голяма каша от не изпипани входове )
    за еврото не виждам как ще мине над 1.297 - нищо че ми се иска ..
    Умната !!!
    И не обръ'айте внимание на разни дето нямат друга работа освен критика !!!


    • EUR/USD

      Кабела ще затвори над 1.90 а еврото над 1.30 но това са само първоначални виждания а не предпоставка за търговия


      • EUR/USD

        Добре :]
        мислех, че тук е място къдео хората споделят и се информират за нещата. Но както кажеш, той влака не знам от къде е минал, важното е да сме на него. Успех ти желая.



        • EUR/USD

          Dinobot ,виждам че можеш да copy/paste-ваш но не е необходимо да пълниш форума с глупави тълкувания на това как вчера влака мина през гара Подуяне!


          • EUR/USD

            Forex - Dollar shrugs off weak data as players focus on US rate hike prospects
            Wednesday, April 13, 2005 2:45:47 PM

            LONDON (AFX) - The dollar staged a fight-back for the second day in a row despite back-to-back weak US economic data, indicating that markets are more concerned about the prospect of rising interest rates in the country

            "The ability of the dollar to retain recent gains despite two major disappointments in US data, underscores both market positioning as well as market focus on US monetary policy," said Michael Woolfolk at Bank of New York

            Official figures from the Commerce Department showed that retail sales increased a seasonally adjusted 0.3 pct in March, against expectations of a 0.7 pct improvement

            Meanwhile, retail sales excluding the 0.7 pct improvement in auto sales, advanced just 0.1 pct, the slowest gain in a year, and way below expectations of a 0.6 pct increase

            Excluding both autos and the 2.1 pct increase in gas sales, sales fell 0.1 pct, the first decline in a year

            The dollar first faltered after the news, sending the euro to heights in the mid 1.29 usd level. But the knee-jerk selling soon passed to turn into fresh waves of buying

            The situation was a repeat of what happened on Tuesday when the US trade gap widened to a record 61 bln usd, a lot worse than expected. Then as now, US rate hike expectations came back to the fore to underpin the US currency

            The structural problems facing the dollar -- namely the US budget and current account deficits -- may be starting to lose importance in the eyes of the market, said Steve Pearson at HBOS

            The US Fed has been raising rates in quarter point increments and did so at its last meeting on March 22. More hikes are predicted to be in the pipeline, making the dollar an attractive buy. But the going has not been all one way for the dollar. Overnight, it suffered falls after the relatively dovish set of minutes from the last meeting of the US Federal Reserve's rate-setting body. The minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee meeting noted that "while short-term inflation expectations had risen somewhat, longer-term inflation expectations remained well contained", resulting in a unanimous vote for a quarter point increase to 2.75 pct

            There had been some speculation that the Fed may have discussed adjusting the rhetoric in its assessment for future rate hikes, including removing the wording that borrowing costs will be put up in a "measured" way. In the event, the "measured" pace for rate hikes was maintained, leading to some disappointment which dented the dollar. Following the data, the euro advanced back up to 1.2940 usd from 1.2910 before, while the dollar slipped back towards the 107 yen level. Elsewhere, sterling slipped after softer than expected labour market data diminished expectations that the Bank of England will raise the cost of borrowing in May

            Official figures revealed that average earnings, excluding bonuses, in the three months to February rose by only 4.3 pct from the previous three months, 0.1 percentage point below last month's figure and market expectations

            The rate-setting Monetary Policy Committee is worried underlying earnings growth above 4.5 pct may spark inflationary pressures across the economy. Meanwhile, on the unemployment front, the data showed the claimant count measure rose 11,000 to 828,700, against expectations of a modest decline. February's original 700 decline was also revised to show a 3,900 increase

            The statistics office said the March rise was the biggest since May 2003, although the unemployment rate was unchanged at 2.7 pct

            There was also some bad news on an alternative measure of unemployment, as measured by the internationally recognised International Labour Organisation

            The statistics office revealed that there was a 29,000 increase in this measure of unemployment in the three months to February, to 1.43 mln. "This suggests, if anything, that the MPC may well remain on hold for a little longer than we are currently anticipating, though we maintain our view that interest rates will need to rise a little further to keep inflation on track in the medium-term," said UBS economist Robyn Barnett

            London 1420 GMT London 1135 GMT US dollar yen 107.41 up from 107.27 sfr 1.2029 up from 1.1985 Euro usd 1.2891 down from 1.2931 stg 0.6817 down from 0.6837 yen 138.45 down from 138.68 sfr 1.5510 up from 1.5495 Sterling usd 1.8912 down from 1.8912 yen 203.10 down from 202.86 sfr 2.2750 up from 2.2666 Australian dollar usd 0.7771 up from 0.7735 stg 0.4109 down from 0.4115 yen 83.46 up from 83.98 ss/ COPYRIGHT Copyright AFX News Limited 2005. All rights reserved

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            AFX News and the AFX Financial News logo are registered trademarks of AFX News Limited For more information and to contact AFX: and


            • EUR/USD

              На 1.2730 има в предвид х10 добавка, от там дори и да не съм прав за моят план А, аз в момента бачкам по плон В, то пак ще има корекция и ще изляза на плюс, но пробие ли 2650 тогава картината става друга....и ще изляза с 12к загуба


              • EUR/USD

                Ами то все едно,че си без стоп )
                Аз не съм ги поставил,но за мен изход ще бъде под 1.2779.
                Това не е предпоставка за търговия!!


                • EUR/USD

                  Прото е прав но аз вече не се вързвам и си играя играта със стопове под 1.2650


                  • EUR/USD

                    Струва ми се,че искат да изтръскат всички,които искат да се качат на влака!!
                    Ще има много обири още,както казва Прото от форума на СТС.
                    Ако наистина стане дясно рамо,ОЧАКВАМ да бъде една дълга зиг заг форма,
                    за да не може да се разбере,кога ще е за нагоре.

                    Това са свободни расъждения!! и НЕ СА ПРЕДПОСТАВКА ЗА ТЪРГОВИЯ!!!!
                    Поздрави и успех
                    Това не е предпоставка за търговия!!


                    • EUR/USD

                      Марио и на мен ми се привиждат подобни неща ама да видим


                      • EUR/USD

                        Може и само да ми се превижда !!
                        Това не е предпоставка за търговия!!


                        • Позиции - GBP/JPY

                          Юлиане за надолу е. Аз преди няколко часа затворих 100к на 203 за +100 пипса. Това е за втори път тази седмица. В момента си държа 100к къси от 203 и имам поставен ордер за нови 100к къси от 204.
                          In the state of nature profit is the measure of right.


                          • GBP/JPY

                            Двойката си е за надолу, аз влязох само за 100п заради дъното 202.65 което ми позволява стоп на 202.6


                            • GBP/JPY

                              За разлика от КОКО,аз нямам смелост да вляза засега длги на двойката,но за сметка на това затворих позицията на +20п.Е,не можах да си избия СУАП-а,ама ще почакам ,за да вляза къси на нива над 204,ако има такива.


                              • EURUSD

                                ima i pod spirki ama sled malko

