Войната за биткойн изглежда навлиза в нова фаза. Все повече банки отказват да правят преводи към биткойн борсите. Все още няма отчетен такъв случай за европейска банка, но вече има документирани откази в САЩ, Израел, Австралия и Великобритания. Текстът с който се уведобява клиентът на банката е горе-долу сходен с този:
Странното е, че по същество банката отказва правото ти да се разпореждаш със собствените си пари и започва да те наставлява за какво и как да ги харчиш, без разбира се да си ги питал... Голям купон предстои...
From a check made in the bank it seems that your account contains activity involved with virtual currency.
The activity is characterized by issuing wire transfer to a company called MTGOX, through which this currency is purchased.
Virtual currency is anonymous and unregulated. Trading them is not regulated and thus poses a high risk for the bank.
Therefore, the bank has decided not to allow such activity for our customers, until guidance/clarifications are issued by the Israel Central Bank.
You are requested to stop any such activity.
We inform you that if you do not comply, we will have to refuse any activity directly or indirectly related to this area of activity.
The activity is characterized by issuing wire transfer to a company called MTGOX, through which this currency is purchased.
Virtual currency is anonymous and unregulated. Trading them is not regulated and thus poses a high risk for the bank.
Therefore, the bank has decided not to allow such activity for our customers, until guidance/clarifications are issued by the Israel Central Bank.
You are requested to stop any such activity.
We inform you that if you do not comply, we will have to refuse any activity directly or indirectly related to this area of activity.