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Запада си изпразва оръжейните складове със сериозни темпове. Дилемата вече била дали да продължат да пращат оръжия на Украйна или да да ги държат за себе си, щото скоро няма да имат.
А защо не си произведат нови би политал всеки? Е отговорът е в статията. Но предполагам повечето се сещате - щото всичко е Маде ин Чайна и американците са позабравили някои неща, а и нямат достатъчно машини и квалифициран персонал за производството на сложните ракети.
Малко цитати:
Pentagon officials say that Kyiv is blowing through a week’s worth of deliveries of antitank munitions every day. It is also running short of usable aircraft as Russian airstrikes and combat losses take their toll. Ammunition has become scarce in Mariupol and other areas.
This is presenting Western countries with a stark choice between pouring more supplies into Ukraine or husbanding finite capabilities they may need for their own defense.
Germany has declined to transfer tanks to Ukraine on grounds that it simply cannot spare them. Canada quickly ran short on rocket launchers and other equipment that the Ukrainians desperately need. The U.S. has provided one-third of its overall stockpile of Javelin anti-tank missiles. It cannot easily deliver more without leaving its own armories badly depleted — and it may take months or years to significantly ramp up production.
American economic leadership is no longer based primarily on manufacturing. Shortages of machine tools, skilled labor and spare production capacity could slow a wartime rearmament effort. The U.S. can’t quickly scale up production of Stinger missiles for Ukraine, for example, because the workforce needed to do so no longer exists.
Запада си изпразва оръжейните складове със сериозни темпове. Дилемата вече била дали да продължат да пращат оръжия на Украйна или да да ги държат за себе си, щото скоро няма да имат.
А защо не си произведат нови би политал всеки? Е отговорът е в статията. Но предполагам повечето се сещате - щото всичко е Маде ин Чайна и американците са позабравили някои неща, а и нямат достатъчно машини и квалифициран персонал за производството на сложните ракети.
Малко цитати:
Pentagon officials say that Kyiv is blowing through a week’s worth of deliveries of antitank munitions every day. It is also running short of usable aircraft as Russian airstrikes and combat losses take their toll. Ammunition has become scarce in Mariupol and other areas.
This is presenting Western countries with a stark choice between pouring more supplies into Ukraine or husbanding finite capabilities they may need for their own defense.
Germany has declined to transfer tanks to Ukraine on grounds that it simply cannot spare them. Canada quickly ran short on rocket launchers and other equipment that the Ukrainians desperately need. The U.S. has provided one-third of its overall stockpile of Javelin anti-tank missiles. It cannot easily deliver more without leaving its own armories badly depleted — and it may take months or years to significantly ramp up production.
American economic leadership is no longer based primarily on manufacturing. Shortages of machine tools, skilled labor and spare production capacity could slow a wartime rearmament effort. The U.S. can’t quickly scale up production of Stinger missiles for Ukraine, for example, because the workforce needed to do so no longer exists.