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    Ветеринарното острие на путинофилията смени плочата. Живеем в цирк.


    • Референдумите бяха от 23 до 27- нещо такова- какъв ли ще бъде резултата?? и кога е речта на путин пред думата


      • The British Were Harvesting Soldiers’ Organs During WWI

        Sep 22, 2022 Elisabeth Edwards, Guest Author Photo Credit: Universal History Archive / Universal Images Group / Getty Images
        A book by Canadian historian Tim Cook has brought to light some disturbing evidence regarding a British program that saw the harvesting of slain Canadian and British soldiers’ organs – often without their consent.

        In Lifesavers and Body Snatchers: Medical Care and the Struggle for Survival in the Great War, Cook shares a sinister past that was kept in the dark for over a century. During an interview with Matthew Galloway of the CBC, the historian shared that this obscure medical program was developed “to autopsy slain Canadian and British soldiers and to remove their damaged brains, their gassed lungs, their shattered femurs.” How was death handled during the First World War?

        The fighting that occurred during World War I saw around 8.5 million soldiers killed by either disease or wounds suffered on the battlefield, with other estimates placing the total at over double that amount. Highly-mechanized artillery, mustard gas and other innovations not only made the conflict more deadly than previous ones, but also impacted how the dead were treated. Neuville-St Vaast German Military Cemetery in northern France. (Photo Credit: Ullstein Bild / Getty Images)
        This sheer number of casualties had never been experienced before. Thousands of soldiers were buried on the battlefield in both mass and individual graves, often in the same spot where they died. In the early days of the war, the British Army had no register to note the burials, meaning many battlefields became filled with unmarked graves.

        Those lucky enough to reach a hospital before their death were buried in a cemetery near the medical institutions, often beside cemeteries that pre-dated the war. Unlike those that occurred on the battlefield, these burials were recorded in an official register. Wounded Austrian soldiers waiting outside of a field hospital during the Battles of Isonzo, 1915. (Photo Credit: Ann Ronan Picture Library / Photo12 / Universal Images Group / Getty Images)
        There was also the issue of identifying the dead, as many were rendered unrecognizable by the manner in which they died. The landscape itself also led to confusion over casualties, as heavy rain could turn battlefields into oceans of mud; accounts from soldiers who fought during the Battle of Passchendaele describe men drowning in flooded shell craters and sinking into the mud, never to be seen again. Organ harvesting during WWI

        Tim Cook, the chief historian and director of research at the Canadian War Museum, rifled through thousands of pages of documents that had been “accidentally” misplaced or mislabeled. His research revealed that a medical program initiated by the British saw the harvesting of 799 body parts and organs from deceased Canadian and British soldiers during WWI. They were then sent to London to be studied, before being returned to Canada. Stretcher-bearers carrying a wounded soldier during the Battle of Pilckem Ridge, 1917. (Photo Credit: Daily Herald Archive / National Science & Media Museum / SSPL / Getty Images)
        The program was intended to help teach doctors about the extreme injuries experienced on the battlefield, with the aim of saving as many lives as possible. Still, those running it described their work in incredibly morbid ways. One note Cook stumbled upon saw a doctor ask if a “brain that had been ripped apart by shrapnel” would be a good addition to their collection of specimens.

        Most of the bodies used in the program were not those of unknown soldiers. In fact, Cook found lists, which featured the names of those who’d had their body parts removed. When he cross-referenced them with other records, there were no notes confirming that they had consented to the harvesting of their organs.

        There weren’t even records that their next of kin was aware that their body parts had been removed. “There is no mention on their personnel file, so nobody knew about this expect for these secret files that I eventually found,” Cook said. “Their next of kin were not told that their body parts had been harvested.”

        Cook explained to Galloway that the lack of consent was far less egregious than it would be today, saying, “When you enlisted in the First World War in the Canadian Expeditionary Force, your body was basically owned by the military.” Britain’s harvesting of organs during WWI was kept a secret

        When WWI came to an end, how Canadians remembered the fallen didn’t line up with the harvesting of their organs. As such, the program was kept under wraps. The body parts that had been removed were preserved and sent to McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, where they were used as medical teaching aids for the next three decades, before being destroyed around 1960. Foot amputation at a Canadian base hospital during the First World War. (Photo Credit: Universal History Archive / Universal Images Group / Getty Images)
        More from us: A 500-Mile March By French Cavalrymen Helped Bring an End to the First World War

        While the research conducted helped save thousands of lives by properly preparing medical professionals for the horrors of war, Cook shared that learning about the morbid program affected him greatly. “To read about a private who was shot through the head and died 11 days later in agony, but before he was buried, his brain was extracted — it affected me,” he revealed. Elisabeth Edwards

        Elisabeth Edwards is a public historian and history content writer. After completing her Master’s in Public History at Western University in Ontario, Canada Elisabeth has shared her passion for history as a researcher, interpreter, and volunteer at local heritage organizations.

        She also helps make history fun and accessible with her podcast The Digital Dust Podcast, which covers topics on everything from art history to grad school.

        In her spare time, you can find her camping, hiking, and exploring new places. Elisabeth is especially thrilled to share a love of history with readers who enjoy learning something new every day!

        The Digital Dust Podcast


        • Първоначално изпратено от Tepix Разгледай мнение

          Тази новина е невъзможна при руснаците - там, чак когато свърши антифриза, почват с одеколона.
          Поне не пият белина


          • Първоначално изпратено от v_tin Разгледай мнение
            Американски войници не различиха алкохол от антифриз и сега се борят за живота си

            Двама са в критично състояние

            Единадесет войници от военна база на САЩ в щата Тексас са в болница, като двама са в критично състояние и се борят за живота си. Причината е, че са пили антифриз, който взели за алкохол, съобщиха армейски представители, цитирани от Ройтерс.

            Войниците от базата Форт Блис в Ел Пасо завършвали 10-дневна полева тренировка, когато в четвъртък се случил инцидентът, обяви офицерът за връзки с обществеността.

            Пробите, взети от пострадалите войници и анализирано при лабораторни изследвания, са от етилен гликол, наричан антифриз.

            Съобщава се също, че употребата на алкохол е забранена по време на полеви обучения.

            Поглъщането на антифриз може да причини тежка увреда на бъбреците и дори смърт.

            Във Форт Блис е разположена Първа бронирана дивизия с около 17 000 войници
            Тази новина е невъзможна при руснаците - там, чак когато свърши антифриза, почват с одеколона.


            • The CIA Lost Nine Cores of Plutonium in the Himalayas

              A seal inside the CIA headquarters in McLean, Virginia. File photo from 3/3/2005. (Photo by Brooks Kraft LLC/Corbis via Getty Images)
              Of all the things you don’t want to lose, radioactive plutonium cores are near the top of the list. But this is exactly what the US did in the 1960s. The story involves, unsurprisingly, a secret CIA mission that went awry, resulting in a number of plutonium cores being left in the Himalayas mountains. Today, the cores are still missing and are blamed by many for the recent deadly floods in India’s Himalayas.

              The cores were originally used as power sources for nuclear monitoring stations. In recent years villages near where the cores once were positioned have been severely impacted by intense floods, with one at the start of 2021 killing 50 people, and was said to have been caused by a piece of the glacier that dammed a stream. But some say these floods are not caused by nature, but by the plutonium cores in the mountains. Indian people look at a collapsed road and the flooded river in the northern state of Uttarakhand on June 17, 2013. Heavy rains lashed parts of north India June 17, resulting in the deaths of at least 26 people, as the annual monsoon covered the country nearly two weeks ahead of schedule, officials said. (Photo Credit: STR/AFP via Getty Images)
              While there is no concrete evidence that the cores are to blame for the recent floods, they certainly did exist and were positioned by a joint US-Indian mission. Keeping tabs on the Chinese

              The Soviet Union was the US’ primary adversary during the Cold War, but up-and-coming China was also on the US’ radar, especially after they detonated their first nuclear bomb. The People’s Republic of China managed to test its first nuclear weapon in 1964 at the Lop Nur testing grounds in China. The bomb produced a yield of 22-kilotons, compared to the 16-kiloton bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

              With China now a nuclear power and experimenting with missiles, the US was desperate to find out what they were dealing with. However, China’s test site was far from any country friendly to the US, so they had to resort to spying from the Himalayas.

              The CIA approached India and made an offer to gather intelligence together, which India accepted, having recently been at war with China.

              The two countries would spy on Chinese nuclear weapons tests with devices powered by plutonium cores. Power was generated by using the waste heat from the decaying plutonium. NASA has used similar methods to power Mars rovers.

              In 1965 a team comprised of Indian and US intelligence personnel climbed Nanda Devi, the tallest mountain located entirely in India, with a height of 25,000 feet. INDIA – CIRCA 2003: Nanda Devi (UNESCO World Heritage List, 1988, 2005), a two-peaked massif in the Himalayas, Uttarakhand State, India. (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images)
              Unfortunately, the climb was plagued with trouble, most notably the weather, and the mission was abandoned. The team was unable to install the device and left it on the mountain with the intention of returning the following year to finish the job.

              When they eventually did return, they were unable to locate the device. Subsequent missions made more attempts to recover the missing sensor and its radioactive fuel, but it wasn’t found. To this day the location of the device is unknown. Environmental hazards

              CHAMOLI, INDIA -FEBRUARY 07, 2021 : A view of the damaged Dhauliganga hydropower project at Reni village in Chamoli district after a portion of Nanda Devi glacier broke off in Tapovan area of the northern state of Uttarakhand on India, 07 February 2021. (Photo by Stringer/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
              The story first became public in 1978, and the Indian government had to release a statement backed up by a scientific committee to convince the locals that the device posed no danger. Despite this, rumors have circulated ever since that the plutonium-238 inside the device is an environmental disaster waiting to happen.

              Many fear that should this happen, the Ganges River will be poisoned by radioactive contamination.

              These worries were given credence in recent years as the region around Nanda Devi has been subject to intense flooding. In 2021 floods in the Nanda Devi National Park resulted in over 200 people missing or killed. Initially, the disaster was thought to have been caused by a large portion of glaciers breaking off and releasing water held by the ice.

              Many locals believed that the glacier was affected by the plutonium core that has been missing since the 1960s, resulting in major flooding. In June 2021 it was announced that the floods were caused by an enormous ice and rock avalanche.

              While many are fearful of the plutonium left in the mountains, the chances of it causing any environmental damages are believed to be rather small. The half-life of plutonium-238 is 88 years, and it was left in the Himalayas over 50 years ago. If the lost plutonium was capable of a large-scale environmental disaster it probably would have caused noticeable harm long ago. In addition, its heat-generating ability is significantly less than it was decades ago.

              Currently, there is still pressure on the US and India to find the radioactive materials on Nanda Devi, which has since been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Jesse Beckett

              Jesse Beckett is one of the authors writing for WAR HISTORY ONLINE


              • Американски войници не различиха алкохол от антифриз и сега се борят за живота си

                Двама са в критично състояние

                Единадесет войници от военна база на САЩ в щата Тексас са в болница, като двама са в критично състояние и се борят за живота си. Причината е, че са пили антифриз, който взели за алкохол, съобщиха армейски представители, цитирани от Ройтерс.

                Войниците от базата Форт Блис в Ел Пасо завършвали 10-дневна полева тренировка, когато в четвъртък се случил инцидентът, обяви офицерът за връзки с обществеността.

                Пробите, взети от пострадалите войници и анализирано при лабораторни изследвания, са от етилен гликол, наричан антифриз.

                Съобщава се също, че употребата на алкохол е забранена по време на полеви обучения.

                Поглъщането на антифриз може да причини тежка увреда на бъбреците и дори смърт.

                Във Форт Блис е разположена Първа бронирана дивизия с около 17 000 войници


                • Руските граждани, влизащи на територията на България, следва да подписват декларация, че няма да участват в сепаратизъм и няма да организират в последствие референдуми за присъединяване на части от България към Руската федерация.

                  Шегите за "Поморийска народна република", "Варненска народна република" и "длъжни сме да защитим нашите сънародници от българонацистите" нека си останат само шеги.


                  • Хубав синтез, за седем месеца промяната на путлеровата физиономия е забавна


                    • Гордън: Мобилизацията е началото на пълния край на Русия. C обявяването ѝ Путин заяви: "Момчета, ние се насрахме."

                      Гордон: Мобилизация – начало полного конца
                      России. Объявив ее Путин сказал: «Ребята, мы обосрались»


                      • още малко за така наречения цивилизован свят

                        Георги Димитров

                        Из заключителната реч по време на Лайпцигския процес 1933 г. Димитров: Aз се отнасям сериозно към съда и не мога да оставя без възражение всичко, което се каза тук. Мен ме обиждаха как ли не, това за мен е безразлично, но във връзка с мен наричаха и българския народ "див и варварски". Наричаха ме "тъмен балкански субект", "див българин". Вярно е, че българският фашизъм е див и варварски. Но българският народ, който е бил 500 години под чуждо иго, без да загуби своя език и националност, нашата работническа класа и селячество, които се борят против фашизма за комунизъм – такъв народ не може да бъде див и варварски. Диваци и варвари в България са само фашистите. Но аз ви питам, господин Председател: в коя страна фашистите не са диваци и варвари?
                        Председателят (прекъсва Димитров): Вие не намеквате за политическите отношения в Германия, нали?
                        Димитров (с ироническа усмивка): Разбира се не, господин Председателю. Много по-рано от онова време, когато германският император Карл V говореше, че по немски той беседва само със своите коне, а германските дворяни и образовани хора пишеха само по латински и се стесняваха от немската реч, във „варварска" България Светите братя Кирил и Методий създадоха и разпространиха древнобългарската писменост. Българският народ с всички сили и с всичкото си упорство се бореше против чуждото иго. Затова аз протестирам против нападките върху българския народ. Аз нямам основание да се срамувам, че съм българин, аз се гордея, че съм син на българската работническа класа.


                        • Първоначално изпратено от cherney Разгледай мнение

                          Не знам дали САЩ предоставя на украинците един от боеприпасите за Химарс - ракетата М30А1А2.

                          По някаква причина Гугъл не намира нищо освен един два укр сайта. Естествено изписано на латиница.


                          • Първоначално изпратено от Mateev Разгледай мнение
                            Честито - ВСУ вече са на входа на Лисичанск. По това направление среднодневно напредват с по 35 километра. Лиман също е полуобкръжен и скоро ще падне.

                            бавно но СЛАВНО
                            скоро расийката ЩЕ ОСТАНЕ БЕЗ ядрено оръжие!
                            след РАЗПАДА от расийката ще остане САМО МОСКОВИЯТА


                            • много депутати от ГосДумата не чакат да получат повестки за мобилизация.

                              Именно тази ирационалност, тази готовност за саможертва в името на Руския мир е непонятна за така наречения Цивилизован свят. Който всъщност е нито Цивилизован-цивилизация на немските варварри, нито свят-представителството му е около 15% от населението на Земята


                              Турчак сообщил, что ещё два депутата ГД, Олег Колесников и Александр Бородай, готовы отправиться в зону проведения спецоперация


                              • Първоначално изпратено от cherney Разгледай мнение

                                Не знам дали САЩ предоставя на украинците един от боеприпасите за Химарс - ракетата М30А1А2. Не съм срещал информация за използването й в Украйна, но ако започнат да им ги доставят филма за мобилизираните става цветен. Тя не удря целта, а се взривява на значително разстояние над нея. При взрива отделя 182.000 волфрамови осколки, които покриват площ от 10 до 20 декара. Използва се основно при струпване на достатъчно много хора на едно място, като почти никой не излиза жив от тази ситуация, а на който му провърви може да загуби някое око, например. Мисля, че този боеприпас предстои да се прояви в Украйна съвсем скоро, ако все още не е използван там
                                когиз ша стигне Батко северокорейците, Династията КИМ уверено води супернарода на Северна Корея както сущий Мойсей през санкционната пустиня вече 70 и кусур години


                                КНДР запустила баллистическую ракету малой дальности в сторону Японского моря. Она пролетела около 600 км со скоростью примерно пять махов в секунду.

                                Эксперт Ким Дон Ёпа заявил РИА Новости, что это была KN-23, которую называют северокорейским вариантом ракеты "Искандер". По его мнению, запуск может быть реакцией на прибытие в Южную Корею для учений военных кораблей США, включая атомный авианосец Ronald Reagan.

                                Guardian разделяет это мнение, отмечая, что Северная Корея рассматривает учения как "репетицию вторжения". А Washington Post напоминает, что запуск произошел накануне прибытия в Южную Корею вице-президента США Камалы Харрис.

                                Последний раз Северная Корея проводила испытание баллистической ракеты 5 июня.

