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Ще има ли война Украйна - Русия / Конфликтът Хамас-Израел
Първоначално изпратено от Pyramid Разгледай мнение
Виж какви ги върши, по-добре. А че участва в антируския заговор, е от ясно по-ясно.
За Сталин да не говорим. Абе с кой акъл тия хора се биха срещу Германия, вместо да си се предадат директно, не знам.
- 3 Харесвания
neon7, освен наративи тип "независимо журналистическо разследване на Карбовски и Волгин" и "обективен филм на френска левичарка без друга кинематографична дейност" нещо друго можеш ли да представиш?!
Ама не 5 фена на Динамо Киев правят Зиг Хайл, щото това го има и на Герена, и на Българска армия.
Не видях неонацистки паради, не видях гонение на евреи, не видях и особени проблеми в Украйна преди руските сепараристи да започнат купона в Донбас през 2014-та.
Нали беше забранен руския език... защо всички си го говорят свободно на клипчета в ютуб от НГ 2019 и НГ 2020?
Защо Донецк и Луганск са със здрави сгради, а уж са бомбардирани нон-стоп?
Откъде ДНР и ЛНР имат средства и техника за 8 години сражения срещу редовната украинска армия, след като Русия не е била ангажирана с конфликта?
Защо цивилните не са били изтеглени от фронтовата линия в Донбас... и най-вече децата?
Както аз ви пуснах линкове към Руский марш и нашивките на Боевих-88, така очаквам и украинските наци шествия. Иначе ще излезе, че нациста денацифицира. Което си го знаем де.
- 4 Харесвания
Първоначално изпратено от Tepix Разгледай мнение
Т. е. понеже не е дядо си, със сигурност е неонацист?
Първоначално изпратено от Pyramid Разгледай мнение
Значи, дядо му е един човек, той е съвсем друг. Дотук с "доводите".
Първоначално изпратено от GiRo Разгледай мнениеНацист та дрънка ...
Темата за Холокоста се обсъжда много по-открито и често в дома на Зеленски. И двамата му родители са евреи. Семейството на майка му оцелява през войната до голяма степен благодарение на това, че някои от тях са евакуирани с влак в Узбекистан, когато започва германската окупация на Украйна. Много от роднините на Зеленски от страна на баща му са убити от нацистите. Дядо му по бащина линия, артилерист в съветската армия, губи родителите си и трима от братята си по време на Холокоста.
Both Nazism and Zionism arose in tandem from small insignificant social movements in the early part of the 20th century, arguing, with equal force, that Jews were an alien and indigestible mass living in the midst of an otherwise pure Aryan population. Both movements contributed to the more general acceptance of this argument in Europe, and particularly in Germany, as mid-century approached, and both have to be responsible for the consequences.
In 1896, journalist Theodore Herzl’s book, Der Judenstaat (The Jews’ State), Herzl expressed his understanding of inevitability, permanence, and omnipresence of anti-Semitism and argued that the only solution was a separate state for Jews. Herzl stated, in his book:The Jewish question exists wherever Jews live in perceptable numbers. Where it does not exist, it is carried by Jews in the course of their migrations. We naturally move to those places where we are not persecuted, and there our presence produces persecution. …1
Negotiations with the Nazi government were taken over by the World Zionist Organization and Cohen was replaced by Chaim Arlosoroff, the Political Secretary of the Jewish Agency. Arlosoroff traveled to Berlin in May of 1933. He and the Nazis reached a preliminary understanding to continue Cohen’s arrangement. Arlosoroff returned to Tel Aviv where he was assassinated, most probably by some members of the Revisionist wing of Zionism headed by Jabotinsky who opposed any accommodation with the Nazis.
Negotiations continued, however, and an agreement was signed in 1933 between the Nazis and the World Zionist Organization which persisted until 1939 and the German invasion of Poland. The Ha’arava grew to become a substantial banking and trading house with 137 specialists in its Jerusalem office at the height of its activities. The sale of German products expanded to include destinations outside of Palestine, but the arrangement remained essentially the same as the one originally negotiated by Sam Cohen – that German Jews wishing to emigrate, rather giving up most or all of their wealth to the German government, could invest their money in a German bank which would be used for purchasing German export goods. The purchaser could then redeem his investment when the goods had been sold and after he had arrived in Palestine. The German government set the rules and the emigrant would lose typically in excess of 30% of his investment and, eventually, 50%.
Indeed, there was a fundamental incompatibility with the upbuilding of a Jewish state in Palestine and opposition to the Nazi program of extermination of Europe’s Jews. The Ha’avara agreement allowed the transfer of LP 8,100,000 (Palestinian Pounds; then $40,419,000) to Palestine along with 60,000 German Jews between 1933 and 1939. But it also had the effect of undercutting the international boycott effort and providing an inflow of capital to the German government owing to the sale of German manufactured goods abroad.
This understanding is important, as the Holocaust has been central in provoking sympathy for the State of Israel and in amplifying the claims for reparations from European governments. Sympathy for the victims of the Holocaust, whether Jews or Roma, is no less justified, but the state of Israel cannot maintain an air of complete innocence nor be the justified recipient of billions of dollars or reparations, very little of which is actually dispersed to Holocaust survivors.
Nor has Israel accepted the universal principle that states must pay reparations to ethnicities whom it has harmed, as Israel has ignored or denied the catastrophe of ethnic cleansing and massacres which it prosecuted against the Palestinian people in 1948.
The model of Jews fleeing a burning building; i.e., the Nazi Holocaust, and thus creating a redoubt of safety in the form of the state of Israel cannot be maintained. Aside from the fact that the Zionist project was initiated at least by the time of Herzl’s Der Judenstaat of 1896 and his founding of the World Zionist Congress a year later, and well before the Nazi ascension to power in the 1930s, the Zionists were little concerned with the slaughter of Jews in Europe and almost exclusively focused on building a state in Palestine.
A proposal by the British, in the aftermath of Kristallnacht, of November 1938, that Britain admit a thousand children directly into Britain was sternly opposed by Ben Gurion who told a meeting of the Labor Zionist in December:
https://dissidentvoice.org/2012/07/t...collaboration/Last edited by neon7; 08.12.2022, 15:37.
Първоначално изпратено от Pyramid Разгледай мнениеНе бе, ти не разбираш.Anti-Defamation League (ADL) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Defamation_League
ги амнистирали азовците ! Не били нацисти вече..
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Първоначално изпратено от Грую Груев Разгледай мнениеПрестижно е, някакси си, помня, че като я дадоха тази награда на Тръмп през 2016, имаше същите сравнения, но това умнокрасивитетът едва ли го помни. Все пак важното е да сме жу су и, а че днес ще резнат за Шенген - няма проблем, всичко е точно...
- 2 Харесвания
Първоначално изпратено от Грую Груев Разгледай мнение
Това е през 1939 и 1943
А това е през 1938
Престижно е, някакси си, помня, че като я дадоха тази награда на Тръмп през 2016, имаше същите сравнения, но това умнокрасивитетът едва ли го помни. Все пак важното е да сме жу су и, а че днес ще резнат за Шенген - няма проблем, всичко е точно...
Първоначално изпратено от barbaron Разгледай мнение
Зеленски е избран за най-влиятелния човек в Европа(https://bit.ly/3Fdn5Ji) според Politico,
а Путлер - за " неудачник на годината
"Вижте само как европейските лидери тичат към Киев, за да се снимат с тържествуващия 44-годишен мъж в емблематичната му маслиненозелена тениска. Застанали до него, политиците се стремят да бъдат видени. Зеленски е убедил останалата част от Европа, че нейното бъдеще е в Украйна - нещо, в което малцина вярваха преди Русия да нахлуе през февруари", пише в статия за Зеленски.
А това е през 1938
Престижно е, някакси си, помня, че като я дадоха тази награда на Тръмп през 2016, имаше същите сравнения, но това умнокрасивитетът едва ли го помни. Все пак важното е да сме жу су и, а че днес ще резнат за Шенген - няма проблем, всичко е точно...Never argue with idiots, they will bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience
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Първоначално изпратено от neon7 Разгледай мнениеHow Ukraine’s Jewish president Zelensky made peace with neo-Nazi paramilitaries on front lines of war with Russia
While Western media deploys Volodymyr Zelensky’s Jewish heritage to refute accusations of Nazi influence in Ukraine, the president has ceded to neo-Nazi forces and now depends on them as front line fighters.
Back in October 2019, as the war in eastern Ukraine dragged on, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky traveled to Zolote, a town situated firmly in the “gray zone” of Donbas, where over 14,000 had been killed, mostly on the pro-Russian side. There, the president encountered the hardened veterans of extreme right paramilitary units keeping up the fight against separatists just a few miles away.
Elected on a platform of de-escalation of hostilities with Russia, Zelensky was determined to enforce the so-called Steinmeier Formula conceived by then-German Foreign Minister Walter Steinmeier which called for elections in the Russian-speaking regions of Donetsk and Lugansk.
In a face-to-face confrontation with militants from the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion who had launched a campaign to sabotage the peace initiative called “No to Capitulation,” Zelensky encountered a wall of obstinacy.
With appeals for disengagement from the frontlines firmly rejected, Zelensky melted down on camera. “I’m the president of this country. I’m 41 years old. I’m not a loser. I came to you and told you: remove the weapons,” Zelensky implored the fighters.
Първоначално изпратено от Tepix Разгледай мнение
За всякакви обвинения в неонацизъм е хубаво да има доказателства. Пък за човек, чиито прадядо се бие с фашистите в Украйна, а тримата братя на прадядото умират в Холокоста - даже може би е задължително.
Иначе става като с биолабораториите за ковид гълъби, които освен в няколко не напълно трезви руски мозъка, не се появиха никъде.
Many of the National Militia's members come from the Azov movement, one of the 30-odd privately-funded “volunteer battalions” that, in the early days of the war, helped the regular army to defend Ukrainian territory against Russia's separatist proxies. Although Azov uses Nazi-era symbolism and recruits neo-Nazis into its ranks, a recent article in Foreign Affairs downplayed any risks the group might pose, pointing out that, like other volunteer militias, Azov has been “reined in” through its integration into Ukraine’s armed forces. While it’s true that private militias no longer rule the battlefront, it’s the home front that Kiev needs to worry about now.
Neo-Nazi groups recruit Britons to fight in Ukraine
Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi militia preparing to ‘fight to the death’ in Russia war with guerrilla forces & ‘Mad Max’ tanks
Who are Ukraine’s far-right Azov regiment?
The far-right neo-Nazi group has expanded to become part of Ukraine’s armed forces, a street militia and a political party.
Първоначално изпратено от Tepix Разгледай мнение
За всякакви обвинения в неонацизъм е хубаво да има доказателства. Пък за човек, чиито прадядо се бие с фашистите в Украйна, а тримата братя на прадядото умират в Холокоста - даже може би е задължително.
Иначе става като с биолабораториите за ковид гълъби, които освен в няколко не напълно трезви руски мозъка, не се появиха никъде.
While Western media deploys Volodymyr Zelensky’s Jewish heritage to refute accusations of Nazi influence in Ukraine, the president has ceded to neo-Nazi forces and now depends on them as front line fighters.
Back in October 2019, as the war in eastern Ukraine dragged on, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky traveled to Zolote, a town situated firmly in the “gray zone” of Donbas, where over 14,000 had been killed, mostly on the pro-Russian side. There, the president encountered the hardened veterans of extreme right paramilitary units keeping up the fight against separatists just a few miles away.
Elected on a platform of de-escalation of hostilities with Russia, Zelensky was determined to enforce the so-called Steinmeier Formula conceived by then-German Foreign Minister Walter Steinmeier which called for elections in the Russian-speaking regions of Donetsk and Lugansk.
In a face-to-face confrontation with militants from the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion who had launched a campaign to sabotage the peace initiative called “No to Capitulation,” Zelensky encountered a wall of obstinacy.
With appeals for disengagement from the frontlines firmly rejected, Zelensky melted down on camera. “I’m the president of this country. I’m 41 years old. I’m not a loser. I came to you and told you: remove the weapons,” Zelensky implored the fighters.