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  • Първоначално изпратено от Имхотеп Разгледай мнение
    Чекайте ся да ви покажем нещо на байденчетата:

    Explanation: This graphic shows two updates on voting totals. #27 and #28:

    For #27:

    Trump votes = .578 x 573857 = 331,689
    Biden votes = .401 x 573857 = 230,117

    For #28:

    Trump votes = .567 x 574417 = 325,694 (it went DOWN for Trump by 5,995 votes)
    Biden votes = .406 x 574417 = 233,213 (it went UP for Biden by 3,096 votes)

    As you can see, votes were taken from Trump and added to Biden. In this case it was only a few thousand, but there were thousands of other vote switch transactions in the log files.

    Understand that this is absolute proof of software-based vote theft. (See more details below.)

    This is like having the black box recorder recovered after a jet crash. All the data are intact. The election was stolen over the ‘net, in real time. [B]A detailed list of
    Аллоу, Тръмписта, какво стана с тези сензационни разкрития
    Аз мислех, че само за това ще се говори тези дни, пък чувам само тишина


    • Първоначално изпратено от mathematician Разгледай мнение
      Този порочен кръг може да се прекъсне само с идването на нови поколения, дето не са закърмени с медиите, а с информацията директно идваща от Нета - сурова, брутална и понякога фалшива.
      Тук, в този форум, не можем да се разберем за дреболии, камо ли да са свързани с инфо в Нета.., пък не е да няма мислещи хора, нали все се надцакваме с "истина"..
      Младите са доста по-беззащитни, повечето не са имали шанса да преживеят трансформация на ценностите
      Но за тях си е същото усещане, като от соца: Пише го в нета е = пише го във вестника, казаха го по телевизията = на възприемането на старото поколение на това което трябва да чуеш = нищо ново.
      Разбира се, от гледна точка на манипулиращият има предимства: пести се от хартия и рекламите са и онлайн, лесно се следи какво се харесва и какво не, като цяло манипулирането на масите е по-леко и по-еко
      Друга разлика, засега няма


      • WATCH: D.C. Cops Direct Trump-Supporters into Gauntlet of Protesters, Do Nothing When They Are Assaulted

        "D.C. police failed me today," says Trump supporter forced by officers to walk through a gauntlet of BLM/Antifa protesters.


        • Тази е или абсолютно куку или Тръмп яко ѝ е платил яко да говори абсолютни глупости, как ЦРУ били намесени в изборната измама и че трябвало да уволнят Gina Haspel, която между другото не само е републиканка, но и човек на Помпео. Обаче Тръмп ѝ има зъб, защото жената е професионалистка, не му се връзва на идиотиите и докладва нещата такива каквито са

          А това за надписването на гласове от компютрите пък е така безумна дивотия. Вече доста републиканции в щатските правителства, включително Джорджия, казаха, че това е пълна фантасмагория

          Ама вие продължавайте да тролите

          Първоначално изпратено от pipbel Разгледай мнение
          Former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell, a Trump campaign lawyer, suggested in a Sunday interview that there is still more evidence coming out in President Donald Trump’s claims of voter fraud and irregularities.
          “We’re getting ready to overturn election results in multiple states,” Powell said, saying that she has enough evidence of election fraud to launch a widespread criminal investigation.

          “I don’t make comments without having the evidence to back it up,” she added, saying that elections software switched “millions of votes” from Trump to Democratic nominee Joe Biden.

          “We have so much evidence, I feel like it’s coming in through a fire hose,” Powell said, while noting that she won’t reveal the evidence that she has.

          Powell said a whistleblower came forward and said the elections software was designed to “rig elections,” saying that “he saw it happen in other countries,” referring to voting systems Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic, or perhaps other software and machines.

          “They can stick a thumb drive in the [voting] machine, they can upload software to it even from the Internet … from Germany or Venezuela even,” she said, adding that operations “can watch votes in real-time” and “can shift votes in real-time,” or alleged bad actors can “remote access anything.”

          “We’ve identified mathematically the exact algorithm they’ve used—and planned to use from the beginning” that allegedly switched votes to Biden, Powell remarked.

          Powell also made reference to a 2019 investigation from Sens. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), as well as other Democratic lawmakers into Dominion Voting Systems, Election Systems & Software, and Hart InterCivic. The senators had expressed concerns about the security of the voting systems.

          During the election, Republicans in the House were able to flip at least 11 seats while the GOP is poised to maintain control of the Senate. Some conservatives have questioned how such a voting pattern is possible for Biden to win the presidential election, let alone receive more votes than any other presidential candidate in American history, including President Barack Obama’s victory in 2008.


          • Първоначално изпратено от Selena Разгледай мнение

            Демек в този щат ще се повтарят изборите. Аз поне така го тълкувам.
            Ми то непредубеден така ги тълкува нещата.
            По-вероятно е да обявяват тези по пощата за невалидни.
            Това май се очертава навсякъде.

            Но чудно ми е какво ли се случва в главата на Байдън, не се ли е отказал вече след такива огромни съмнения, а и толкова много доказателства?

            Защото това което пишем тук е върхът на айсберга, останалото явно ще стане известно в подходящ момент, както каза някой от на Тръмп екипа, президентът ще говори уеб дъ Тайм си Райт,

            Не спори с идиот (мурзилка)! Ще те смъкне на неговото ниво и ще те бие с опит.


            • Първоначално изпратено от Имхотеп Разгледай мнение
              А междувременно излизат едни неща не си е работа...
              California Judge Says Governor’s Mail Ballot Order Violated Constitution

              California Gov. Gavin Newsom exceeded his authority and violated the state Constitution with an executive order that let all residents vote by mail if they wanted to, a California judge ruled.

              Sutter County Superior Court Judge Sarah Heckman ruled Nov. 13 that the order, N-67-20, “improperly amended existing statutory law, exceeding the governor’s authority and violating the separation of powers.”

              Newsom’s office didn’t immediately respond to a request by The Epoch Times for comment.

              The order had stated, citing the COVID-19 pandemic, that “all Californians who are registered to vote in” the Nov. 3 election “must be empowered to vote by mail, as an alternative to in-person voting.”

              Newsom, a Democrat, argued that California’s government code gave him the power to issue orders like the one concerning mail ballots, but the judge wasn’t convinced.

              The legislative branch makes laws, Heckman said in the nine-page ruling, while the governor and the executive branch sees that laws are faithfully executed.

              The Governor may not exercise legislative powers unless permitted by the Constitution. Article V, Section 1 of the California Constitution does not grant the Governor the power to exercise those functions which have been given to the Legislature, absent the Legislature’s delegation of a portion of its legislative authority to such executive officials or entities through statutory enactments,” the judge ruled.

              The ruling voided Newsom’s June order. It also clearly stated that the governor doesn’t have the power to amend laws or make new laws, about a week after the judge said California’s governor can’t do so but can issue orders.

              Кво мислите, на мен това ми прилича на престъпление?

              Демек в този щат ще се повтарят изборите. Аз поне така го тълкувам.


              • Не знам дали има милион, ама не е далеко....


                Мда, либерастетата никога няма да скандират така, те си мразят държавата.



                • Ъъъъ, имах приятелка музикантка, която беше в Ню Йорк тогава и тя намери жилище на нейни познати българи, които в това време бяха на почивка в България. Супер място, на 5 минути от Кълъмбъс съркъл и Линкълн център. 39 етаж и гледка към Хъдзън ривър. Та тя намери мястото и със сигурност тези 10 дена там бяха може би едни от най-запомнящите се в живота ми. Пазаруване в Wholefoods Market, сутрин кафе във Сентрал парк, разходки, вечер суши и т.н. Ако можеше бих отишъл да живея там

                  Last edited by RUBLA; 16.11.2020, 19:03. Причина: Заяждане.


                  • Първоначално изпратено от pipbel Разгледай мнение
                    Former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell, a Trump campaign lawyer, suggested in a Sunday interview that there is still more evidence coming out in President Donald Trump’s claims of voter fraud and irregularities.
                    “We’re getting ready to overturn election results in multiple states,” Powell said, saying that she has enough evidence of election fraud to launch a widespread criminal investigation.

                    “I don’t make comments without having the evidence to back it up,” she added, saying that elections software switched “millions of votes” from Trump to Democratic nominee Joe Biden.

                    “We have so much evidence, I feel like it’s coming in through a fire hose,” Powell said, while noting that she won’t reveal the evidence that she has.

                    Powell said a whistleblower came forward and said the elections software was designed to “rig elections,” saying that “he saw it happen in other countries,” referring to voting systems Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic, or perhaps other software and machines.

                    “They can stick a thumb drive in the [voting] machine, they can upload software to it even from the Internet … from Germany or Venezuela even,” she said, adding that operations “can watch votes in real-time” and “can shift votes in real-time,” or alleged bad actors can “remote access anything.”

                    “We’ve identified mathematically the exact algorithm they’ve used—and planned to use from the beginning” that allegedly switched votes to Biden, Powell remarked.

                    Powell also made reference to a 2019 investigation from Sens. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), as well as other Democratic lawmakers into Dominion Voting Systems, Election Systems & Software, and Hart InterCivic. The senators had expressed concerns about the security of the voting systems.

                    During the election, Republicans in the House were able to flip at least 11 seats while the GOP is poised to maintain control of the Senate. Some conservatives have questioned how such a voting pattern is possible for Biden to win the presidential election, let alone receive more votes than any other presidential candidate in American history, including President Barack Obama’s victory in 2008.

                    Преди време бях постнал една картинка как точно става това.

                    А и друго забелязвам - фейк медиите не използват вече 'Байдън - президент електед'

                    Любопитно е обаче наистина ли левите - ДП, гейовете, транссексуалните, обикновените пе....си, социалистите ... - са си въобразявали че подобна измама ще мине? Другото любопитно е дали наистина си мислят че ще им се размине?
                    Last edited by Имхотеп; 16.11.2020, 16:47.
                    Не спори с идиот (мурзилка)! Ще те смъкне на неговото ниво и ще те бие с опит.


                    • Former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell, a Trump campaign lawyer, suggested in a Sunday interview that there is still more evidence coming out in President Donald Trump’s claims of voter fraud and irregularities.
                      “We’re getting ready to overturn election results in multiple states,” Powell said, saying that she has enough evidence of election fraud to launch a widespread criminal investigation.

                      “I don’t make comments without having the evidence to back it up,” she added, saying that elections software switched “millions of votes” from Trump to Democratic nominee Joe Biden.

                      “We have so much evidence, I feel like it’s coming in through a fire hose,” Powell said, while noting that she won’t reveal the evidence that she has.

                      Powell said a whistleblower came forward and said the elections software was designed to “rig elections,” saying that “he saw it happen in other countries,” referring to voting systems Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic, or perhaps other software and machines.

                      “They can stick a thumb drive in the [voting] machine, they can upload software to it even from the Internet … from Germany or Venezuela even,” she said, adding that operations “can watch votes in real-time” and “can shift votes in real-time,” or alleged bad actors can “remote access anything.”

                      “We’ve identified mathematically the exact algorithm they’ve used—and planned to use from the beginning” that allegedly switched votes to Biden, Powell remarked.

                      Powell also made reference to a 2019 investigation from Sens. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), as well as other Democratic lawmakers into Dominion Voting Systems, Election Systems & Software, and Hart InterCivic. The senators had expressed concerns about the security of the voting systems.

                      During the election, Republicans in the House were able to flip at least 11 seats while the GOP is poised to maintain control of the Senate. Some conservatives have questioned how such a voting pattern is possible for Biden to win the presidential election, let alone receive more votes than any other presidential candidate in American history, including President Barack Obama’s victory in 2008.



                      • Първоначално изпратено от national power

                        Пак се подигра с труда на специалистите от това училище.Язък им за труда
                        Не съм, ама я виж от теб кво излезе, селски тарикат с единствено достижение да излъже телк за инвалидна пенцийка.
                        Не спори с идиот (мурзилка)! Ще те смъкне на неговото ниво и ще те бие с опит.


                        • Не ни занимавай с глупсти, а научи английски по-добре

                          И не са ти виновни афроамериканците за дереждето, на което си

                          Първоначално изпратено от Имхотеп Разгледай мнение
                          Ти за байдън кажи, че се покри в миша дупка от известно време?
                          Ми как няма, ся се оказва че гробищата не само в Пенсилвания а и в останалите щати са гласували за него?


                          • Първоначално изпратено от Money Разгледай мнение
                            Както виждаш Тръмп е готов да загроби страната си заради нарцистичното си его като на 11 годишно комплексирано хлапе

                            Племенницата му Мери Тръмп издаде цяла книга за личността на Доналд

                            Ти за байдън кажи, че се покри в миша дупка от известно време?
                            Ми как няма, ся се оказва че гробищата не само в Пенсилвания а и в останалите щати са гласували за него?

                            Не спори с идиот (мурзилка)! Ще те смъкне на неговото ниво и ще те бие с опит.


                            • Както виждаш Тръмп е готов да загроби страната си заради нарцистичното си его като на 11 годишно комплексирано хлапе

                              Племенницата му Мери Тръмп издаде цяла книга за личността на Доналд

                              Първоначално изпратено от pipbel Разгледай мнение
                              Простотиите ти край нямат, толкова си пропит от медийни лъжи, че няма накъде, тотално либерастфашистко зомби си.
                              Нямам намерение повече да споря за каквото и да е с тебе, загуба на време.

                              Баси и путинския агент...



                              • А междувременно излизат едни неща не си е работа...
                                California Judge Says Governor’s Mail Ballot Order Violated Constitution

                                California Gov. Gavin Newsom exceeded his authority and violated the state Constitution with an executive order that let all residents vote by mail if they wanted to, a California judge ruled.

                                Sutter County Superior Court Judge Sarah Heckman ruled Nov. 13 that the order, N-67-20, “improperly amended existing statutory law, exceeding the governor’s authority and violating the separation of powers.”

                                Newsom’s office didn’t immediately respond to a request by The Epoch Times for comment.

                                The order had stated, citing the COVID-19 pandemic, that “all Californians who are registered to vote in” the Nov. 3 election “must be empowered to vote by mail, as an alternative to in-person voting.”

                                Newsom, a Democrat, argued that California’s government code gave him the power to issue orders like the one concerning mail ballots, but the judge wasn’t convinced.

                                The legislative branch makes laws, Heckman said in the nine-page ruling, while the governor and the executive branch sees that laws are faithfully executed.

                                The Governor may not exercise legislative powers unless permitted by the Constitution. Article V, Section 1 of the California Constitution does not grant the Governor the power to exercise those functions which have been given to the Legislature, absent the Legislature’s delegation of a portion of its legislative authority to such executive officials or entities through statutory enactments,” the judge ruled.

                                The ruling voided Newsom’s June order. It also clearly stated that the governor doesn’t have the power to amend laws or make new laws, about a week after the judge said California’s governor can’t do so but can issue orders.

                                Кво мислите, на мен това ми прилича на престъпление?

                                Не спори с идиот (мурзилка)! Ще те смъкне на неговото ниво и ще те бие с опит.

