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Излиза, че си глобалист, стига глобализацията да се направи "правилно"?
In the Foreign Policy article of April 2020, Biden states that he will reverse Trump’s embarrassing foreign policy record by standing up to both China, Russia and other totalitarian nations which represent the three-fold plague of “authoritarianism, nationalism and illiberalism”
Я да видим какво е останало от съдебното дело на републиканците в Пенсилвания... Еми почти нищо не е останало. Оттеглили са всички безумни претенции и остава само това, че в някои county-та са правени опити да се свържат с избиратели, които са пратили вота си по пощата не както трябва, а в други county-та това не са го правили. И следователно на Тръмп са му нарушили конституционните права
Става дума за "няколко хиляди вота или по-малко" в щат, в който Байдън води с 69 000 гласа
Ама иначе в социалните медии могат да се пишат всякакви фантасмагории
The Trump campaign argues that Trump’s constitutional rights were violated because some counties made efforts to contact voters who botched their mail-in ballots, while other counties made no such outreach.The legal move appears to narrow the number of votes at stake in the federal suit to a few thousand or less. Officials in one suburban Philadelphia county, Montgomery, said at a court hearing earlier this month that they believe about 93 ballots were “cured.”
With President-elect Joe Biden nearly 69,000 votes ahead of Trump in the Keystone State, the number of cured ballots seems likely to be too small to matter. However, the revised version of the Trump campaign’s federal court suit continues to ask for a court order barring Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar from certifying the statewide election results for president.
U.S. District Court Judge Matthew Brann has set oral arguments on the federal case for Tuesday and an evidentiary hearing for Thursday, but lawyers for the state said in a court filing Saturday afternoon that the narrowing of the suit leaves the case so flimsy that those court sessions don’t seem necessary.
Така де, значи ти всъщност си глобалист. Но смяташ, че правилата на глобализма прецакват САЩ За разлика от традиционните антиглобалисти, които твърдяха, точно обратното
И ти глобалистът и привърженик на международната търговия базирана на правилата смяташ, че Тръмп ще оправи нещата като почне безразборно да налага мита на който му падне по негова прищявка в нарушение на правилата
А срещу кое конкретно глобално правило си ти (срещу което ще се борим без да спазваме правилата)? И какво конкретно е постигнал Тръмп по въпрса. Хайде малко по-конкретно да обсъдим
Изявление , на генералите.
Съобщението грешно е озаглавено, че е към Тръмп ??
Не, то е към Антифа, БЛМ, ДС и сините медии дето разлаеха кучетата.
Ще си поговорим февруари 2021
Засега чети:
“In the aftermath of the 2020 general election, there has been a great deal of misinformation being circulated about Smartmatic and other companies that provide election technology to voting jurisdictions in the US. We would like to dispel these incorrect statements with facts,” the firm wrote, adding that it “has never owned any shares or had any financial stake in Dominion Voting Systems.”
Dominion also refuted allegations that its machines changed votes from Trump to Biden on Election Day and beyond.
“Dominion Voting Systems categorically denies any claims about any vote switching or alleged software issues with our voting systems,” a company spokesperson said in a statement to The Denver Post. “Our systems continue to reliably and accurately count ballots, and state and local election authorities have publicly confirmed the integrity of the process.”
Ще си поговорим февруари 2021
Засега чети:
“In the aftermath of the 2020 general election, there has been a great deal of misinformation being circulated about Smartmatic and other companies that provide election technology to voting jurisdictions in the US. We would like to dispel these incorrect statements with facts,” the firm wrote, adding that it “has never owned any shares or had any financial stake in Dominion Voting Systems.”
Dominion also refuted allegations that its machines changed votes from Trump to Biden on Election Day and beyond.
“Dominion Voting Systems categorically denies any claims about any vote switching or alleged software issues with our voting systems,” a company spokesperson said in a statement to The Denver Post. “Our systems continue to reliably and accurately count ballots, and state and local election authorities have publicly confirmed the integrity of the process.”
Да не очакваш сами да се качат на гилотината и да дръпнат синжира... ХАХАХАХХААА.....