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  • Първоначално изпратено от Money Разгледай мнение
    А това е много готино...

    “I wholly disapprove of what you say—and will defend to the death your right to say it.” - Voltaire

    “I wholly disapprove of you speaking the truth - and I will belittle you, insult you, threaten you and curse you until free speech dies a sad death" - DJ Trump
    Това с подписа на Тръмп е в стил мурзилка.
    Ако нямаш доказателство, го смятам за пропагандна лъжа в северен стил.
    Не спори с идиот (мурзилка)! Ще те смъкне на неговото ниво и ще те бие с опит.


    • Първоначално изпратено от Money Разгледай мнение

      А тебе тези дестте грации, които са финансирали Брекзит кампанията много ли те кефят?
      Не разбирам връзката. Някакви богати хора са похарчили жълти стотинки с надежда да си спасят страната или пък за лична облага. И какво? Защо трябва да ме кефят? И какво отношение имат към просташката клевета с подписа на Тръмп, която си качил?
      Last edited by analog; 19.08.2018, 15:22.


      • Първоначално изпратено от analog Разгледай мнение

        Със Сорос сте си плюли в устите. Внимавай да не хванеш нещо.
        А тебе тези дестте грации, които са финансирали Брекзит кампанията много ли те кефят?


        • Първоначално изпратено от Money Разгледай мнение
          А това е много готино...
          Със Сорос сте си плюли в устите. Внимавай да не хванеш нещо.


          • Ето ги истинските елити...

            Click image for larger version

Name:	RealElites.jpg
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Size:	53.2 КБ
ID:	3371741


            • А това е много готино...

              “I wholly disapprove of what you say—and will defend to the death your right to say it.” - Voltaire

              “I wholly disapprove of you speaking the truth - and I will belittle you, insult you, threaten you and curse you until free speech dies a sad death" - DJ Trump


              • Едно много добро описание на това как функционират социалните мрежи

                "The internet has removed the boundary between fact & opinion.

                It puts the "shouting power" of the crowd into the hands of those who cannot distinguish between the two. It has put the combined might of the finest intelligence & military establishment on equal standing, as far as the weak-minded are concerned, with lone lunatics making things up on Twitter and trolls in St Petersburg.

                It has reduced objective logic to a subjective, emotionally-driven popularity contest and a mob mentality. A slick emotive phrase has replaced logical argument. Prejudices have replaced actuality. Misrepresentation has replaced debate.

                This is why the people have elected a loud-mouth who doesn't tell the truth.

                Because they just like his shouting, find it appeals to their knee-jerk prejudices that someone is to blame and do not understand the different between starting out with a prejudice and setting out to find a conclusion.

                His adoring hordes respond to what they WANT to be true. Not to what IS true. They use single errors by the establishment to write off its entirety. It's like taking some wild raving drunk in the corner of a pub seriously. What nonsense.

                They WANT to believe that the establishment is a giant corrupt conspiracy against the masses. They WANT to believe a single error or misdeed means EVERYTHING that is done by "them" is somehow evil and corrupt. They WANT to blame someone else for the problems in their lives, but disguise it in notions of conspiracy to give it a veneer of plausibility. It gives them a feeling of power and hope of revenge for a perceived wrong they have suffered.

                Then they go out and find the selective evidence to support this preconceived conclusion. Unscientific samples and imagined enemies become their whole reality. The anger stokes further. The put it out on Twitter.

                Emotive jangling statements spread much faster than the slow deliberation of logic. Sensation is just so much more satisfying to spread than proper arguments.

                So they hear thousands of other people repeating it.

                Then they believe it is therefore true, "because a lot of people are saying it".

                Weaker minds hear this and then join in."


                • В социализма е бъдещето

                  Първоначално изпратено от pipbel Разгледай мнение
                  Наследството на Обама, ненормална работа, на Мишо аверчетата. Не само медиите им пият мозъка, тъй става като либералмарксисти им пълнят главите с глупости по школата и университетите.
                  Ще им дойде акъла в главата, няма начин, ще го разберат по трудния начин.
                  Давам ти лайк за полезната и окуражителна информация


                  • Наследството на Обама, ненормална работа, на Мишо аверчетата. Не само медиите им пият мозъка, тъй става като либералмарксисти им пълнят главите с глупости по школата и университетите.
                    Ще им дойде акъла в главата, няма начин, ще го разберат по трудния начин.

                    Americans aged 18 to 29 are as positive about socialism (51%) as they are about capitalism (45%). This represents a 12-point decline in young adults’ positive views of capitalism in just the past two years and a marked shift since 2010, when 68% viewed it positively. Meanwhile, young people’s views of socialism have fluctuated somewhat from year to year, but the 51% with a positive view today is the same as in 2010.


                    • Survey of Presidential Politics Experts Says Trump Is the Worst of All Time

                      The group came to a collective conclusion guaranteed to please the Resistance: Donald Trump is the lousiest president of all time.

                      Yep, Trump ranks dead last, at 45, behind such unloved or barely remembered leaders as James Buchanan, William Henry Harrison, and Franklin Pierce.


                      Click image for larger version

Name:	Trumpy.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	40.5 КБ
ID:	3371142


                      • Кругман доста политиканства, за съжаление. Ако си спомняш, аз не съм казвал, че като дойде Тръмп икономиката ще колабира

                        Но СВО не е Кругман, а държавна агенция за макрорамката на бюджета

                        И в това което казва CBO има не малко логика. Временен ръст от 3.1% след захаросаното бонбонче и после пак връщане в предишния темп, но вече с повечко дълг...

                        In CBO’s updated projections, real gross domestic product (GDP) grows by 3.1 percent in 2018 and 2.4 percent in 2019. In both years, growth in actual GDP outpaces growth in potential (that is, maximum sustainable) GDP, creating excess demand in the economy and further lowering the unemployment rate.

                        In CBO’s forecast, that excess demand leads to higher inflation and interest rates—which, along with slower growth of federal outlays, restrain demand and slow GDP growth after 2019. By 2022, the excess demand in the economy disappears. From 2023 to 2028, real GDP grows by about 1.7 percent each year—close to CBO’s estimate of the economy’s maximum sustainable rate of growth.

                        Last edited by Money; 15.08.2018, 16:01.


                        • Първоначално изпратено от mathematician Разгледай мнение

                          Е те всички казваха, че едва ли не икономиката на САЩ ще колабира ако изберат Тръмп начело с Кругман. Колабира ли? Ми не.

                          Т.е. сбъркаха в прогнозите, що трябва да им се вярва повече.

                          Всички ревяха това, да. Смешници.
                          Сега новия наратив е че тръмп е яхнал инерцията от Обама и се пързаля безплатно


                          • Първоначално изпратено от Money Разгледай мнение

                            CBO вчера казаха, че догодина ръста на БНП пада обратно на 2.5%
                            Е те всички казваха, че едва ли не икономиката на САЩ ще колабира ако изберат Тръмп начело с Кругман. Колабира ли? Ми не.

                            Т.е. сбъркаха в прогнозите, що трябва да им се вярва повече.


                            • Първоначално изпратено от Money Разгледай мнение

                              Говрихме за харесване... дали Кисинджър харесва DJ-я...
                              Със сигурност не харесва приятеля ти негрото.
                              Колкото и завоалирано да говори...

                              “The world is in chaos.”
                              Kissinger’s critique of Obama was mostly measured, but I could sense that he was offended that the president had not seen fit to call him often for advice, as previous presidents had. I could also sense that he took some of Obama’s observations about the foreign-policy decisions of previous presidents as personal criticism. He wasn’t wrong about this. At various moments during my interviews with the president, I could feel the specter of Kissinger hanging over the room, in particular when Obama talked dismissively about the value of “credibility” in the pursuit of national-security objectives, and when he mentioned his unprecedented practice of referring openly, sorrowfully, and sometimes on foreign soil to American mistakes made during the prosecution of the Cold War. What most annoyed Kissinger was the manner in which Obama talked about some other world leaders. “A puzzling aspect about Obama is how someone so intelligent could treat his peers with the disdain he did in your article,” he said. “Someone of that stature usually develops a sense of humility.”

                              In my opinion, Obama seems to think of himself not as a part of a political process, but as sui generis, a unique phenomenon with a unique capacity. And his responsibility, as he defines it, is to keep the insensitive elements of America from unsettling the world. He is more concerned with short-term consequences turning into permanent obstacles. Another view of statesmanship might focus to a greater extent on shaping history rather than avoiding getting in its way.


                              • Първоначално изпратено от mathematician Разгледай мнение

                                И това какво общо има с икономиката или с работещите решения?

                                Щото един ТВ водещ дето не харесва Тръмп каза, дано икономиката пропадне че хората да изберат друг, щото явно няма да стане с импийчмант.

                                Говрихме за харесване... дали Кисинджър харесва DJ-я...

                                За икономиката ако искаш ще пускам още графики. Почти нищо не се дължи на Тръмп. CBO вчера казаха, че догодина ръста на БНП пада обратно на 2.5%

