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Хоп, намерих подобна и не е единствена:
“A study by the Journal of Hospital Infection found that other strains of coronavirus have the potential to remain on metal, glass and plastic surfaces for two hours to nine days.”
”...Most data were described with the endemic human coronavirus strain (HCoV-) 229E. On different types of materials it can remain infectious for from 2 hours up to 9 days. A higher temperature such as 30°C or 40°C reduced the duration of persistence of highly pathogenic MERS-CoV, TGEV and MHV. However, at 4°C persistence of TGEV and MHV can be increased to ≥ 28 days. Few comparative data obtained with SARS-CoV indicate that persistence was longer with higher inocula (Table I). In addition it was shown at room temperature that HCoV-229E persists better at 50% compared to 30% relative humidity [8]”
Това ще е и последният ми пост към теб. Ти не уважаваш опонентна, мразиш жените и си, поне за мен, откровено скучен, жлъчен, злобен събеседник, така че ще те пропускам. Личните ти психодрами не са мой проблем.