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Строят слънчева централа в Баните
15 Януари, 2008г. - 15:18
От: Сграда.com
Община Баните ще участва в смесено дружество с пловдивската “Оптиенерджи” АД за строителството на слънчева централа. Общинският съвет вече е одобрил публично-частното партньорство.
Съоръжението ще е петмегаватово и ще бъде построено на общински терен.
Престои да бъде определен и терен за реализацията на проекта.
Това ще бъде втората соларна централа в Смолянска област.
Експерти определят Родопите, като един от най-подходящите райони за слънчеви централи, коментира в. “Марица”.
OptiEnergy S.A. is SouthEastern Europe's largest Solar Energy Operator. We are so busy right now developing 60MW of clean sunny power in Bulgaria that we don't have time to complete content for this website. We are so busy serving the massive demand for hot, natural, powerful (that'll be the chilli image) and profitable future energy solutions that we do not have the bandwidth to organize our web teams! And we are not going to outsource the project to a web content guy because: nobody knows solar like we do! But we will be back soon, very soon: back with lots of hot, natural, powerful content to educate on what this world-changing industry can do for you, back with lots of sunny solutions for PV and BIPV PPP solutions for municipalities and SolarPark investment opportunities for foreign and local investors alike. Back with more information on how regional Feed-In Tariffs can work for you. And back with full details of our massive PV assembly plant near Plovdiv. But if you CANNOT wait, if you REALLY feel the urge to generate huge revenues from sunny power right NOW, write us at solar@optienergy.net and if you meter positive, profitable energy in your email, we'll get right back to you.
Строят слънчева централа в Баните
15 Януари, 2008г. - 15:18
От: Сграда.com
Община Баните ще участва в смесено дружество с пловдивската “Оптиенерджи” АД за строителството на слънчева централа. Общинският съвет вече е одобрил публично-частното партньорство.
Съоръжението ще е петмегаватово и ще бъде построено на общински терен.
Престои да бъде определен и терен за реализацията на проекта.
Това ще бъде втората соларна централа в Смолянска област.
Експерти определят Родопите, като един от най-подходящите райони за слънчеви централи, коментира в. “Марица”.
OptiEnergy S.A. is SouthEastern Europe's largest Solar Energy Operator. We are so busy right now developing 60MW of clean sunny power in Bulgaria that we don't have time to complete content for this website. We are so busy serving the massive demand for hot, natural, powerful (that'll be the chilli image) and profitable future energy solutions that we do not have the bandwidth to organize our web teams! And we are not going to outsource the project to a web content guy because: nobody knows solar like we do! But we will be back soon, very soon: back with lots of hot, natural, powerful content to educate on what this world-changing industry can do for you, back with lots of sunny solutions for PV and BIPV PPP solutions for municipalities and SolarPark investment opportunities for foreign and local investors alike. Back with more information on how regional Feed-In Tariffs can work for you. And back with full details of our massive PV assembly plant near Plovdiv. But if you CANNOT wait, if you REALLY feel the urge to generate huge revenues from sunny power right NOW, write us at solar@optienergy.net and if you meter positive, profitable energy in your email, we'll get right back to you.