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04-12-2017 - BSE-Sofia indices
At its session dated 04 December 2017 the Indices Committee at BSE-Sofia has adopted the following decisions:
I. With reference to item 9 of Appendix No. 1 (SOFIX Calculation Methodology) to the Rules for Calculating the Indices of BSE-Sofia, the Indices Committee has adopted a decision that the following free-float factors are to be valid for the next three-month period:
BSE code Issuer Free-float factor
3JR Sopharma AD-Sofia 0.3187
3NB Neochim AD-Dimitrovgrad 0.2370
4CF CB Central Cooperative Bank AD-Sofia 0.2483
4EH Eurohold Bulgaria AD-Sofia 0.3032
4I8 Industrial Capital Holding AD-Sofia 0.4876
5BU Bulgarian Real Estate Fund REIT-Sofia 0.8686
5F4 CB First Investment Bank AD-Sofia 0.1500
5MB Monbat AD-Sofia 0.1768
5MH M+S Hydraulic AD-Kazanlak 0.2261
5SR Stara Planina Hold AD-Sofia 0.5859
5V2 Holding Varna AD-Varna 0.3392
6A6 Advance Terrafund REIT-Sofia 0.5818
6AB Albena AD-Albena 0.3059
6AM Alcomet AD-Shumen 0.0990
6C4 Chimimport AD-Sofia 0.2704