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Germany Rejects Loan Request Saying Greece Must Meet Conditions
By Eleni Chrepa, Paul Tugwell and Karl Stagno Navarra
(Bloomberg) -- Germany rejected Greece’s request for an extension of its aid program, saying its offer doesn’t meet the euro region’s conditions for continuing aid.
The Greek government is trying to agree bridge-financing without meeting the conditions of its existing rescue program, German Finance Ministry Spokesman Martin Jaeger said in an e-mailed statement. European Commission Spokesman Margaritis Schinas moments earlier had said the Greek letter could be the basis for a “reasonable compromise.”
The euro dropped 0.3 percent to $1.1358.
With the Greek state and its banks shut out of financial markets and dependent on emergency aid to stay afloat, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is retreating from his pledges to end austerity as the country’s creditors tighten the financial vise.
Tsipras’s government in a letter to fellow euro member states offered to work for the “successful conclusion and review” of the current financing agreement with creditors in a bid to avert a cash crunch.
Euro-region finance ministers will make a “detailed assessment” of the request and formulate a response, Schinas said at a press conference in Brussels Thursday. Ministers are due to meet on Friday.
During the extension “we shall proceed jointly, and making best use of given flexibility in the current arrangement, toward its successful conclusion and review on the basis of the proposals of, on the one hand, the Greek government and, on the other, the institutions,” Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis said in the letter.
Varoufakis said the extension will allow Greece to agree on supervision by the European Union, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund and discuss a new contract.
Шойбле ще го удуши тоя нов ясерарафат варуФАКис на собственото му смешно шалче.
Виж сега погледни по друг начин нещата
Нека ги резнат да фалират и после да приложиме техния опит у нас а не като сега 25 години да се лутаме
Germany Rejects Loan Request Saying Greece Must Meet Conditions
By Eleni Chrepa, Paul Tugwell and Karl Stagno Navarra
(Bloomberg) -- Germany rejected Greece’s request for an extension of its aid program, saying its offer doesn’t meet the euro region’s conditions for continuing aid.
The Greek government is trying to agree bridge-financing without meeting the conditions of its existing rescue program, German Finance Ministry Spokesman Martin Jaeger said in an e-mailed statement. European Commission Spokesman Margaritis Schinas moments earlier had said the Greek letter could be the basis for a “reasonable compromise.”
The euro dropped 0.3 percent to $1.1358.
With the Greek state and its banks shut out of financial markets and dependent on emergency aid to stay afloat, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is retreating from his pledges to end austerity as the country’s creditors tighten the financial vise.
Tsipras’s government in a letter to fellow euro member states offered to work for the “successful conclusion and review” of the current financing agreement with creditors in a bid to avert a cash crunch.
Euro-region finance ministers will make a “detailed assessment” of the request and formulate a response, Schinas said at a press conference in Brussels Thursday. Ministers are due to meet on Friday.
During the extension “we shall proceed jointly, and making best use of given flexibility in the current arrangement, toward its successful conclusion and review on the basis of the proposals of, on the one hand, the Greek government and, on the other, the institutions,” Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis said in the letter.
Varoufakis said the extension will allow Greece to agree on supervision by the European Union, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund and discuss a new contract.
Шойбле ще го удуши тоя нов ясерарафат варуФАКис на собственото му смешно шалче.
Председателят на Еврогрупата на финансовите министри Йерум Диселблум заяви, че времето, в което гърците могат да изразят своите искания, е изтекло. „Имаме тази седмица на разположение“, отсече той. „Сред членовете на Еврогрупата се оформя тезата, че следващата стъпка трябва да дойде от гръцките власти.“
Сега зависи от Атина да поиска удължаване на спасителната програма – нещо, което гръцкото правителство непрекъснато повтаря, че няма да направи. Това каза вицепрезидентът на Европейската комисия Валдис Домбровскис, напускайки срещата.
Ройтерс дори пише, че преговорите са приключили, докато Атина не си промени мнението.
Според мен въпроса за фалита вече не е "Дали?", а все по-ясно "Кога?"
Впрочем, в Германия тече кампания по дискредитиране на Варуфакис и явно и недотам, искане за смяната му...Французите и те дават рамо
Гърците го разглеждат като груба намеса... но от наша гледна точка, едва ли, друго си е потупването по рамото, когато си одобрен
Но пък и Варуфакис не си трае, днес пред NY Times e отговорил на Шойбле - "Не блъфираме, ще водим борба с мощните икономически интереси"
Има интересна статия днес и в CNBC - Защо Америка иска да спаси Еврото и Гърция?
Посоката е евроАтлантическите ценности...
И на този фон и при категоричното противопоставяне на Мадрид за каквото и да е орязванена гръцкия дълг, някакви испански професори днес надълго и широко обясняват защо Германия трябва да върне дълга си към Гърция отпреди 70 години...
Изобщо, интересни неща предстоят и независимо от посоката им ще има отражение в целия финансов свят.
Как с глава стена се разбива – това изглежда си е наумило да покаже новото гръцко правителство, което отхвърля договореностите с донорите.
От Атина се очаква да продължи да спазва договорките с международните донори на страната. Този горчив хап обаче може да бъде преглътнат от гръцкия премиер Ципрас само ако към него бъде предложено и нещо далеч по-вкусно, коментира за „Дойче веле“ главният икономист на германската Комерцбанк Йорг Кремер.
Според него такъв „бонбон“ може да бъде удължаването на срока за погасяване на гръцките дългове на 50 години с гратисен период от 10 години и намаляването на лихвите по кредитите. Освен това международната общност може да помисли и за следната двустранна сделка, добавя Кремер: „Ако Атина поеме ангажимента да се бори с укриването на данъци и корупцията, в замяна международната общност може да се откаже от искането си за ускоряване на приватизацията и съкращаване на държавната администрация“. Като част от такъв компромис ЕС може да обещае да освободи последния транш от 1,8 милиарда евро от договорената спасителна помощ за Гърция...още
Germany Toughens Tone With Greece Before Meeting of Creditors
By Nikos Chrysoloras and Rainer Buergin
(Bloomberg) -- Germany and Greece drew battle lines ahead of an emergency meeting of official creditors today, setting the stage for a clash.
German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble doused expectations of a positive outcome for Greece at the meeting in Brussels, saying there are no plans to discuss a new accord or give the country more time. Greece’s new Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras was defiant, saying there is “no way back” for his government, and that he wants a new agreement that won’t subject his people to more pain.
Tsipras said in a speech before a vote of confidence in parliament that he wants an accord “that is in the mutual interest of Greece and its partners, one that will end punitive terms and the destruction of the Greek economy.”
The discord risks roiling Greek markets again after they were buoyed by optimism on Tuesday that there might be room to move toward an agreement. Greek government bonds rose for the first time in five days and the benchmark Athens Stock Exchange Index advanced 8 percent.
Speaking to reporters in Istanbul yesterday after a two-day meeting of finance chiefs from the Group of 20, Schaeuble said “it’s over” if Greece doesn’t want the final tranche of the current aid program. Greece’s creditors also “can’t negotiate about something new,” Schaeuble said. For his part, Deutsche Bundesbank President and European Central Bank Governing Council member Jens Weidmann said Greek efforts to get bridge financing through debt instruments was a non-starter.
Any accord would require an easing of Germany’s stance in the standoff between Greece and its creditors over conditions attached to its 240 billion-euro ($272 billion) lifeline. An impasse risks leaving Greece without funding as of the end of this month, when its current bailout expires, and may put Europe’s most-indebted state’s euro membership in danger.
‘Disastrous Bailout’
Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis told parliament the country wants to move away from its “disastrous bailout agreement,” adding that he was aware that that puts it at loggerheads with its euro-area partners.
“If you are not willing to even contemplate the prospect of a rupture, then you don’t really negotiate,” Varoufakis said last night.
Greece’s public debt currently stands at more than 320 billion euros, or about 175 percent of gross domestic product. It wants to negotiate new terms with its official creditors, the International Monetary Fund, the ECB and the European Commission, represented by euro-area member states.
Greece is pushing for a successor program to its current bailout, which will be focused on structural overhauls rather than fiscal measures.
“We need to negotiate the crucial issue of the debt terms, and repayment procedures to help our economy return to growth,” Tsipras told lawmakers in parliament.
‘Not Toxic’
Tsipras’s anti-austerity government has laid out a lengthy list of policy actions, including a gradual increase in the minimum wage and a boost to the threshold of tax-exempt income. The measures would breach the terms of the country’s emergency loans agreement with the euro area and the IMF.
Schaeuble said euro region finance ministers meeting in Brussels today won’t negotiate a new program for the cash-strapped country as a program is already in place and was arrived at after “arduous” negotiations.
He also said media reports that the Commission will give Greece six more months to reach an aid deal “has to be wrong” because he’s not aware of such a plan and the commission isn’t in charge of making such decisions.
New Contract
Schaeuble said the two-month extension of Greece’s aid program to the end of this month gives the country time to meet its obligations “and only afterwards could we discuss” further measures “if needed, if anybody is interested.”
Euro region finance ministers expect to get “binding” comments from Varoufakis today on his government’s intentions on future aid requirements, he said.
The German finance minister’s comments came even after Greece offered compromises in a bid to push for a bridge plan to stave off a funding crunch and to buy time for negotiations to ease austerity demands.
Greece will seek a new financing deal that “will not be toxic,” and wants a bridge accord until then, Varoufakis said.
“We have no hesitation to keep all parts of the current bailout agreement that won’t infect the new contract,” he said.
‘Bridge to Nowhere’
Greece is seeking to drum up support for a 10 billion-euro bridge plan. Varoufakis’s proposal will ask for an 8 billion-euro increase in the stock of Treasury Bills the country is allowed, said a government official who asked not to be named because the negotiations are confidential. He will also seek the disbursement of 1.9 billion euros of profits that euro area-central banks made on their Greek bonds holdings.
“The bridge must be built by fiscal policy because it’s forbidden for monetary policy to finance states,” ECB’s Weidmann said in Istanbul in e-mailed response to questions on Tuesday. “The question of a bridge loan via T-bills has as a precondition, in my view, that it’s not a bridge to nowhere.”
German political leaders have said they will not extend more assistance to Greece without strings attached. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in Washington on Monday that the existing aid programs are the basis for Greek talks.
“I’m waiting for Greece to come forward with a viable recommendation and then we’ll talk about it,” she said.
Greece is seeking an agreement that won’t involve new loans, and won’t mean additional costs for European taxpayers, Tsipras said.
“What is the alternative? President Obama asked German Chancellor Merkel and didn’t receive an answer,” he said.