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S&P 500 / NASDAQ (инвестиционни стратегии и макро)

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  • Първоначално изпратено от Money Разгледай мнение
    Казвам го чисто фактологично. Да се има предвид. Но както казва дописката Демократите трябва да вземат и Сената, за да мине този tax plan

    Има доста "ако" в цялата работа

    Пожелавам ти всичко да спечелите.
    После наистина обаче ще има голямо ако....като потече ла....та река.

    Това твоите дружки са наистина високоинтелигентни хора


    • На големите петролни като XOM може да им се наложи да режат още дивидента. Цена на петрола от около $45 не им стига за поддържане на органическия растеж и дивидента, смятат анализаторите от Блумбърг Интелиджънс

      1. Leverage Forces Choice of Growth vs. Yield

      Big Oil entered the crude price downturn at significantly lower leverage than independent peers, but the magnitude of the earnings shock from the coronavirus has triggered concerns about the group's liquidity. Shell and BP's dividend cuts and an average 30% investment reduction reflect the challenges and uncertainty over a recovery. A sharp rebound in crude prices has hidden an
      arduous underlying cash-flow picture. Brent at mid-$40 a barrel still isn't at the level needed for Big Oil to cover investments and dividends from organic cash flow.

      While they can outlast E&P peers, majors that have overspent operating cash flow will have limited options in an eventual recovery. Early, decisive actions to cut cash outflows will determine which company is best positioned to add returns-accretive projects through the cycle. (08/11/20)


      • Казвам го чисто фактологично. Да се има предвид. Но както казва дописката Демократите трябва да вземат и Сената, за да мине този tax plan

        Има доста "ако" в цялата работа

        Първоначално изпратено от Dr.Justice Разгледай мнение

        а дано !!


        • Първоначално изпратено от Money Разгледай мнение
          Днес транспортните са водещи. По принцип не е лош сигнал

          все някога трябва да се попълнят складовете ...


          • Първоначално изпратено от Money Разгледай мнение
            Победа на Байдън ще удари яко печалбите на US банките

            Biggest Banks Risk a $7 Billion Hit on Biden Tax Plan, S&P Says

            Joe Biden’s tax hike proposals might mean the 10 biggest U.S. banks combined face an annual decline in net income of more than $7 billion, according to a S&P Global Market Intelligence analysis.

            The assessment, which used equity analysts’ estimates for 2021, also looked at 209 publicly-traded banks with at least three analyst ests. and found a 28% tax rate (as per Biden remarks) would reduce their annual income by $9.36b, S&P Global analysts Zach Fox and Robert Clark wrote

            They added that higher corporate taxes might lead to stronger book values for banks with deferred tax assets, such as Citigroup, which has the most DTAs in banking at $23.9b

            S&P Global said Biden needs to not only win the White House, but Democrats the Senate, and keep the House, and then would need to agree on the Biden platform, for Biden’s tax plan to be realized
            а дано !!


            • Победа на Байдън ще удари яко печалбите на US банките

              Biggest Banks Risk a $7 Billion Hit on Biden Tax Plan, S&P Says

              Joe Biden’s tax hike proposals might mean the 10 biggest U.S. banks combined face an annual decline in net income of more than $7 billion, according to a S&P Global Market Intelligence analysis.

              The assessment, which used equity analysts’ estimates for 2021, also looked at 209 publicly-traded banks with at least three analyst ests. and found a 28% tax rate (as per Biden remarks) would reduce their annual income by $9.36b, S&P Global analysts Zach Fox and Robert Clark wrote

              They added that higher corporate taxes might lead to stronger book values for banks with deferred tax assets, such as Citigroup, which has the most DTAs in banking at $23.9b

              S&P Global said Biden needs to not only win the White House, but Democrats the Senate, and keep the House, and then would need to agree on the Biden platform, for Biden’s tax plan to be realized


              • Пауъл който иска да гледа на живо ето тука след 3 минути:


                • Днес транспортните са водещи. По принцип не е лош сигнал

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                  • Union Pacific (UNP) днес го видяхме на $205. Скоро ще изляза на 3х с тях. Да не говорим, че и дивидентът е скочил около три пъти от 2013 насам... Хубава железница и Ковид не я лови


                    • Данни за разочароващи продажби на дребно - още една причина Федът днес да е благ и да подкрепи пазара с приказки за ниски лихви за дълго и толеранс към инфлацията над тарегета от 2%

                      Само Пауъл трябва да го изкаже достатъчно ясно, че понякога не успява. Въпреки че доста е задобрял във fedspeak-а в сравнение с в началото

                      US retail sales growth slowed last month while an underlying measure of consumer demand unexpectedly fell as Americans appeared to retrench spending after the expiration of some unemployment benefits.

                      Overall retail sales rose 0.6 per cent in August from the previous month, the Commerce Department said on Wednesday. That missed economists' expectations for a 1 per cent increase and followed a 0.9 per cent rise in July that was revised lower from an initial estimate of 1.2 per cent. Retail sales were up 2.6 per cent from the same period a year ago.


                      • И като стана дума за Старбъкс, ето нагледно какво може да стане в after market-а при ниската ликвидност дори и с техните акции...

                        Бяхме говорили за това в NYSE неотдавна. Еми AH трейдингът си е опасен ако се пусне market order

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                        • Малко ме учудва как неща като това по-долу на Bloomberg Intelligence отпушиха цели 14% ръст на акциите на Старбъкс (SBUX). Това, че Старбъкс бяха напред с технолигиите в сравнение с другите кафеджийници си се знаеше и от преди, а пандемията не мисля, че промени нещо там

                          1. Digital Advantage Boosts U.S. Sales

                          Starbucks' customer-facing tech is a competitive advantage, in our view, and greater digital engagement will fuel same-store sales gains once the effects of the coronavirus and the recession have passed. Prior to the pandemic, management said it expected the multi-tier rewards program, rewards-member acquisition and mobile order-and-pay adoption to boost same-store sales by 1-2 percentage points a year. The number of higher-spending rewards members fell 5% to 16.3 million in fiscal 3Q, likely due to store closures, but spending by such customers rose to 46% of U.S. revenue. The large number of loyalty members gives management data to use for one-to-one customer marketing.

                          Delivery expansion with Uber Eats and launch of curbside to-go in 700-1,000 locations by year-end should cushion near-term same-store sales losses. (08/21/20)

                          2. Unmatched Tech Platform Keeps U.S. Rivals at Bay

                          Starbucks' investments in digital innovation, which started more than a decade ago, contributed to same-store sales outperformance vs. peers in 2010-19 as results increased 5.7% a year on average. The chain's mobile order-and-pay platform provides the convenience that today's consumers seek, particularly the ability to skip long lines, while an engaging loyalty program and personalized, one-to-one marketing increase transaction counts and reduce advertising expenses. The tech platform buffers the company's business from its biggest potential threat to U.S. market- share gains: high-end independent coffee shops.

                          Starbucks also has a tech advantage over larger but less-direct competitors such as Dunkin' and McDonald's, but these cheaper rivals could take market share during the recession due to their lower price points. (08/21/20)


                          • S&P 500 / NASDAQ (инвестиционни стратегии и макро)

                            Марко Коланович от JP Morgan смята, че корекцията е зад гърба ни и пазарът ще върви още нагоре (в изявление от вчера)

                            Kolanovic says it’s likely the rebound will continue. A variety of measures he tracks show positioning is low. Systematic or quantitative investors, including trend-following funds like commodity trading advisers (CTAs), sold into the selloff, according to Kolanovic. Meanwhile, hedge fund-tracking indexes’ sensitivity to swings in stock prices, known as beta, remains low.

                            “Now we think the selloff is probably over,” Kolanovic told Bloomberg Television. “Positioning is low. We got a little bit of a purge, so we think actually market can move higher from here.”


                            Last edited by Money; 29.12.2021, 13:25.