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  • barbaron

    Ако се увеличи броя на сделките с биткойн това ще претовари мрежата и тя ще цъфне мисля. Сатошито просто не е отчел какво предствляват парите - те опокредствят размяната на стоки и услуги. Т.е. разменяйки си 1 долар днес100 пъти с него се плащат стоки за 100 долара и се случват 100 сделки. Т.е. товара към мрежата може да скочи рязко ако нарастне употребата на биткойн и тя ще спре да работи.


    • Първоначално изпратено от innergy Разгледай мнение
      Преди 2 месеца цената тръгна от $450, так че..
      Важната новина не е цената, а това:
      Bitcoin’s reward for miners just dropped 50%


      • Преди 2 месеца цената тръгна от $450, так че..


        • The halvening is upon us: Bitcoin’s reward for miners just dropped 50%

          The biggest event of the year in bitcoin just happened.
          The network saw its mining reward—the amount of bitcoin miners receive for confirming transaction—get cut in half earlier today (July 9), around 12:48 EST. The event occurs after every 210,000 blocks are mined, or confirmed, by the system.
          It’s a significant moment for the bitcoin community. As we explained, the event was programmed into the system by its pseudonymous creator Satoshi Nakamoto. For miners, it results in a big drop in revenue—for one block mined, a miner would make around $16,000. Now, it’s $8,000.
          In the long term, experts think the halvening could spur bitcoin’s price to new heights. A little over a year after the first bitcoin halving event in November 2012, the price reached an all time high north of $1,000.
          In the short term, there has been a bit of a drop, but nothing too dramatic. The bitcoin network seems stable though, and the price has already started to climb back up.


          • Първоначално изпратено от marto76 Разгледай мнение
            Благодарско за информацията! Полезна е!
            Не е полезна. Пълна е със заблуди.
            Няма нужда да хакваш нищо. Искаш ли да ти пратя портфейл с малко койни да видим как ще го източиш..


            • Първоначално изпратено от michaelis12 Разгледай мнение
              FMA - Austrian Financial Market Authority



              The bitcoin is a virtual currency that is neither regulated nor supervised by the FMA. However, business models based around bitcoins may require compulsory licensing in accordance with statutory provisions, the enforcement of which falls within the remit of the FMA.

              This information is provided in the interests of protecting investors and consumers.

              The bitcoin exchange rate fluctuates strongly

              The bitcoin is not issued by a national central bank. The purchasing power and stability of this virtual money are in no way guaranteed and are therefore subject to major fluctuations. Such dramatic exchange-rate movements make the bitcoin a highly speculative currency, even extending to the possibility of a total loss for its users.

              Trading platforms are not regulated and are not subject to any supervision

              No statutory IT standards or security rules apply to the software needed to trade with bitcoins. This creates numerous risks, exposing users to such threats as hacking, software errors, data loss, etc.

              Trading platforms may be shut down at any time. And indeed, several such platforms have already been forced to cease operating. If a trading platform is closed down, as a result of insolvency, for example, or following a ban on buying, selling and trading in bitcoins in a particular country, there is no form of legal protection, no deposit guarantee scheme and no investor protection There is no central operator against whom action can be taken.

              Digital wallets can be hacked and emptied

              Digital wallets are stored on computers, laptops and smartphones. This makes them vulnerable to hackers. No information is stored centrally. If the key for a wallet is lost, it is no longer possible for that wallet to be accessed. There are no contact persons available to handle complaints or enquiries or to provide assistance.

              No special legal protection when using bitcoins as payment

              Unauthorised or incorrect transactions cannot be reversed. Acceptance of bitcoins as a form of payment is not guaranteed and is at the discretion of the contractual partner in each case. Holders of bitcoins have no automatic right to have them accepted as a means of payment or to have them converted into real currencies. The long-term survival of bitcoins as a form of digital currency exchange and payment is not guaranteed.

              The anonymity associated with bitcoins is conducive to criminal abuse

              The difficulties involved in tracing transactions, and the fact that the recipient and sender remain anonymous, mean that transactions with virtual money could be used to finance criminal acts such as money laundering, drug trafficking and child pornography.

              The European Banking Authority (EBA) published a consumer warning on the use of virtual currencies on 13 December 2013.
              Благодарско за информацията! Полезна е!


              • FMA - Austrian Financial Market Authority



                The bitcoin is a virtual currency that is neither regulated nor supervised by the FMA. However, business models based around bitcoins may require compulsory licensing in accordance with statutory provisions, the enforcement of which falls within the remit of the FMA.

                This information is provided in the interests of protecting investors and consumers.

                The bitcoin exchange rate fluctuates strongly

                The bitcoin is not issued by a national central bank. The purchasing power and stability of this virtual money are in no way guaranteed and are therefore subject to major fluctuations. Such dramatic exchange-rate movements make the bitcoin a highly speculative currency, even extending to the possibility of a total loss for its users.

                Trading platforms are not regulated and are not subject to any supervision

                No statutory IT standards or security rules apply to the software needed to trade with bitcoins. This creates numerous risks, exposing users to such threats as hacking, software errors, data loss, etc.

                Trading platforms may be shut down at any time. And indeed, several such platforms have already been forced to cease operating. If a trading platform is closed down, as a result of insolvency, for example, or following a ban on buying, selling and trading in bitcoins in a particular country, there is no form of legal protection, no deposit guarantee scheme and no investor protection There is no central operator against whom action can be taken.

                Digital wallets can be hacked and emptied

                Digital wallets are stored on computers, laptops and smartphones. This makes them vulnerable to hackers. No information is stored centrally. If the key for a wallet is lost, it is no longer possible for that wallet to be accessed. There are no contact persons available to handle complaints or enquiries or to provide assistance.

                No special legal protection when using bitcoins as payment

                Unauthorised or incorrect transactions cannot be reversed. Acceptance of bitcoins as a form of payment is not guaranteed and is at the discretion of the contractual partner in each case. Holders of bitcoins have no automatic right to have them accepted as a means of payment or to have them converted into real currencies. The long-term survival of bitcoins as a form of digital currency exchange and payment is not guaranteed.

                The anonymity associated with bitcoins is conducive to criminal abuse

                The difficulties involved in tracing transactions, and the fact that the recipient and sender remain anonymous, mean that transactions with virtual money could be used to finance criminal acts such as money laundering, drug trafficking and child pornography.

                The European Banking Authority (EBA) published a consumer warning on the use of virtual currencies on 13 December 2013.


                • Дали ще видим 700 евра или 1400 лв курс продава тук за джулай морнинг?
                  Винаги пазарувам евтино


                  • още +20 % от последния ми пост


                    • Коментар

                      • Знаете ли, че наскоро нашенската финансова криптопирамида OneCoin, която иначе се кани да детронира Биткойн, го въведе като платежно средство за пакетите си Странно защо обаче не приема собствената си уникална валута за това ...


                        • Тук има опреснена справка за създателя на биткойн,

                          доктор по теология и компютърна сигурност.

                          За него лошо - и да има 1млн биткойна и да няма - все ще си мислят, че има и ще го тормозят.
                          Като гледам човека се е предал и ще го разкатаят от силовите структури.
                          Явно ще му трябва сериозен юридически екип или някаква много голяма публичност та 4-тата власт да му запази поне малко спокойствие. Да не говорим, че и на разни криминални елементи ще им е интересен.

                          Сега става интересно - ще се получава отговор на въпроса - може ли да съществува световна валута неконтролирана централно. След като централно контролираните са пълна пародия.

                          p.s. Все пак едно наум, че може би не това е 'създателя' на биткойн. Докато не се види блок 0 на биткойн веригата нищо не е ясно. Говори се за блок н.9 , че бил представен от човека.Все пак е доста ранен блок.
                          Last edited by verimg; 02.05.2016, 17:57.


                          • Първоначално изпратено от verimg Разгледай мнение

                            European Commision and its senior financial services official Olivier Salles stated that it is too early to impose various regulations and financial policies on bitcoin, as technologies are easy to fail when regulated.

                            хахаха, Интересно обяснение/извинение за това, че нито могат да го регулират, нито могат да отрегулират икономиката, което официално би трябвало да им е задължение. Прекалено е крехко и да не го счупим.
                            Е нали искат блокчейн да използват - защо не го счупят и да си направят техен си блокчейн, който да си регулират както те си знаят?
                            Много му пука на биткойн дали ще го чупят, дали ще го игнорират, просто е друга планета. И на нас сега да ни кажат отивайте да живеете на Сатурн, колко ще отидат. Да има някои общи неща - кръгли са и обикалят Слънцето.
                            мдам, а спорите, че с тая дигитална измишльотина си независим и въобщееее си хванал на Муро папуро с него .... мимм не съвсем обаче ... Ше има блокаж и задна



                              European Commision and its senior financial services official Olivier Salles stated that it is too early to impose various regulations and financial policies on bitcoin, as technologies are easy to fail when regulated.

                              хахаха, Интересно обяснение/извинение за това, че нито могат да го регулират, нито могат да отрегулират икономиката, което официално би трябвало да им е задължение. Прекалено е крехко и да не го счупим.
                              Е нали искат блокчейн да използват - защо не го счупят и да си направят техен си блокчейн, който да си регулират както те си знаят?
                              Много му пука на биткойн дали ще го чупят, дали ще го игнорират, просто е друга планета. И на нас сега да ни кажат отивайте да живеете на Сатурн, колко ще отидат. Да има някои общи неща - кръгли са и обикалят Слънцето.


                              • Можете да прегледате нещата с български субтитри... изберете ги в настройите:

                                Dash: Evan Duffield at LaBitConf (Mexico City) Dec 2015

                                DisrupTek by Juan S. Galt / E. Duffield interview


                                Last edited by innergy; 28.01.2016, 21:26.

