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Ще има ли война Украйна - Русия / Конфликтът Хамас-Израел
Ето едно по-академично обяснение на кагебейския характер на путинова Русия.
The moment seemed so significant because all authoritarian leaders rule by coalition, even if, like Mr. Putin, they often appear to be wielding power on their own.
The specifics of the power-sharing coalitions vary by country, with some leaders backed by the military, and others by wealthy business leaders or other elites. But Mr. Putin’s coalition is primarily made up of the “siloviki,” a group of officials who came to politics after serving in the KGB or other security services, and who now occupy key roles in Russia’s intelligence services, military and other ministries.
“That’s the system that brought him to power, and that’s the system that he has relied on in order to consolidate his power,” said Maria Popova, a political scientist at McGill University in Canada who studies Russian and Ukrainian politics.
Положението на Путин се усложнява вътре в самата Русия. И проблемът не е само с колебанието в неговия кръг от "силовики".
Mr. Putin’s actions this week suggest he is concerned about the consequences of public anger. On Thursday and Friday, the police arrested hundreds of people who turned out to protest the war in cities across Russia. On Saturday, the government limited access to Facebook and other media sites for the apparent offense of posting stories “in which the operation that is being carried out is called an attack, an invasion or a declaration of war.”
Which brings us to the stakes for Mr. Putin in maintaining his relationship with his inner circle: “Because of the resources and access that they have, elites pose the biggest threat to authoritarian leaders,” said Dr. de Bruin. “Retaining the support of elites is thus crucial to remaining in power.” And wars often pose a particular threat to leaders’ relationships with elites. “The relationship between authoritarian rulers and their core of elite supporters can be strained when dictators wage war abroad — particularly where elites view the conflict as misguided,” Dr. de Bruin said.
Първоначално изпратено от fon Разгледай мнение
Как бе, виж колко надълбоко влезе в Украйна. Регионална сила си е. Но засега. Скоро няма да е. Няма да е и бензиноколонка с ракети. Ще остане само една кочина от нея. Ще трябва да си купиш телевизор тъй като тази ти забава с милиони украински жертви ще отпадне.
- 3 Харесвания
Първоначално изпратено от blackaquarius Разгледай мнение
Ти чел ли си история?
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Първоначално изпратено от fon Разгледай мнение
Как бе, виж колко надълбоко влезе в Украйна. Регионална сила си е. Но засега. Скоро няма да е. Няма да е и бензиноколонка с ракети. Ще остане само една кочина от нея. Ще трябва да си купиш телевизор тъй като тази ти забава с милиони украински жертви ще отпадне.
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Първоначално изпратено от Money Разгледай мнениеКрайно-десните фенчета на Путин в Европа се обръщат срещу него.
Marine Le Pen, the leader of the far-right National Rally party — which received a loan from a Russian bank — declared Russia’s annexation of Crimea was not illegal and visited Mr. Putin in Moscow before the last presidential elections in 2017. While she opposes NATO, Ms. Le Pen denounced Mr. Putin’s military aggression on Friday, saying, “I think that what he has done is completely reprehensible. It changes, in part, the opinion I had of him.”
Her far-right rival in the presidential campaign, Éric Zemmour, has in the past called the prospect of a French equivalent of Mr. Putin a “dream” and admired the Russian’s efforts to restore “an empire in decline.” Like many other Putin enthusiasts he doubted an invasion was in the cards and blamed the United States for spreading what he called “propaganda.”
But on Thursday he, too, denounced the invasion, saying “Russia was neither attacked nor directly threatened by Ukraine” in a speech given at a lectern that, to make things extra clear, displayed a sign reading, “I fully condemn the Russian military intervention in Ukraine.”
Уважавайте родния си език!!!!!!Last edited by blackaquarius; 27.02.2022, 02:13.Sapienti sat - На разбиращия (и малко) му е достатъчно.
- 5 Харесвания
Крайно-десните фенчета на Путин в Европа се обръщат срещу него.
Marine Le Pen, the leader of the far-right National Rally party — which received a loan from a Russian bank — declared Russia’s annexation of Crimea was not illegal and visited Mr. Putin in Moscow before the last presidential elections in 2017. While she opposes NATO, Ms. Le Pen denounced Mr. Putin’s military aggression on Friday, saying, “I think that what he has done is completely reprehensible. It changes, in part, the opinion I had of him.”
Her far-right rival in the presidential campaign, Éric Zemmour, has in the past called the prospect of a French equivalent of Mr. Putin a “dream” and admired the Russian’s efforts to restore “an empire in decline.” Like many other Putin enthusiasts he doubted an invasion was in the cards and blamed the United States for spreading what he called “propaganda.”
But on Thursday he, too, denounced the invasion, saying “Russia was neither attacked nor directly threatened by Ukraine” in a speech given at a lectern that, to make things extra clear, displayed a sign reading, “I fully condemn the Russian military intervention in Ukraine.”
Silvio Berlusconi, the former prime minister of Italy who wore furry hats with the Russian in his dacha in Sochi and received a “big bed” from Mr. Putin as a gift, has condemned the violence but had not said anything publicly about his old pal. It’s not clear whether he had reached out to Mr. Putin, but he apparently told his party’s members in a phone call that he was putting his international relations at the service of peace and the defense of Europe.
“I spoke to Berlusconi last night — he is very worried and is almost terrified by what is happening,” Giorgio Mulè, an under secretary of defense in Mr. Berlusconi’s party, said on Italian radio Friday. He added, “He just doesn’t see in Vladimir Putin the person he’d known.”
Last edited by Money; 27.02.2022, 02:14.
Първоначално изпратено от v_tin Разгледай мнение
Сега е бензиноколонка с ракети, без да е регионална силаLast edited by fon; 27.02.2022, 02:05.
- 2 Харесвания
Първоначално изпратено от Money Разгледай мнениеПроблемът е малка клика от крадливи кагебейци, начело с Путин. И даже там нещата се пропукват. Ако войната забуксува още седмица предполагам, че ще започнат да мислят за преврат.
Всеки руснак си носи част от вината.
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Проблемът е малка клика от крадливи кагебейци, начело с Путин. И даже там нещата се пропукват. Ако войната забуксува още седмица предполагам, че ще започнат да мислят за преврат.
Първоначално изпратено от analog Разгледай мнениеЗаради варварската същност на руснаците? Защото ги разделя поне едно столетие от европейската цивилизация?
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Първоначално изпратено от Yori Разгледай мнениеКадиров даде заден и заеба путкин
Първоначално изпратено от analog Разгледай мнение
Заради варварската същност на руснаците? Защото ги разделя поне едно столетие от европейската цивилизация?
Sapienti sat - На разбиращия (и малко) му е достатъчно.
- 2 Харесвания
Първоначално изпратено от tony1975 Разгледай мнениеУрсула фон дер Лайен, прдседател на Европейската комисия, направи специално изявление за нови санкции в първите минути на 27 февруари. В него тя обяви:- ще изолираме руските банки от достъп до SWIFT
- така ще ударим способността на Русия да изнася и внася
- ще парализираме активите на централната банка на Русия и ще направим невъзможно да ги използва, за да финансира Путин войната си
- ще забраним руски олигарси да използват капиталите си на нашите пазари
- 2 Харесвания