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За мен толкова неистини има тук че не знам от къде да започна.
Може би от това...подчертаното.
Фактите сочат май че ДТ е по състрадателен към бедните от Обама, американската прогресивна таксова скала става още по стръмна (по стръмна от по голяма част от социална европа), а когато фактите говорят...нали.
Естествено че някой който за 1млн годишно е плащал преди 396к$ годишно, а сега 370к$ печели 26к$ което е много повече от някой по ниските етажи де спестява 2-3К$ или 200-300$ или нищо понеже не плаща данъци.
Trump tax cuts are going to result in the wealthy paying an even higher portion of income taxes.
Yeah, you heard me.
The Trump tax cuts are going to make our income tax structure even more progressive. Which is exactly the opposite of what the mainstream media wants you to believe.
First of all, high income Americans in high-tax states are going to pay a lot more.
A Wall Street Journal study, authored by Laura Saunders, reported that the wealthy will pay an even higher marginal tax rate than before. The top 1% go from paying 38% of total income taxes to a little over 43%. According to the WSJ:
Yeah, you heard me.
The Trump tax cuts are going to make our income tax structure even more progressive. Which is exactly the opposite of what the mainstream media wants you to believe.
First of all, high income Americans in high-tax states are going to pay a lot more.
A Wall Street Journal study, authored by Laura Saunders, reported that the wealthy will pay an even higher marginal tax rate than before. The top 1% go from paying 38% of total income taxes to a little over 43%. According to the WSJ:
The results show how steeply progressive the U.S. income tax remains. For 2018, households in the top 20% will have income of about $150,000 or more and 52% of total income, about the same as in 2017. But they will pay about 87% of income taxes, up from about 84% last year.
By contrast, the lower 60% of households, who have income up to about $86,000, receive about 27% of income. As a group, this tier will pay no net federal income tax in 2018 vs. 2% of it last year.
Roughly one million households in the top 1% will pay for 43% of income tax, up from 38% in 2017. These filers earn above about $730,000.
According to Roberton Williams, an income-tax specialist with the Tax Policy Center, the share of taxes paid by the top 5% will rise despite the fact that people in it were the largest beneficiaries of the overhaul’s tax cut, both in dollars and percentages.