$/jpy - къса 114.26. Стоп 114.66. Ако стане.
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Валутна търговия - FOREX - АРХИВ
Първоначално изпратено от БОГАТ-БЕДЕНЛонг за момента и на мен ми се стружа добър вариан , но с таргет не побече от около 1.23
buy put option for 1.1784. they expire NOV 1st
Браво така обичам когато мислим различно. хаха
В петък дадох таргет от 1.22 1.2030 със графика във един друг форум.
Този таргет трябва да оформи елипсата на Ганн и втора от 3 та по елиът
Стига 1.2000 да не падне значи влизаме в 3 от 3 нагоре и таргета е 1.25 ще говорим пак накрая на седмицата аз съм яко лонг
Първоначално изпратено от pepino1708deltastok namaliha spreda na usd/jpy na 3 pipsa obmisliat i drygi promeni v taia nasoka mai novata platforma na ben4mark 6te nakara mnoogo investicionni posrednici da preosmisliat politikata si vodena do segaще видим какво друго ще ни поднесат делтата... Бенч Марк дано найстина раздвижат нещата
ама май определено ще успеят с тая нова платформа и условията им...
From Tokyo, to London, to the New York Stock Exchange - We Trade The World!!!
България Над Всичко
Това получих:
Technical Analysis of foreign exchange markets
As provided by Capital Management
Daily Cross Outlooks
RESIS. / SUPPORT Mon/Tue, Oct 11th ERY-137.90 Monday
138.85/ST/136.80 Euro Yen remains within an emerging uptrend
140.00/MT/135.80 with potential to break 141.65 high. Until
141.70/LT/134.50 it clears 138.85 to confirm this move allow
---------------- for dips to 137.30 expecting minor 136.80
now to hold. Loss wd prolong consol with a return to 134.50 agn.
RESIS. / SUPPORT Mon/Tue, Oct 11th EST-68.90 Monday
0.6920/ST/0.6855 Euro-Stg remains on course to push the s/t
0.6970/MT/0.6810 69.00-20 target area. Altho minor 68.20-40
0.7000/LT/0.6715 shd serve as a base in the interim, look to
---------------- cover/sell this rally for an eventual loss
of 68.40 and 67.15 low. Only rally thru 70 removes this threat.
RESIS. / SUPPORT Mon/Tue, Oct 11th ESF-1.5495 Monday
1.5510/ST/1.5450 The decline has slowed enough to suggest
1.5540/MT/1.5390 the first leg of a new downtrend is over at
1.5590/LT/1.5290 1.5450. Thus while this level holds look for
---------------- 1.5450-1.5510 consol to produce a brief but
larger correction to 1.5540. Stops shd be 1.5590 for 1.5390 min.
RESIS. / SUPPORT Mon/Tue, Oct 11th STY-200.80 Monday
202.10/ST/199.80 Consol continues in the 198.80-203.70 range
203.70/MT/198.80 as a potential base for a challenge on the
205.40/LT/196.80 205.40-208 m/t highs. Despite the deep pull
---------------- back there is still window to attack 202 and
203.70. Only a loss of 198.80 aborts for more consol and 196.80.
RESIS. / SUPPORT Mon/Tue, Oct 11th CAD-1.1750 Monday
1.1815/ST/1.1725 The rally duly faded to confirm further 1.16
1.1910/MT/1.1680 -1.19 consl before the m/t downtrend resumes
1.2040/LT/1.1580 to 1.14. Since this initial drop is likely
---------------- to be limited to 1.1680, sell a brief rally
above 1.1800 with stops still 1.1910. Only this risks 1.2040.
RESIS. / SUPPORT Mon/Tue, Oct 11th AUD-76.00 Monday
76.40 /ST/ 75.60 Aussie has set a base from which to break
76.80 /MT/ 75.30 76.45 and accelerate the rally into the
77.65 /LT/ 74.55 77.50 interim res. Since this has potential
---------------- for the 80 m/t high, stay long and/or buy a
break of 76.45 with stops 75.30. Loss wd threaten 74.55 support.
Capital Management is solely responsible for the information
contained in this document. The opinions given are not intended
and should not be relied upon as fact or as giving
any assurnace of what will or is likely to happen.
Поздрави и успех
ПС:Благодаря на всички за помоща !!Това не е предпоставка за търговия!!
Технически анализ на основните валутни двойки за 10 октомври